Help HRP Identify New Leaders
The Committee on Representation and Nominations (CORN) is seeking new leaders to contribute their skills and gifts to several presbytery teams.  

We hope you will help us identify leaders who are active in their own congregations and diverse in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and age.  

We're certain that if you take a moment, you'll think of one or two people whose skills and passion would strengthen the Presbytery's ministry.  

The Committee on Representation and Nominations (CORN) will work through all suggestions and reach out to those individuals with whom it wishes to explore nomination. 

Please click on the links for a description of the various committees for which we are seeking leaders.  Click on the yellow button below to suggest new leaders that can help HRP take its next steps into God's future.
Descriptions of HRP Committees and Commissions
Each team meets monthly or as needed either in person, by phone, or by video conference.  Click the links to find the group's purpose, length of elected member's service, frequency of meeting, and responsibilities.

Persons will preferably have financial, investment, accounting, budgeting, legal and/or real estate knowledge and/or experience. 

Persons will preferably have knowledge of the PC(USA) call process and pastoral search and/or systems theory as well as skills in conflict mediation and/or negotiation. 

Persons will preferably have knowledge and/or experience with the discernment process for one becoming a Teaching Elder or a Ruling Elder with a commission. 

Persons will have knowledge of the HRP's Vision, Values, Mission and Ministry Goals along with the ability to think creatively about the ministry of equipping congregations and leaders in a changing world.

Persons will preferably have knowledge of Reformed theology, Presbyterian polity and the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Persons will preferably possess passion/skills in seeing possibilities in new endeavors, analyzing grants and evaluating results.

Persons will preferably have human resource, personnel, supervisory and/or labor law knowledge and/or experience and shall be able to maintain confidentiality

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