Want to keep expected net revenue accurate? Download newly compiled CBA & Allowable rates for import to HDMS.

New Competitive Bid & Allowable Fees
CMS has released a regularly scheduled update to Competitive Bid Area (CBA) and Medicare Allowable fees. In order to reflect accurate patient copay's and net revenue projections in HDMS, please update your system now!
Follow these steps

-Download new CBA & Allowable files from Universal's Downloads page

-In HDMS, import new CBA Files using System Utilities

-In Competitive Bid Area Table, make Contracted Provider selections for all active contracts

-In HDMS, import new Allowables while in the Allowable table

Are you a Cloud Client?

Universal Support has made sure the files have been 
placed on the server  for you to access. Please access 
to the document below to step through how to update 
your  tables  in HDMS!