June 16,  2017
Contact Us:

305 E. Capitol St. 
Jackson, MS 39201

Phone: (601) 354-1535

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Sunday Summer Worship
7:30 a.m.| 10:00 a.m.

Morning Prayer
9:00 a.m. (Tuesday)

Noonday Eucharist
12:05 p.m. (Monday-Friday)

Summer Sunday Schedule - From Sunday, June 4 (the Day of Pentecost), through Sunday, August 6, our service schedule on Sundays will include our ongoing 7:30 am service in the Chapel (Rite One), and a 10:00 am service in the Nave (Rite Two).

The Beatles had a song entitled "Hello, Goodbye" and we are singing and doing that this week at St. Andrew's.

The first is a "goodbye" to Sloan McKellar. While we are very happy that Sloan is moving on to a wonderful position at Millsaps, we are sorry to have to say goodbye to her from St. Andrew's. Sloan stepped in and took over and kept out Catechesis program going  at full speed. Thank you Sloan-we couldn't have made it without you.

We say "hello" to Rachel Misenar. We are happy to welcome Rachel as our new Director of Catechesis and look forward to the talents she brings to our Cathedral family.

And we say "hello" to Katie Bradshaw who just moved in down the hall from me as our Canon for Lifelong Formation and Mission. We welcome Katie as part of our Cathedral family!!

7:30 a.m. | 10:00 a.m.

Some people are asking, "What's a Cursillo Sunday? Are we going to have screens up on the walls and singing crazy songs?" The answer is, "No". We are going to be celebrating Christ's love with hymns and songs we all know--a special time we will all enjoy. Based on the readings for that day, I will share my own experiences with Cursillo. I hope you will make a special effort to celebrate with us this Sunday.

Following our 10:00 Eucharist this Sunday, we will gather in the parish hall to join Charles and Lee Jackson as they celebrate fifty years of marriage with their Cathedral parish family. Please join us for a light lunch as we share this celebration with them.

EYC Serving at Stewpot Since Summer has started we may be a little thin so we are opening it up to anyone that would like to help. Meet in the kitchen at the Cathedral at 11:00 a.m.

Theology and Literature  The next two books have arrived at Lemuria: Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita and Robinson's Home. We will reconvene likely on August 27.  

Breakfast Club meets every Tuesday morning to help feed our downtown neighbors experiencing homelessness. If you would like to help serve there are several jobs from cooking, serving, setup, cleaning. Show up between 6:00 - 6:45 a.m. and stay and help as long as you have time for, we are usually finished by 7:30 a.m. For more information contact James Powers at  [email protected]

EYC Canoe Trip to the Okatoma. For more information contact Jamie Dickson at [email protected]

7:30 a.m. | 10:00 a.m.

Meet and greet the Rev. Katie Bradshaw in the Parish Hall after the 10:00 a.m. service.

Community Evensong will be held Sunday June 25, at 5:30 pm in the chancel.  This ecumenical service of simple chant, scripture, prayer and meditation, fashioned after the traditional service of evening prayer, allows us to pause before the start of yet another busy week, to connect with God and neighbor, and to share both in silence and sound our hopes for the week ahead. This lay-led service depends on communal leadership, so please email Sarah Stripp at [email protected] if you would like to be part of planning and leading Community Evensong.

St. Andrew's
Vacation Bible School
July 14 - 16, 2017 Presents...


A journey back in time to the place where Jesus performed many miracles and called his first disciples.

Begins: Friday Evening, July 14
5:30pm - 7:30 pm
Dinner, activity and exploration

Continues: Saturday, July 15
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Concludes:  Sunday, July 16
10:00 a.m.
Sunday service with celebration following.

$15 art supply fee per child ($30 max for family)
Ages 3 - rising 5th grade.
Older children may participate as helpers.

More information and Registration: http://standrews.ms/register/

It takes a village to make a village -
The Marketplace of Galilee needs you!
We need any and all volunteers to help make The Marketplace happen.  If you are interested in volunteering to help with VBS please contact Kim Sewell ( [email protected]) or Rachel Misenar ([email protected])

June 21 | Matthew Guinn & John Grisham! Our own St Andrews parishioner, Matthew Guinn will be speaking at Lemuria with some other well know writers on June 21st. Matt had this to say:

" It's going to be John Grisham, Greg Iles, and me (might as well change my name to The Other Guy) just talking about writing and the book business. Tickets are $32, which I believe includes a copy of Camino Island, with the rest benefitting the MS Book Festival. Here's a link about Grisham's tour, which is intended to highlight the importance of independent bookstores like Lemuria: https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/nation-now/2017/04/19/john-grisham-camino-island/100630236/ Peace, Matthew"


EFM The evening EfM is looking for new members.  We meet on Sunday evening from 6-8 in St. Francis hall.  EfM is a four year course offered through Sewanee.   EfM offers an opportunity to discover how to respond to the call to Christian service through study and reflection.  For more information concerning this group, please contact Elizabeth Bush, group mentor,  601-874-0651.
Front Desk Volunteers Needed: There are several days that are needed for telephone volunteers.  We are looking for two people for Wednesday mornings and one person for Thursday afternoons.  If you are interested, please contact Laurie McCarley, 601-487-2739 or [email protected]

We are creating a pictoral directory and we need you to email us your pictures. Here is what we need:
  • Your head shot
  • Your spouses head shot
  • And a family photo if you would like.
Grab your cell phone and get your friend, your spouse, your grandchild etc. to take a head shot and email it to us at:

Make sure to list the names of the people that are in the photographs in the email!