Friends of the Rockbridge Choral Society
  Vol. 24                                          ONLINE  ONLINE  ONLINE                                     June 2017    
Providing financial support   since 1999 for The Rockbridge Choral Society and The Rockbridge Youth Chorale

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June Birthdays in Music

Vincent Persichetti        6/6/1915

Prince Rogers Nelson        6/7/1958
Richard Rodgers        6/18/1902
Musicians Hear Better
    Yep, there's real science behind that statement.  Sounds come in through the ears, but it's the brain that interprets them.  Nina Kraus of the Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory at Northwestern University suspected that the hearing systems of musicians should be more finely tuned than those of other people.  She tested that hypothesis by subjecting musicians and non-musicians to a challenge that most of us are familiar with - understanding what someone is saying in a noisy room.  The test asked the subjects to listen to a voice reciting simple sentences against an increasingly loud background of other conversations.  The musicians were consistently better able to hear the sentences than non-musicians.  Why?    
    Standard hearing tests showed that the musicians' ears were not any more sensitive than those of the other listeners.  But, what is different is that the musician's brain is trained to do a similar task - listening to his own instrument as many other instruments are playing - just like separating one voice from a crowd of voices.  Musicians were better able to pick out a particular voice in a din of voices the same way they pick out the sound of a particular instrument.
    Another study by scientists from Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany found that musicians could detect harmonies that were slightly off-key even when they had lost much of their hearing.  Factory workers with similar hearing loss could not.  
Take the test.
  Not a musician?  Learn how learning to sing slows or improves hearing loss. Check out this link

Singing Changes Your Brain! 
       As British researcher reported in the journal Dementia, that a group singing program developed by the U.K.-based Alzheimer's Society, called "Singing for the Brain," may help improve aspects of memory, sociability, and mood in people with dementia. Though there's no evidence that memory-dependent activities, such as singing, can prevent dementia, many experts think they may help delay the onset of some age-related cognitive problems.  Group singing has been scientifically proven to lower stress, reduce anxiety, and elevate endorphins.  32.5 million adults singing in over 270,000 choruses across the country must be a happy and healthy bunch!
Back to Bach
    The Rockbridge Choral Society isn't taking the summer off!  Limited rehearsals have begun for Johann Sebastian Bach's Mass in B-Minor coming up in April, 2018.  Calling all singers!  Bring a friend to sing this grand choral masterwork.  If you are interested in singing with the RCS, send us an email through our website,  We'll get you on our mailing list for summer rehearsal updates.  And, Christmas is coming.   So come sing with us this summer and fall.  Feel better, breathe better, hear better.    Sing!

Friends of the Rockbridge Choral Society
Rockbridge Choral Society
PO Box 965
Lexington, VA 24450