Ron spent the 
Spring of 1975
"across the pond"
studying English Literature.

So this Father's Day,
I'm going to
help Ron reminisce
by treating him to some
of his favorite things with
just a dash of the Bard!


A rose by any other name
would smell as sweet.

Sometimes, you just have to stop and
smell the roses!!
Ron and I love flowers and visiting gardens
and June is the month for roses.
If you love roses, too, please be sure to  
check out these public rose gardens
in Connecticut!!



To bearnaise or not to bearnaise?
That is the question!

One of Ron's favorite meals is
grilled filet mignon
served with bearnaise sauce.
Click the photo for Mary Ellen's 
awesome Bearnaise Sauce Recipe!


I am not of many words,
but I thank you.

If you think Shakespeare isn't for you,
then you haven't seen this movie!
We had a new appreciation and understanding
of the Bard after this experience. 
It's got a cast of thousands and the 
cinematography is gorgeous. 
Michael Keaton is hysterical and 
the entire cast is amazing. 
And yes, there are plenty of roses
and even a banquet or two!!

Click the movie poster and enjoy the trailer.
Kenneth Branaugh outdoes himself
in this adaptation and you 
will NOT be disappointed!