The Marin Interfaith Council Newsletter
April 14, 2017 

Welcome to the semi-monthly bulletin of news and events from the Marin Interfaith Council. 

For more information visit our website at Thank you for your interest in MIC.



MIC News

Statement of Solidarity

The Marin Interfaith Council joins other local interfaith organizations in a statement of solidarity in the wake of recent attacks in the Coptic Christian Churches in Egypt. 
Click HERE to read the statement.

Gather Together, Sing Together

Rabbi Henry Shreibman encourages attendees to "pray with their feet".

Tuesday, March 28th, MIC hosted another "Gather Together, Sing Together," featuring speakers Rev. Ruth T. West Program Manager of Advanced Pastoral Studies,  San Francisco Theological Seminary , and Rabbi Henry Shreibman, Professor at  Dominican University of California  School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences.

Musical selections of resilience and strength from Martha Wall, John Steiner, Amanda Hahn, Levi Ben-Shmuel, and a chorus, echoed the speakers' themes.

Rev. Ruth T. West highlighted accepting differences and empowering others by allowing them to define who they are.

Rabbi Henry Shreibman encouraged people from all walks of life to step up and put action behind their values.

"Sitting in our comfort is nice, but praying with our feet makes a mark."

To read the full story click HERE.

Interfaith Work in Action

Pictured: The Rev. Alberta Buller, St. Francis of Assisi, Novato and MIC Board Member.  The Rev. Phillip Ellsworth, St. Stephen's, Belvedere,  Imam- Abu Qadir Al-Amin, of the  San Francisco Muslim Community Center, Rabbi Henry Schreibman, Dominican University, Lama Palzang,  Buddhist monk , Luta Candelaria, Native American, Rumsen Ohlone/Mescalero Apache and The Rev. Richard Schaper, St. Stephen's, Belvedere
Rev. Alberta Buller, MIC Board Member,  participated in a spiritual team that blessed the newly constructed tall ship, "The Matthew Turner" (pictured in background)  on Saturday, April 1st in Sausalito. An interfaith blessing from each faith tradition was given prior to the ship's maiden launch. 

The Matthew Turner is a traditional wooden tall ship (brigantine) named for the prominent 19th Century shipbuilder of the same name, who built a total of 154 tall ships in Benecia, CA. 

The  Matthew Turner will serve as a nonprofit, educational vessel that teaches kids about the environment and the history and practice of tall-ship sailing.

To learn more about The Matthew Turner, 
visit HERE.

MIC on Social Media!


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We post to all three platforms to engage our social media community.

MIC Events

Gather Together, Sing Together

Tuesday,  April 25th,
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael
1510 Fifth Avenue
San RafaelCA 94901

This new political era is giving rise to energetic grassroots responses. But how will we remain energized and motivated?

Join us for "Gather Together - Sing Together". Guest musicians will lead singing. Interfaith speakers will offer hope and timeless insight. 

This month's topic is "Love Lives in Marin," which is a new initiative to address hate speech/ actions.

Speakers include: 

Rev. Kate Clayton, San Geronimo Community Presbyterian Church

Rabbi Susan Leider, Congregation Kol Shofar


Cost: Donation to MIC at the door.

No RSVP necessary. Come one, come all!

Register Now!
18th Annual Interfaith Prayer Breakfast

Wednesday,  May 3rd,
8:00 - 10:00 am

Congregation Kol Shofar
215 Blackfield Drive
Tiburon, CA 94920

Please join us for a celebration during the week of the National Day of Prayer. This year we pose the question, how are you praying in this new political reality?

Guest Speakers: 
Imam Fasih ~ Islamic Center of North Marin
Rabbi Stacy Friedman ~  Congregation 
Rodef Sholom
Rev. Floyd Thompkins ~ San Francisco Theological Seminary

Sliding fee scale
Individual tickets: $50 - $35
Table of eight: $350 

Catered by Mangia Nosh

Marin Interfaith Council
Monthly Interfaith Meditation 

Sister Elizabeth Padilla

Wednesday, May 10, 2017 
5:30-6:30 pm

First Presbyterian Church Chapel
1510 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael

Donation to MIC at the door.

Every Second Wednesday of the month, a leader from a different spiritual community will offer a meditation or spiritual practice and explain how it flows from the basic tenets of his/her faith tradition. Each gathering will include time for questions and insights that emerge from our shared time of intentional spiritual practice.

This month will be led by Sister Elizabeth Padilla Sister Elizabeth Padilla is currently the Program Manager for the Anubhuti Meditation & Retreat Center administered by the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization (BKWSO). She is a spiritual student and educator since 1985. In her role as a core team leader of the Brahma Kumaris Environmental Initiative she has been facilitating and promoting the Pachamama Alliance's Awakening the Dreamer Workshop in India and Internationally with the BKWSO.  Elizabeth has graced dozens of Bay Area interfaith programs as a performer, teacher, and activist, has held staff positions at the San Francisco Interfaith Council and served on the Board of the Marin Interfaith Council. 
Co-Sponsored Events

  Marin Organizing Committee
Say Yes! In My Backyard
Addressing Marin's Housing Crisis One Step at a Time

Sunday, April 30, 2017
2:30 pm Registration and Coffee
3:00 - 6:00 pm Program
Congregation Kol Shofar
215 Blackfield Drive, Tiburon

Join MOC for a workshop on realistic strategies for ordinary homeowners, renters, and landlords to work together on solutions.

 Register by emailing

Community Events
Community Events are always displayed on our MIC website here .   Feel free to submit your own event at any time using the online form here . The deadline for submissions is the 10th and 25th of every month.  

April  -
May -
If you have an event that has a deadline, please let me know when submitting event. Thanks!

For more community events click here
Community Announcements

Mental Health First Aid
Someone you know could be experiencing a mental illness or crisis. You can help them.  Mental Health First Aid teaches a 5-step action plan to offer initial help to people with signs and symptoms of a mental illness or in a crisis, and connect them with the appropriate professional, peer, social, or self-help care.Just as CPR training helps a person with no clinical training assist an individual following a heart attack, Mental Health First Aid training helps a person assist someone experiencing a mental health crisis such as contemplating suicide. Mental Health First Aiders  learn a single 5-step strategy that includes assessing risk, respectfully listening to and supporting the individual in crisis, and identifying appropriate professional help and other supports.

For more information:

Marin Interfaith Council's work is dependent upon contributions from people like you.  Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today. 

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Marin Interfaith Council | 415-456-6957 | |
1510 Fifth Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901