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It's a simple question, and to be honest, I didn't think we would get the level of responses that we did.

Elsbeth Vaino asked "How fast or slow do you lower the bar in a deadlift?"

She went on to give these options:
1. Hands on the bar but really you're only guiding it down?
2. Controlled drop, and if so, also curious what that means to you?
3. Same rate as concentric?
4. Slower than the concentric?
5. Other?

Check out what myself,Charlie Weingroff, Brett Jones, Bryan Mann, Barry Mastermind, Deven McConnell, Steven Head, Dan Silver, Kenny Picken, Miguel Sousa and Mike Geesey had to say.

What are your thoughts?

Speaking of Elsbeth, you can listen to an interview Anthony did with her on Stop & Give Me 20, interesting stuff.

Podcast Logo
Strength Coach Podcast
Episode 209- Carmen Bott , Wrestling Canada, creator of The Wrestler's Edge

Carmen joins Anthony to talk about:
** Her training philosophy
** Assessing and Programing
** Using the GRIT scale
** Strength for wrestlers
** Conditioning
**  The Wrestler's Edge

Strength Coach TV
One thing I wish I did more was visit facilities.  Anthony does it for you!
Episode 31- Have you seen the Youth Training Roundtable that Anthony did with Jim Kielbaso, Brian Sipotz and Darryl Nelson?  Not to be missed!

Episode 32- AMP Boston
Episode 33- Superior Athletics in Long Island 

Thanks to all of our members for making the World's BEST Source for Strength & Conditioning info!

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Michael Boyle