June 2017 

Get to know Mary Young: an interview with the new director
of leadership education

Three weeks into her new role, Mary talks about her calling, her vision for leadership education, and the most surprising thing about Pittsburgh. Read more.

One final word from Daniel Aleshire    
In his final blog post as executive director, Dan Aleshire writes of T.S. Eliot, accreditation, and a beloved painting. Read more.

Ten things the next accrediting standards should incorporate: learnings from the Educational Models and Practices project
As ATS moves toward redeveloping the standards, the process will be informed by data, best practices, and the collective wisdom gleaned from more than 200 theological educators from 110 schools. Read more.
Farewell to Mary McMillan
After 25 years, 12 Biennial Meetings, and hundreds of other gatherings orchestrated for ATS constituents, our meeting planner will retire at the end of the month. As she concludes the second longest tenure in the history of the organization, we wish Mary all the best in her next chapter!

By invitation
November 8-10
Biennial Meeting
Denver, CO
June 20-21, 2018

ATS is here to serve you, and we welcome your feedback.

Please send your comments or updated contact information to

Eliza Smith Brown, Director, Communications and External Relations.