July 2017
In This Issue

July 2nd
VBS Sunday

Coming next Month:

August 6th
Blessing of the Backpacks

August 13th
Harry Potter Sermon Series!

Ministry Links
to Website
Jeff & Kathryn Bennett
12 years

Cliff & Nicole Jenkins
7 years

Dennis & Jeanne Ridnor
39 years

Randy & Marsha Gilpin
39 years

John & Amy Dell
18 years

Mike & Shelly Young
52 years

Danny & Ester Buen
37 years

Mike & Iee Wolfe
36 years

Joe & Elsa Cameron
36 years

Jim & Suzanne Hein
38 years

Jeff & Kristi Smith
24 years

Paul & Sara Van Leuven
44 years

Candy Johnson

Cameron Huffman

Katie Huffman

Betty Broughton

Sheryl Bass

Brianna Milhoan

Hailey Milhoan

Claire Liedtke

Cassie Nickols

Kathy Lively

Zachery Swartz

Sally Harum

Larry Small

Kathy Schlesselman

Nicole Jenkins

Ryan Forletta

Jilli Spencer

Erinn Crowell

Erin Langness

Nancy Whisman

Curtis Bates

Larry Gonsalves

Madison Karzin

Maddox Foley

Jane Bates

Melinda Gilmore

Debbie Grubbs

Eric Will

Aurora Smith

Carter Johns

Michael Kelber

Noelle Flinn

Scott Mocha

Nicola Foley

Max Liedtke

Candy Holsenbeck-Smith

Jim Flores

Cheryl Fitzgerald

Marianne Smith

Terry Thompson

Jack Crawford

Emmaline Karzin

Letter From the Pastor
Summer Greetings...  
Family Fun Night
Every Sunday at 5pm!...  More...
Upcoming Events
Update From Board of Trustees
Trustees painting day...  More...
Music Ministries
Music Mission Statement...
Small World Preschool Update
What's Happening...
Find out what's happening in Maturing Ministries, COSROW, and Hospitality Committee.   More...
Update in Ministries
J.A.M. Club  -    

Youth Ministries  
Letter from Pastor Melissa
Summer Greetings,
I know most of us are in the midst of summer and the coming and going of vacation and celebrations. So let me wish you a Happy 4th of July. Many celebrate the birth of our country remembering the freedoms we have because of the vision of the Founding Mothers and Fathers and the continued work to maintain that vision for our modern times. Yet, when I speak of freedoms I am always reminded of Galatians 5:1, "Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you." We have received freedom in Christ. That freedom is from laws that oppress us or as the Message Bible terms it, "any rule-keeping system" that keeps us from exploring the freedom to choose God. The ultimate freedom for us is the freedom to choose to live a life of eternity in Christ, meaning that each day we have the choice to follow Christ in every moment by choosing peace and grace.  In choosing or discerning what it means to follow Christ we can find guidance in our worship, our spiritual study and our personal devotion time. I know that during summer we might relax our spiritual practices. So here are a few ways to continue our spiritual practices, when in town attend worship it's a great way to listen to God in the relaxed manner of summer and a great way to start a Sunday. Keep up on your study, here is a small book easy to pack or take to the pool, Fear Of The Other: No Fear in Love by William H. Willmon or subscribe to a devotion that comes to your email. I use Richard Rohr's Center for Contemplation. Even in the relaxed travel mode of summer you can create space for God's presence.
Also, here are a few events to put on your calendar that you won't want to miss:
Music and More Music -On Sunday July 30 in worship we will be celebrating by signing more Hymn Sing 9am Praise Song Fest 11am.
Blessings of the Backpacks on Sunday August 6th--- yes it is time to prepare our children and our educators with blessings and prayers for the coming school year.
Harry Potter Sermon Series starts August 13--what can Harry, Hermione and Ron teach us about being a Christian? Many of us read this series, saw the movies and visited the theme park. The phenomenon that is not just reserved for our young people speaks to a universal theme. Those themes of friendship, finding meaning in ones life and good verses evil can help us understand what it means to live a life devoted to God in doing good and having the power to shape the world around us.
Family Fun Night! 

Weekly starting in August (stayed tuned for the exact date)
5:00 pm for Dinner
6:00 pm for Groups!
Men's, Women's,  
Youth & Children's Groups
Upcoming Events
Save the Date! Coming in August!!

Update from Board of Trustees
Trustees Painting Day - July 15th
The area around the patio in front of the Sanctuary is looking a little tired!

In the last Trustees Meeting we proposed to hold a Painting Day! So we would like to invite all members who can wield a paintbrush to join us on our Workday of the 15th of July to come along and help us brighten this crucial area. This area is where new potential members first see and assess our church.
So come along and help us renovate this key area.
We will start early on the 15th and go all day. It doesn't matter if you cannot make it early or stay all day just come when you can and stay as long as you can - we will appreciate any help we can get!

We will be prepping the area and later in the morning actually painting the area. We will pair any beginners with experienced painting buddies.

Let's get this area looking great!


Keith Paul

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Music Ministries
Music Mission Statement

Life in the Music Ministries at Santa Clarita UMC has been busy and active this summer. We have adopted a mission statement for our music programs at SCUMC: "To provide a nurturing and divine environment to lift us heavenward and connect us with God's love through music within our congregation and our community."

