Coalition Two-Time Winner of ENERGY STAR® Advocate of the Year Award!
The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is proud to announce that we have received the 2017 ENERGY STAR Advocate of the Year Award. This is the second time we have won this award - the first was in 2015. Read the press release
here. For a full list of winners, and a list of previous years’ winners, click
National Strategy for Safe and Environmentally Sound Disposal of Lamps Containing Mercury Act. Bill C-238, a private member’s bill that sets a national strategy for sound management of mercury-containing lamps, has received Royal Assent and is now federal law. The National Strategy for Safe and Environmentally Sound Disposal of Lamps Containing Mercury Act calls on Canada's Minister of Environment and Climate Change to work with provinces, territories, and all interested and appropriate governments, persons, and organizations to develop a robust national strategy for the safe and environmentally sound management of mercury-containing lamps. Learn more.
How do you dispose of mercury-containing lamps?
Tell us here
New Report Advances Hospital & Community Climate Resilience. The connnection between health care institutions and communities they serve is especially critical during and after extreme weather events.
Health Care Without Harm convened a summit to catalyze climate action planning for metro Boston with more than 100 health care service providers and community stakeholders. In addition to providing updates on the interconnected climate resiliency initiatives happening within the area, the one-day event fostered a new dialogue about the role of the health care sector in anchoring community health and resilience. Summit outcomes detailed in
this report are relevant beyond Boston and address health care sector engagement in climate public policy, a business case for climate-resilient health care, innovative solutions to backup and reliable power generation for health care facilities and community providers, and developing partnership networks. Click here to access the Coalition's climate change resiliency resources.
US Health Experts Call On Hospitals To Serve Vegan Food. US health experts are calling on hospitals to serve plant-based meals and to cut out processed meats.
The American Medical Association - the largest association of physicians and medical students in the United States - wants to see an improvement in the health of patients, staff, and visitors, and has adopted a resolution to that end. The AMA's House of Delegates believes this can be achieved by providing a variety of healthy food - including plant-based meals and meals that are low in fat, sodium, and added sugars, eliminating processed meats from menus, and providing and promoting healthy drinks. The resolution was co-sponsored by the Medical Society of the District of Columbia and the American College of Cardiology. Read more.
AHA guide offers proven hospital approaches to reducing food insecurity. A new
guide from the AHA’s Health Research & Educational Trust offers hospitals and health systems strategic and evidence-based approaches to reducing food insecurity and its effects in their communities. The inability to afford or access nutritious and safe food has been associated with increased risk for chronic disease and mental illness and poor health self-management. The guide spotlights clinical and non-clinical approaches to reducing food insecurity, such as Arkansas Children’s Hospital’s on-site free lunch program, Boston Medical Center’s Preventive Food Pantry, Eskenazi Health’s partnership with Meals on Wheels, and ProMedica’s food insecurity screening survey.
Read more..
Hospital Microgrids Become an Integral Part of the Energy Value Chain. While the welfare of patients, safety of staff, and comfort of visitors remain top priorities, today, leadership extends beyond healthcare to environmental sustainability. The evolution in
microgrid technology is making it possible to produce reliable, critical power, more efficiently and for less money. A microgrid manages distributed energy assets on a campus to optimize usage, joining traditional generators, renewable energy sources, energy storage and load. These local interconnected energy systems have evolved from mainly being used for backup to becoming an interactive component of the energy value chain.
Read more.
Designing hospitals for the millennial generation. The millennial generation is all grown up. The youngest millennials are heading into their 20s, the oldest are in their mid-30s. Individuals in this demographic, which has overtaken the baby boomers as the largest age cohort in the U.S., not only are making decisions about their own health care, they are driving care decisions for their children and parents. To serve the needs of this large and influential segment of the health care market, providers and designers are looking to create facilities built for a new generation.
Read more.
ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager Data Snapshots are coming! Ever wondered how many buildings are registered in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager? Are you aware of the energy benchmarking trends within your province or territory? Soon you will be able to find out all sorts of valuable data through the new series of
ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Data Snapshots. The Snapshots will provide you with up-to-date statistics on the buildings entered into Portfolio Manager.
Learn more.
