June 8, 2017

Who is my neighbor? That's the question our young people will explore at our Vacation Bible Arts Camp this year. Each day we will expand the circle as we learn that, just as we are created in the image of God, so too are all those around us.
This year, we will place an emphasis on artistic expression as we explore our theme through visual art, drama and movement, and music.  Prepare to move, draw, paint, act, and play as we use our creative spirits to grow in our understanding of God's love for all.
To register your child for Vacation Bible School, click here. VBS week takes place June 26-30, 9:00 a.m. to noon each day. Drop off and pick up will be at the Parish Hall. There is a $50 fee to register. We will end our week on Friday at 11:00 a.m. in the church with a Eucharist for our participants and their families. It will be a full week of fun as we learn more about how we can be a good neighbor to others! 
Greg Knight
Director of Children and Youth Ministries

SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2017
Preacher: The Rev. Burl Salmon

*8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
8:45 a.m. Coffee Hour, Parish Hall
9:00 a.m. Summer Choir, Choir Room
*#10:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist
11:15 a.m. Coffee Hour, Parish Hall

PARKING: Persons attending Sunday services will be allowed to park on ALL of Barton Avenue and Pendleton Avenue
without receiving a ticket until 12:30 p.m.

* nursery care for infants through age 3 is
available from 7:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

# service will be live-streamed here

Click here to view the service leaflet for this Sunday.
Click here to view this week's Bethesda Happenings. 
This Sunday's Readings in Context
Parishioner Tom O'Brien, a Canon and Examining Chaplain for Scripture of this diocese, writes brief background descriptions of the Sunday readings. We thank Tom for sharing his learning and love of Scripture with us in this way.

Genesis 1:1-2.3
The word "Genesis" means "origin" and the Book of Genesis starts with Creation and concludes with the death of Joseph (Jacob's son) in Egypt.  The Book is an amalgam of religious traditions, some of which are dated to about 950 BCE and some of which were developed as late as 450 BCE. 
Today's reading is the First Creation Story. (The Second Creation Story begins at 2.4 and tells of YHWH's forming the earthling - adam - out of the fertile earth - adamah - and breathing life into the earthling.) Even the name of God is different in the Second Creation Story.
The First Creation Story is structured as seven days in which God -- Elohim (literally, "the gods") in the Hebrew - brings order (Shalom) to all reality by separating its component parts.  It is noteworthy that creation is not presented as a creation out of nothing but rather an ordering of the earth, the waters, light and time. (The already-existing earth is described as formless and darkness covers the already-existing waters in verse 2.)
This Story is very similar in structure to the seven-day Babylonian Creation Story which the Jewish People encountered during the Babylonian Captivity (587-539 BCE). For this reason and because of the emphasis on the Sabbath on the seventh day, scholars agree that this First Creation Story was composed by the "Priestly" authors in the period from 550 to 450 BCE. 
This reading is selected for Trinity Sunday because (among other things) the name of God in Hebrew in this account (Elohim) is a plural word (Hebrew words ending in "im" are plural) and because Verse 1:26 says "Let us make humankind in our image."  Christian interpreters have sometimes also seen "the wind from God" (v.2) as the Spirit of the Trinity. 
2 Corinthians 13:5-14
Corinth, a large port city in Greece, was among the early Jesus Follower communities that Paul founded.  Its culture was Hellenistic and emphasized reason, secular wisdom and a hierarchical structure in society.  Paul's relationship with the community was often strained. 
Most scholars believe that the letter is a composite of several letters because Paul's tone shifts so significantly within the letter.  It moves from conciliatory (Chapter 2) to argumentative (3 to 5), to reconciling (6 and 7), to appealing for funds (8 and 9), to attacking "super-apostles" (11), to defensive regarding accusations he has enriched himself from the collections (12).  Today's reading is the concluding part of this Second Letter and is a mix of scolding and exhortation. For example, 13:2 and 13:10 are scolding and 13.11-12 are an appeal for good behavior on the part of the Corinthians.  
141 South County Road · Palm Beach, FL 33480
(561) 655-4554 ·  www.bbts.org
Bethesda's Mission is to experience the clear and strong presence of God and to understand and spread Christ's teachings through collective worship, learning, and service.
Office Closed & Summer Hours
Our office hours will be  9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 
Monday through Thursday and  9:00 a.m. to noon on Fridays  (church and grounds will remain open until 5:00 p.m.).
Summer Choir begins this Sunday, June 4!
There's no need to be a professional singer; all you need is a pleasant voice and some basic music-reading ability. Rehearsals begin in the Choir Room promptly at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings as the choir prepares music for the 10:00 a.m. service. This choir continues through the second Sunday of September. Please join us when you can!
The Church Mouse closes on Saturday, June 24, at noon. However, we will be open for donations throughout the summer at the "Donor Door" located on the south side of the building, Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Church Mouse is in need of donations to ensure that we are fully stocked for the next season. 

Don't miss our End of the Season Sales:
Beginning Monday, June 19, we will start our week of huge savings on nearly everything with 50% off, Wednesday 75% off, and Friday 90% off!

The Church Mouse,  378 South County Road, Palm Beach, FL 33480. We are open Monday - Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information, call them at (561) 659-2154.
We pray for...  
Andy, Angela, Annie, Barbara, Betty, Bill, Bob, Caroline, Claudia, David, Devon, Dianne, Don, Earl, Ellen, Eric, Evan, Evans, Geraldine, Greg, Hadley, Holly, Jane, Jay, Jill, John, Kathy, Kehs Family, Kellie, Kimberly, Latta, Laniyah, Leigh, Lesley, Linda, Loffredo Family, Marcia, Mariette, Mary, Mat, Matthew, Mitchell, Monique, Nancy, Oscar, Pamela, Pat, Patti, Peggy, Penny, Pineiro Family, Ponvert Family, Ralph, Rebecca, Renee, Richard, Ricky, Robert, Rutherfurd Family, Saliyah, Scott Family, Shawn, Shirley, Stephen, Sylvia, Taryn, Thomas, Trish, Vince, Ward, William,  and those serving our country... Benjamin, Clara, Erik, Harold, Herbert, John, Michael, Sean, and Tommy.
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