Summer Special Music
July 2 - Vacation Bible School - "Hero Central"
July 9 - Dick Hughes - "He" (Guest pianist, Marty Hillman)
July 16 - Marsha & Randy Gilpin
July 23 - Maverick Group - "Amazing Grace"
July 30 - Hymn Sing, featuring Deb, Debbie, Diane, and Kathy
August 6 - Wanda McNeal & Dick Hughes - "He Touched Me"
August 13 - Debbie Malena and Garth Phillipsen (sp?)
August 20 - Wanda McNeal - "God is Real"
August 27 - Choir and Handbells

Important Dates
Thursday, July 6 - 3:45-5 PM - Youth Band / Praise Band Rehearsal
Thursday, July 20 - 3:45-5 PM - Youth Band / Praise Band Rehearsal
Thursday, August 3 - 3:45-5 PM - Youth Band / Praise Band Rehearsal
Tuesday, August 8 - 7:30-9 PM - Choir Rehearsals Start Back
Sunday, November 5 (All Saint's Day) - 9-10 AM & 6-7 PM -  Faur é 's Requiem
Sunday, December 10 - 6-8 PM - Christmas Concert - All music groups
Sunday, December 24 -5-6:30 PM - Good News Gang Christmas Musical
Sunday, December 24 - 9-10 PM - Christmas Cantata w/ Candlelights
Sunday, December 24 - 11 PM - Handbells Christmas Eve Service

The Praise Band is calling all youth musicians and singers to form a Youth Band that will provide music for selected 11 AM services during the 2017-18 school year. All musicians are invited to attend rehearsals. Rehearsals are scheduled from 3:45-5 PM on Thursdays, July 6th, July 20th, and August 3rd.  For additional information, please contact Aaron Miller at [email protected] or Brando Gonsalves at brandogonsalves@gmailcom.

The Chancel Choir will be performing Gabriel Faur é 's Requiem on Sunday, November 5th for All Saints Day, at the 9 AM service and as a 6 PM concert. This performance is open to community members who would like to sing, as well as choristers in other congregations of various denominations. Rehearsals begin Tuesday, August 8th from 7:30-9 PM and continue through November 5th. We are seeking "sponsors" to donate funds for orchestra members to join us for this special event. For more information, please contact Dr. Joshua Wentz at [email protected].

In God's Love,

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Small World Preschool Update
The children of Small World Preschool have been keeping cool and clever in summer school. We explore the yard during the earlier hours in the morning. We have been "painting" the train with buckets of water, digging in wet sand to create "castles" and "cakes" and playing together on the grass yard at the water table or  by swinging, climbing and playing the classic game of Duck, duck, goose.
In the classrooms, it was time to get creative with a circus and zoo theme. The 2's and 3's were busy with some art activities about circus performers and circus snacks like, popcorn and ice cream. The 4-year-olds enjoyed making clown hats and art activities about zoo animals. My favorite was the gentle giraffes that were constructed with painted paper towel rolls and construction paper.  During summer school, we continue to practice our early learning curriculum. The children continue to practice writing, tracing and cutting with scissors. They also practice recognizing letters, numbers and making a pattern with shapes.
Vacation Bible School was the highlight of the month. The Small World children were excited to join the fun and energy that VBS brings every year.  They were all heroes together finding their strength in God.

- Michelle Moyer

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What's Happening

Women's Retreat and Boutique
Are you a crafty person?  Are you making presents for the holidays?  If you are working on things that we could sell at the COSROW boutique in November,  sign up at the COSROW table to let us know what you plan to donate starting July 9. The sales from this event have allowed us to keep the price down for retreat every year.  Donations can include items for the lunch that is served, baked goods, and frozen meals for sale.  For more info call Candy Holsenbecl-Smith, Marsha Gilpin, or Sue Wilson.

Women's Retreat
Sign-ups continue for this year's retreat.  We will have a guest speaker on Friday night and learn about our favorite religious music, popular or traditional, playing games and hearing stories.  Look for our table on the patio or contact Candy Holsenbeck-Smith or Marsha Gilpin.

Feeding It Forward at the Homeless Shelter
The shelter will be closed on July 4 so our next day for serving food will be July 18.  Sign-ups for future dates will continue at the Missions Table on Sunday.  If you signed up in May to help and have missed the table on Sunday, call Candy Holsenbeck-Smith to sign up .  Remember, items can be brought to church by 5:15 to be transported to the shelter or taken directly to the shelter by 5:45.

J.A.M. Club

As I write this I am in the midst of VBS chaos, only 3 more days till we go live.  Even in the craziness, the anticipation and excitement is ever where - from our newest counselors in training to our more seasoned volunteers who look forward to giving of their time and love every year.  If you did not get a chance to explore VBS this year, make it a priority to join us next year.  The anticipated theme is Rolling River Rampage - Experience the ride of a lifetime with God.   

Before I jump back in to last minute preparations, I need to send a special Thank you to everyone who has worked to make Hero Central a success, from those who gave of time, love, money and most importantly prayers.   There is no way we can accomplish a successful VBS without each of these things.  Stay tuned for pictures.

- Kristi Smith

Youth Ministries
Summer has just begun, and our youth group still has many fun events coming up that everyone is going to love!

As a reminder, its extremely  important that our youth sign up for events that require drivers or tickets being bought ahead of time. If your youth is planning on joining us for any Summer Fun events, please make sure they sign up (either on our list or via email/text) so we can make sure we are properly staffed!

Below are the deadlines for our most pressing events:
VIP Tour of JPL (7/31) -  Deadline to sign up: 7/17
Universal Studios (7/27) -  Deadline to sign up: 7/19
Dodger Game (7/24) -  Deadline to sign up: 7/22

Sierra Service Project departs on Saturday, July 8th to Chiloquin Oregon, and we are still taking sponsorships from the congregation to help us get there! If you are interested in donating any funds to our individual youth or the group in general, please let Brandon know ([email protected]) or visit the youth table on Sunday between services.