July 2017
Have you tasted those sweet, summer strawberries?
Here's why you should seek out seasonal produce

As the popularity of local farmer's markets  and organic food delivery services continue to rise,  you may find yourself asking is there any difference between seasonal produce and the produce I get at the grocery store year-round?
According to IndyLocalFood.org , food you find in the supermarket typically is transported an average of 1,500 miles. Meaning by the time produce has made its way to your nearest grocery store, it has lost a lot of its freshness and nutrition.
When you eat local and seasonal produce, you'll enjoy:
  • Juicier, sweeter flavors
  • Fewer waxes, chemicals and preservatives
  • A higher nutritional content
  • Supporting a smaller environmental footprint (Less food travel means less fuel usage. What's more, eating locally means supporting local farmers who practice safe growing techniques and value clean water and fertile soil.)
While weather affects crop availability and harvest times each year, here are a few fruits and vegetables at their peak freshness in Indiana's mid-season:
  • Strawberries
  • Melon, watermelon
  • Apples
  • Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Corn on the cob
  • Sweet peppers
  • Green beans

Check out this helpful Indiana harvest calendar on the State of Indiana's website to see a full list of fruits and vegetables, as well as their harvest times.
Want to cook with seasonal produce? Try out these yummy recipes from CookingLight.com!
If you're interested in finding more seasonal produce near you, download the latest Indy Local Food Guide  which provides a county-by-county list of local farms, farmer's markets and restaurants that use local ingredients.
Need some more advice on your specific diet? Dietitians at the Franciscan Health Weight Loss Center can help.
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