June 26, 2017
Yesterday at Central, member Martha Haythorn spoke to the congregation about her experience as a Medicaid beneficiary.  Martha, at 17-years old, is active in our youth group, currently serves as a Deacon, and recently returned from the youth trip to Guatemala.  She has Down syndrome.  She spoke to draw attention to the advocacy table we had set up in Tull Hall, giving all an opportunity (and the stationary/stamps) to let our U.S. Senators know of our concern about the proposed healthcare legislation.  We want to share Martha's remarks here, along with our thanks for her leadership in this effort.  If you would like to follow up with a message to our U. S. Senators, we have included their contact information below. 

Betty Rainwater, on behalf of Local Mission Committee/Advocacy

Martha's Remarks

  For 8 years I have had a Katie Beckett Medicaid waiver.  This type of Medicaid allows me to get therapies and other services that health insurance does not pay for.   I still see an occupational, speech and physical therapist each week. 
You may know that I got an academic award in school this year.  It was for my hard work and participation in my World Literature class.  The school system has provided the support that I need to participate and learn and thrive.  When I finish school, 
Martha and a young friend in Guatemala
Medicaid will provide the support I need to keep doing these things in my community.  Medicaid is not just for health care.  I want to have a job someday.  Medicaid pays for supported employment for people with disabilities.  It also will pay for the services that I will need to live in the community.  I do not want to live at home forever.  Someday I want to get married and have a home of my own.  Georgia is 48th in the United States in Medicaid funding, so people have to wait to get these services.   I have been on a waiting list for this form of Medicaid for three years.  I hope to get these services by the time I am 30. 
If the current healthcare bill passes, I will never get these services. If the cuts go through there will never be the resources for me to achieve my dreams. Georgia already struggles to meet the needs of its citizens with disabilities.
While I was in Guatemala with the youth group I met a girl with Down syndrome.  There are no services for her.  In the United States we have agreed to help people with disabilities achieve their full potential.  This is what Medicaid does. 
Please take time to learn about Medicaid and reach out to our senators. 
Central means the whole world to me.  Please stand up not just for me, but for all people with disabilities.
Thank you.
Martha Haythorn
Johnny Isakson                                                                     
131 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C., 20510
Phone: 202-224-3643
Fax: 202-228-0724
Click the icon to email Senator Isakson


David Perdue
383 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: 202-224-3521
Fax: 202-228-1031
Click the Icon to email Senator Perdue