NHCLC / CONEL NOW | March 23, 2017
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The sanctity of life, Frankenstein and the danger of gene editing
by Rev. Samuel Rodríguez via Univision

The National Academy of Sciences recently approved research into modifying human embryos to create genes that can be passed down to future generations. What could possibly go wrong?

We've all heard of the classic tale of Frankenstein: a young, ambitious scientist obsessively searches for the secret of life and while conducting an "innovative" scientific experiment creates a horrific monster that ultimately leads to his death.
Originally written in 1818, it seems that almost 200 years later - with the advent of gene editing of human embryos - we're on a collision course with the eerily prescient lessons of this cautionary tale.

S ecretary DeVos should make the education of minority children her No. 1 priority
by Dr. Andrea Ramirez, via Fox News
Now that Betsy DeVos is settled in as America's new Secretary of Education she holds the reins of the U.S. Department of Education and, with it, the future of America's 55.6 million students.
An advocate of school choice, Secretary DeVos is poised to bring major policy changes to our country's lagging education system. Despite Bush and Obama-era revamps to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, America still struggles to create equitable, high-quality education, accessible to all students.

Do 10

Do10 Life Campaign

With a population of 6 million people, Nicaragua is the second poorest country in the Americas after Haiti. It has the largest youth bulge in Latin America with more than 2 million school-aged children.

Many parents have to withdraw their children from school because of a lack of jobs and financial difficulties. In the poorest families, only 6% compl ete secondary school. Parents find it hard to spend their low income on transportation, uniforms, school supplies and books when they have difficulty affording food.  17,000 street children in Nicaragua suffer constant hunger and neglect. Most have gone to the streets to escape domestic violence and extreme poverty only to find harsh manual labor, hunger and fear.

We're intensely focused on feeding and educating 10,000 children in Nicaragua by 2017 and 50,000 by 2020. 

Click here to learn how you can be a part.

Weekly Devotional

It's All in How You See It
by the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

They made the bronze basin and its bronze stand from the mirrors of the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting. - Exodus 38:8

The Torah portion for this week is a double reading, Vayakhel-Pekudei, from Exodus 35:1-40:38. Vayakhel means "assembled," and Pekudei means "counting." The Haftorah is from 1 Kings 7:51-8:21.

Jewish tradition gives us a fascinating insight into the construction of the washbasin used in holy service in the Tabernacle by the priests who would wash their hands and feet before serving God. As God had commanded, the washbasin was made out of copper. But where in the world would the children of Israel get copper in the middle of the desert? The answer: "from the mirrors of the women."


Free Financial Seminars Available for Your Church During the month of March by Liberty Tax!

September 27-30

March 27 - April 5

New Album Release

Seminario Wesley

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EO Educational Opportunities Tours

Disfrute un viaje cristiano a la Tierra Santa con
o únase a nosotros en un crucero por las rutas del apóstol Pablo. Nuestros cruceros bíblicos le ofrecen oportunidades únicas para experimentar y disfrutar del aprendizaje cristiano a la vez que viaja, y quedará sorprendido al descubrir, ¡cómo la Biblia toma vida frente a sus ojos!