We've extended the deadline to apply to join our board through Friday, July 14, 2017, at 5:00 pm PT!
We are so excited about the future for California Walks!
That's why we are asking YOU to join us on the board! We need your help now more than ever, to take advantage of all the new opportunities to make California a truly walkable state.
To continue championing walking, accessibility, and mobility, California Walks will highlight some of the intersectionalities we've both experienced and observed across the state.
Caro Jauregui, Senior Manager, Policy & Programs, begins our new blog series, Walking Instersectionalities, with a post on the walking while immigrant.
It is our goal to change the narrative around walking and active transportation so that it includes all of us and reflects Californian's various realities. When walking and immigration collide, it's important that we not accommodate laws and circumstances that further maintain the inequities immigrants are faced with every day. Now is not the time to be a spectator as we see injustice unravel around us.
Join us September 13-15, 2017 at the National Walking Summit in St. Paul, Minnesota! We'll be there co-facilitating a walkshop on Jane's Walk and presenting a poster on our Active Transportation Leadership Program.
Early bird registration is $375 through July 14. After that, registration for the 2017 National Walking Summit is $425.