Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 105 June 2017 

My husband and I made it through another year! That's a big thing
to celebrate. It's not easy to get through 34 years together,
so I'm grateful!  I remember how nervous he was at our wedding. I thought that if he really loved me he shouldn't be so scared. When we went to a friend's wedding later that same year, the groom was so calm it made me feel even worse. But flash ahead 34 years, we're still married and sadly they are not. Maybe being nervous wasn't so bad after all!
The Children's Book Review shares some great ways to avoid the summer slide and twenty websites to improve your child's literacy. Of course, my favorite way is an old-fashioned one. Read aloud to your child and make it as fun as possible!
Feeling lucky? Try your hand at this quiz about children's classics! I got them all right, how about you? And speaking of classics, have you seen Anne of Green Gables on Netflicks? I really enjoyed the series, but I may have been the only one. Check out this scathing review!
I visit my public library almost weekly, so I know how lovely it is to have that resource close at hand (well, thirty minutes away!). Each year, America's 120,000 libraries are visited 1.4 billion times, averaging four million visits per day or 2,663 visits per minute. I find it shocking that some schools or communities don't have a library. If you do as well, I hope you'll consider helping underfunded programs. And here's a way to help that doesn't cost a thing, but will help WePAC (a group that opens libraries in Philly schools) get $50,000 with a grant from WaWa. Just click and vote for WePAC. Please ask your congressman or woman to protect federal library funding, which is in grave danger of being eliminated in the proposed federal budget for FY 2018. 
Social media favorites from this month:

In the mood to draw? Here are some fun choices: 

  Octopus                                       Wimpy Kid
So, as I am slightly crazy I agreed to volunteer for a few more things this month, including being the Social Media Director for Authors for Earth Day. I'm always on the lookout for ways to help the environment and I know my husband would like me to reduce the clutter around our house. These de-cluttering ideas might be just the thing! If you know of anything I should share, hope you'll pass it along. Have a great month, Debbie