June 2017

From Amber to Austin - Safety and Support at the Crisis Center                        
At age 18, Austin was already experiencing a severe life crisis. He had recently told a small group of close friends he identified as male and would be transitioning. They were understanding and accepting of his decision but his parents were a different story. They did not support his decision and continued to refer to him as "Amber."

Even during this tumultuous time, he continued to do well in school. He often found solace in a quiet stairwell where he studied before his late-afternoon class. No one ever came down the stairs, so he was shocked when Josh, an acquaintance from one of his classes, sat down and started to talk to him one day. It was mainly small talk and Josh soon moved closer to Austin. Before Austin knew it, Josh was on top of him and ripping off his clothing.

After that, everything was a blur.

Austin told his parents that he had been raped and they immediately called the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay and arranged to bring him to Sexual Assault Services. The first question Austin was asked let him know he was in a safe place:

"What gender do you identify with?"

Austin's face lit up when he heard the question.  He immediately knew he was with people he could trust, and the staff would understand the struggle and trauma he was experiencing. The assault had happened within 120 hours, so they were able to collect evidence through a forensic exam.

His advocate, Isabel, became a trusted confidant. During one of their conversations, Austin confessed that he was having thoughts of suicide. Isabel immediately developed a safety plan to help Austin through his emotional crisis, and reminded him he could call 2-1-1 at any time he had those thoughts.

Over the following months, Isabel was able to provide emotional support to Austin. She reminded him that the assault was not his fault. She also helped him connect to a Gay-Straight Alliance group and Metro Wellness, so Austin could be better connected with LGBTQ community.

Austin learned the Crisis Center is a place anyone can receive help, hope, and healing regardless of age, income, race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity. To learn more about how the Crisis Center helps people during times of crisis and emotional trauma, attend a lunchtime tour. Click HERE to register.