Our monthly summary of how you can make the most of your Whole Grains Council membership.

WGC June 2017 Member Newsletter
Dear Oldways Whole Grains Council members,

In our recent member survey, you told us that you'd like more talking points that combat the gluten-free, grain-free fads, and a new handout is already in the works. In addition to our Myths Busted page you might be interested in two recent scientific studies that document some of the risks of excluding gluten (unless you have celiac disease) and whole grains from your plate:
  • The BMJ published a 25-year study of 100,000 US adults without celiac disease that found that eating gluten was not related to heart disease, but that avoiding whole grains is. Researchers cautioned that avoiding gluten may result in eating fewer whole grain foods, which may in turn pose a risk for heart disease. 
  • The American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention / Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health 2017 Scientific Sessions released a 30-year study indicating that low gluten diets may be linked with increased risk for type 2 diabetes. In fact, those in the top 20% of gluten intake were 13% less likely to get type 2 diabetes. 
Sign Up to Donate Product for Our September Whole Grains Month Event!

Whole Grains Month is just around the corner (in September) and our theme this year is Good Grains for a Good Cause. We'll be spotlighting the charitable efforts of our WGC member companies as we work to promote whole grain consumption nationwide. All month, consumers will be nominating their favorite food-related charities for a chance to win cases of whole grain product donated by our WGC members. 

If you're interested in getting your company involved (and getting extra publicity and social media attention in September as we advertise the month-long event) email Caroline Sluyter to sign up ( [email protected]). All donations must be products registered and approved to use the Whole Grain Stamp, minimum donation one case (no maximum!). There is no need to ship it anywhere right now -- we'll provide the address of the winning charity at the end of Whole Grains Month and you can send it directly to the winner then!

A huge thank you to Bob's Red Mill, Popsalot, Freekehlicious, Back to Nature, Dr. Kracker, Catallia Mexican Foods, and Mary's Gone Crackers who have already signed up to contribute a total of 22 cases of whole grain foods for the cause!
Momentum for Whole Grains Picks Up Overseas
With international Whole Grain Stamp use on the rise and nearly a quarter of all Stamped products appearing outside the US, it's no surprise that whole grains are gaining serious momentum around the globe. White rice has long dominated the local cuisine in Brazil and China, but that's all changing now as governments in both countries are laying the foundation to make whole grains the new norm, with a little help from the Oldways Whole Grains Council. 

In late April, we met with regulators and manufacturers in Brazil to support new labeling rules for whole grains, and in mid-May we traveled to China to explain the health benefits of whole grains to 300 government, industry and health experts. 

Caroline's Tip: We're  Simplifying the Product Registration Form Submission Process

We're making it even easier to submit new Product Registration Forms through our website by removing the Preview screen in the submission process. When we launched our new website last fall, we thought that including a Preview step in the filing process would be helpful, but the feedback we've had is that it's too easy to forget to press Submit after reviewing the form -- and without that crucial last step, the information on the form never makes it into the database. 

Our new, sleek submission process went live this week and now omits the Preview step altogether. Submitting a new product is as easy as filling out the form and pressing Submit at the bottom of the page. As always, if you have any questions about the form or need help with your grain calculations, just email Caroline ( [email protected]).
Calling All Bread & Grain Enthusiasts!

The Maine Grain Alliance's Kneading Conference in Skowhegan, ME on July 27 & 28 is the perfect chance to meet and learn from farmers, millers, bakers and grain lovers from around the world. Enjoy intensive baking workshops, hear from renowned bakers and authors, and engage in discussions about heritage grain growing and grain-based businesses. Open to avid home bakers and grain professionals alike. 

Get Acquainted with the Resources We Have Available on Our Website!

Now that our Spring 2017 Member Survey results are in, we're making sure we have the resources you told us you'd like to see. Our website has a wealth of information that you can share with your customers and use in your social media. Stay tuned as we add to our collection over the coming months!

Whole Grain Handouts:
Caroline Sluyter
Stamp Program Manager

Kelly Toups, MLA, RD, LDN
Program Director
[email protected] 

Cynthia Harriman
Director of Food and Nutrition Strategies

... and from all of the Oldways and Whole Grains Council staff
Oldways is a nonprofit food and nutrition education organization inspiring good health through cultural food traditions and lifestyles. The Oldways Whole Grains Council is only one of our many successful programs. Check out our website to learn more