Ohio Deferred Compensation's employer-focused newsletter "In the Know" provides recipients with the latest news and developments in retirement saving.

Your Monthly News & Updates
The latest news and developments from Ohio  Deferred Compensation for June 2017.

Understanding Enhanced Active Choice

Encouraging our participants to engage in saving for a secure retirement is one of the top priorities at Ohio DC. Thanks to a communication technique called enhanced active choice (EAC), which we use in some of our forms and informational materials, we're able to help lead our participants toward this goal. Learn more about EAC here.
The Early Savers Newsletter is Available
Not everyone has the same retirement savings goals, especially people who are at different stages in their careers. For that reason, we put together the Early Savers Newsletter twice a year. The idea behind the Early Savers Newsletter, is that we want to reach out to participants who are 35 years old and younger.  Check out the latest Early Savers Newsletter  here.
Deferred Compensation Terms

Asset Classes (Types)  Types of investments available for participant contributions and assets. In general, asset classes may be divided into stocks, bonds, and cash and cash-like products including money market instruments, Treasury bills and CDs. Retirement plans typically offer mutual funds comprised of stocks, bonds, cash or a mixture of them.

Visit our participant website to learn other definitions. 

Share Deferred Compensation-related Articles with Your Employees 

Ohio DC can provide monthly articles on retirement issues for your newsletter or Intranet. This month's article on the employer website is  Get Motivated to Start Saving.

Download articles on healthcare in retirement, what is deferred compensation, fees, and more.  Learn more.

If you received this email you are on the list for future employer communications. If this was forwarded to you, you can join our list by  contacting us.

Message from the Executive Director: Keith Overly

DOL Fiduciary Rule Takes Effect

The Department of Labor' s new Fiduciary Rule has officially gone into effect. The new rule requires anyone acting as a fiduciary to take the best interests of their client into consideration when recommending financial advice, rather than their own financial considerations. 

The purpose of the new Fiduciary Rule is to try to protect people who are investing for their retirement, from unscrupulous financial advisors, who may be more interested in commissions, than their client's retirement. If you would like to learn more about the DOL Fiduciary Rule, visit this link.

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