19 Mar-2 Apr 2018
Battling the elements in Papua New Guinea. Translators' building literally torn in two! Read more...
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27 Howard Street




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'Let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.'
Matt 5:16 (NIV)
Bible translators may work quietly, often alone, sometimes isolated. But in their own faithful way, they are shining a light for the world to see. When their 'good deeds' are complete, a whole language group can finally read the Bible. Now, most of us aren't called to translate the Bible, but we are called to 'let our light shine'. 

We carry the beautiful light of Jesus everywhere we go, into every conversation, in to every office, living room, coffee shop and street... everywhere. All too often our light is hidden, shuttered, turned down. Maybe we are worried of being laughed at, looking foolish or standing out. We haven't time, don't think we're qualified, can't be bothered or think it's not our job to shine for Jesus. He seems to think otherwise.  

This teaching of Jesus reminds us that everything we do should point others to God, so that others may '...glorify your Father in heaven.' Maybe it's time to examine our motives and shine a little brighter? 
Global Scripture Access Report
Scripture Access Today. While only a small percentage of the world's people have no Bible in their language, the number of languages with no Bible is huge!

Join us in thanking God for continued answers to prayer that are impacting the world. Thank you for faithfully praying for the spread of God's Word. The following information is taken from the United Bible Societies' 2017 Global Scripture Access Report. You can read the whole report here.

In 2017, Bible Societies assisted in the completion of Scripture translations in 49 languages spoken by more than 580 million people. 7 communities received their first full Bible and 4 their first New Testament.

Languages change and develop over time so Bible Societies are also committed to revising existing translations when needed, giving new generations the chance to meaningfully engage with Scripture. In 2017, this resulted in 26 new translations and revisions, plus 9 study editions, with the potential to reach more than 566 million people.

Millions of people do not read printed text, for example, there are 70 million deaf people who use sign languages as their first or heart language. There are are millions more people who read Braille due to visual impairment. There is still a long way to go in making the Bible accessible to these audiences worldwide, but Bible Societies all over the world are working hard to make this a reality.

Please pray for the continuing work to make God's Word known - there are also audio, visual and digital platforms for sharing God's Word. Access has never been so good. Yet there are still 209 million people who cannot access the Bible in their own language, in any format as it simply does not exist yet.

There is more work to be done, more prayers to be prayed, but also there is clear evidence of God's kingdom expanding. Let's remain encouraged and faithful in our prayers.   Read the whole report here.

Yuna Translators Shaken, Papua New Guinea
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Damaged Yuna building that is not safe to use.
One of the Bible Society translation teams is based in the region of Papua New Guinea that has been affected by the 7.5 strength earthquake, which hit the Highlands on the 26 February. There has been extensive damage to housing and infrastructure such as roads, water supplies, communications and airstrips. It is still difficult to know the full extent of the damage, as there are so many remote communities in mountainous regions. The UN have said that over half a million people are in need of assistance. This figure may yet rise as more information becomes available.

Praise God that the Bible Society translation team are all reportedly safe, however at Kelabo, one of the translation centres, many of the buildings have been knocked off their foundations and water tanks destroyed. People are sleeping outside for fear of ongoing after-shocks and there is concern for food and water supplies. The last report we received said that aid had not yet is reached this region.

Please pray for the Yuna people and other communities struggling to recover the basics of life. Pray for aid to get through to these remote regions. Pray for the translation team at the centre of much distress and confusion, that they will be steadfast in their faith and bring hope to those around them as they continue to trust God.
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The first complete Kalabari Bible
Two 'Firsts' for Nigeria

The Bible Society of Nigeria will dedicate Kalabari and Okrika Bibles on 22nd and 24th March 2018 respectively. This will bring the number of Bibles in Nigerian languages to an impressive 26. 

Please pray that the speakers of these languages will receive the Bibles with joy and more importantly that the Bibles will transform their lives. Pray that all the activities associated with the dedications will be successful and God-glorifying. 

There has been much love and faithfulness poured in to these Bible translations.  The Kalabari translation project started in 1970 but was soon suspended during the Nigerian civil war. It suffered another setback in 1977 after which the Bible Society was able to step in. 2003 saw the New Testament and Psalms dedicated while the complete Bible has taken another 15 years.

The Okrika speakers have waited for over 40 years since the beginning of their translation. Beginning in 1971, it was 2005 before the New Testament was dedicated and it is wonderful that the complete Bible is now ready. There have been 35 translators involved in translating the Okrika Bible at one time or another but only six are alive to see the dedication of the Bible.

Join us in thanking God for dedicated people who have left an incredible legacy for generations to come. Pray for the two dedication services, that God's name will be lifted high and His Word will be welcomed. Pray for redemption, restoration and revival in these communities as God's Word comes alive and people open their hearts to the freedom found through the truth.

Things are a little quieter over the next few weeks in terms of opportunities to speak to churches and groups. Pray for our staff team as we work on resources and look to the future, seeking to follow God's leading in all we do.

Pray for our Governance Committee on Tuesday 20 March as they meet at 12 noon.

Speaking Engagements
Tue 20 Mar, 8pm - Leah is at Trinity Presbyterian Midweek, Ballymoney
Wed 21 Mar, 8pm - Leah is at First Comber Presbyterian PW

Amazing Journey
Tue 20 Mar - AJ2 will teach 600 children at Glenwood Primary School
Thur 22 Mar -  AJ2 will teach 100 children at Malvern Primary School
The office will be closed on Monday, 19th March 
and for Easter on Fri 30 March - Tues 3rd April
We will reopen on Wed 4th April.
Catherine has bravely signed herself up to run the Edinburgh Half Marathon - pray for her and get behind her!

Catherine is running for a fabulous Literacy project in Cambodia that she visited last June. You can find out more about sponsoring her here. 

Our latest appeal is for the same project so you can find more information here, or get in touch for some copies for the material.
MegaVoice Invites You...

We have enjoyed a close relationship with the MegaVoice company over the years and we love their heart to make the Bible available and alive for people all over the world. They are having an event that we thought some of you might be interested in.

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Canon Andrew White (The Vicar of Baghdad)

The Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick
Saturday 14th April 2018
9.30am for breakfast
Cost is £15

To book contact Brad at MegaVoice (do not contact us at Bible Society NI as we cannot take bookings for the event)

Phone: 028 8673  5611

For more than 10 years, Canon Andrew White presided over the only Anglican Church in Iraq, a role that led him to be know universally as 'The Vicar of Baghdad'

If you have any questions, give us a ring on 
028 9032 6577 or email 

Bible Twinning