We want you to be successful with the Peaceful Playgrounds Program.  If you have a Site License, your PP Training is FREE at any time. Call us to schedule.

Playground Injuries

Decreasing your Liability

Playground Supervision BK
Training your teachers and playground supervisors can decrease your student injuries by approximately 40%. Quality training can save your school and district a huge legal bill.  
As many of you probably know, I serve as an expert witness when children are injured at school. I turn down more than 50% of cases because there is no defense for some situations. I've been an expert witness for some cases in which a child was injured severely and will cope with the injury for the rest of their life.  Inevitably, the teacher or person supervising has little training in their responsibilities in supervision children (especially in the outdoor environment).  
This is troubling on many fronts.   Most injuries are avoidable. A key legal point to consider is the questions was the injury "avoidable"?  Another key question the court will determine is if school staff had "prior knowledge" of a dangerous situation and did nothing to correct it.  In both cases, the court would likely hold both the school principal and district superintendent liable for the injury.
We have 2 offerings to assist you in playground supervisor training.  First is a book, Playground Supervision a Guide for Playground Supervisors and second our online P layground Supervision Course.
Chapter 1 Featured Supervision Articles on: Playground Supervision Reduces Injuries, People Make a Difference on the Playground, Playground Supervision Accident or Injury, The Effects of Peaceful Playgrounds on Injuries  and Playgrounds Can Be Safe: Injury Reduction.
Chapter 2 includes : Tip Sheets for playground supervisors.  Principals can hand them out to playground supervisors at the beginning of the school year.  Topics include:  Playground Supervisors Tip Sheet,  Ten Tips for Improving Playground Supervision, Tips and Techniques for Supervising the Playground, How to Respond to Discipline Issues on the Playground, and a sheet on Playground Supervisor's Instructions.
Chapter 3 consists of forms that may be helpful in supervising the playground including   Equipment Checkout Form, Playground Behavior Reports, and a  Public Playground Safety Checklist and an article on Handling Emergencies on the Playground.
Chapter 4: Guides consists of various guides for the playground including A Playground Supervisor's Guide and information on download two free guides 1) Dirty Dozen Playground Injuries and the Playground Safety Handbook from the CPSC.
Supervisor's Guide Price $19.99    Sale Price  $17.50    Digital Download

Do you know that a quote holds a sales price for an additional 90 days?  Lock in a sales price and relax.  You have plenty of time to process a purchase order.
Bonus Offer  Expires Soon

Peaceful Playgrounds Program Kit is the basis of the program.  No school should be without it.  As a special Back-to-School bonus,  order the recess program and get a free U.S. Map Stencil.  Program Kit includes: paint and paint machine, 200 pieces of recess equipment, stencils, blueprints, Game Rules & Activity Guides, staff training, posters, Games Instructional DVDs and much more. 
Use coupon code: FREEUSMAP  Expires  8-31-2017

Keeping kids cool at school

As most of the nation head back to school facing triple digit heat, schools face the challenges associated with outdoor recess and overheated classrooms. Principals and physical educators will face daily decisions regarding children's heat health on the playground.

In this article, we will review some information regarding different playground challenges and solutions to those problems.  Download complete article above.

 * Check our other digital products in the Virtual Store.

The U.S. playground map stencil is one of our most popular stencils.  The full-size roll-out stencil comes complete with painting instructions, paint suggestions, playground preparation for placing the stencil and a suggested games guide for the U.S. Map.  The map is a good introduction to adding games to your playground.

Bonus FREE Stencil Games Book

Peaceful Playgrounds new Walking and Jogging Track is great for getting kids moving and perfect for those days when it is too wet to run out on the field.  The track was designed for elementary schools who rarely have the benefit of a designated running space.  

 Price  $1249  
Peaceful Playgrounds, Inc.  
17579 Collier Ave. Unit 5   
Lake Elsinore, CA  92530  