Boston Medical Center Joins Health Care Climate Council. Displaying continued commitment to the health of its patients, colleagues, and community,
Boston Medical Center (BMC) has signed on as the newest member of the
Health Care Climate Council. Established by Health Care Without Harm, the Health Care Climate Council is a leadership network of hospitals committed to strengthening the health sector’s response to climate change.
Read more.
The countless benefits of energy benchmarking. Investments in well-built, zero or nearly-zero energy buildings will generate long-term economic, health and environmental benefits for Canadians. The time to invest in energy-efficient buildings is now, with easy-to-use tools and resources to help building owners and managers readily accessible. According to
research, for every $1 million invested in energy efficiency, $3 to 4 million is generated in economic growth. Energy-efficient buildings are more comfortable and healthier for occupants, thanks to better air quality and reduced mold and drafts. This results in lower vacancies, increased resale value, higher tenant retention, and greater portfolio value.
Read more.
CaGBC launches Zero Carbon Building Standard.
In an effort to help meet Canada’s climate change commitments, the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) has launched the country’s first Zero Carbon Building Standard. The highly-anticipated Standard evaluates carbon use in commercial, institutional and multi-family buildings in Canada. In order to achieve large-scale market transformation, it was designed for application across many types of new and existing buildings across the country. The Zero Carbon Building Standard is also the only program of its kind to list carbon reductions as the key indicator for building performance. Read more.
Nourish Newsletter: Healthcare Food Purchasing - Going Beyond Local to Talk About Sustainability
We’ve come a long way in championing local food in Canada. Five years ago, it was difficult to imagine healthcare institutions ever making local procurement a priority. Today, local food is finding its way into institutional food culture and we see an increasing number of hospitals asking distributors for local and sustainable food. Read more.
Greening Health Care Webinar, July 12th
Date: Wednesday, July 12th Time: 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
This webinar will continue the discussion about the application of Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD) in hospital facilities. Uncovering and correcting operations, maintenance and controls inefficiencies in HVAC systems has been responsible for millions of dollars in savings achieved by Greening Health Care members over the years. The FDD software finds the opportunities for you – continuously and automatically.
This session brings together users and FDD service providers to examine the technology, performance improvements achieved and how the reporting has been integrated into organizational response to fault correction.
Registration for HealthAchieve 2017 Now Open!
Global health care and business leaders come to HealthAchieve to be empowered by the potential that change holds. They seek new ways to push boundaries that move the health care system forward, to learn from and collaborate with industry leaders and innovators, and, ultimately, to change lives by helping to create a high-performing health system that is truly focused on putting patients first.
This year, HealthAchieve will be in the South Building of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre over two days, November 6 and 7.
Register today and save with early bird rates!
CHES National Conference 2017 Quality Healthcare by Design: Putting People First
September 17-19, 2017 Scotiabank Convention Centre Niagara Falls ON
Key individuals representing over 400 healthcare facilities will be in attendance at this conference and networking event for health care professionals. Delegates include individuals who are directly involved in, or responsible for plant engineering, safety, real estate management, facilities management, facilities planning, support services, building maintenance, construction, environmental management, clinical engineering, security, and waste management.
For more information, click here.
CAEM Conference and Trade Show 2017 Registration is Now Open
Join your peers to expand networks, discover new products and techniques, hear the best speakers, and learn about the very important future of environmental management.
Occupational Infections: AIDS to Zika Dr. Murray Cohen, Consultants in Disease and Injury Control
The mounting threat of infectious agents on our health
Dr. Syed Sattar, CremCo Labs
Register before July 15th and be entered to WIN:
One Free Weekend @ Blue Mountain Resort
Includes Lodging for Two
Recycling Council of Alberta Waste Reduction Conference 2017
It Takes A Village
October 11-13, 2017
The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise
Lake Louise, Alberta
Join your waste reduction peers in Lake Louise to learn and discuss the latest recycling and resource conservation issues and developments. This conference will deliver technical content through topics and speakers that promise to generate lively discussion, combined with ample networking opportunities and social events, to make this the premier waste reduction event in Canada.
Sing along with the "It Takes A Village" intro video, and find program updates, registration information, and other details on the
conference web site. Be sure to come back to this site often – the program will continue to be updated as speakers, sessions, and other feature events are confirmed. Register
The RCA promotes and facilitates waste reduction, recycling and
resource conservation in the Province of Alberta.