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Join me for a Nouwen Workshop on Soul Companioning

Based on Wil's 2nd Book from the Nouwen Trilogy
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As an affiliate of CenterQuest (SSD Alumni, Mentor, Supervisor, Online Instructor, SC Participant, LLC Participant, Questers Community member), I'd like to personally invite you to join me this coming SEPTEMBER together with hundreds of other attendees at The Apprentice Gathering hosted by one of our CQ Affiliate Partners under the leadership of James Bryan Smith (author of the popular The Good and the Beautiful spiritual formation series) to be held at Friends University in  Wichita, Kansas this September 28-30, 2017. 
I hope to see many of you there! It will be fun to have you around at this wonderful gathering! 


Together in the Center,

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CenterQuest (CQ), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, exists as an inclusive hub for genuine seekers engaged in the ecumenical exploration, study and practice of Christian spirituality and formation.