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April 2015 
Vol. 45 No. 2
Cooperatively Speaking
Latest News from PCPI
 PCPI Wants You and You and You!

Exploring PCPI Board and Committees. Is this your year to take the lead?

Please forward this message to your school and council network email lists. Parent Cooperatives Preschool International welcomes both parents and staff of member schools, councils, and libraries to serve on PCPI Board and Committees.

PCPI supports and encourages
* Parent involvement,
* Parent participation, and
* Parent education in Early Childhood Education programs.

If you are committed to the parent involvement model and would like to see the organization of PCPI better meet the needs of its members, consider taking on a leadership position in the organization. Where can you bring your strengths or build new ones? We welcome your creativity and skills. Your involvement is not limited by your location! Work is conducted remotely, often in your own time, with monthly check-ins via conference call. We hold annual meetings alternating between the East and West coasts and Mid-west States of North America (this year it is in Vancouver BC) and travel monies are available for member use!

Here are all the PCPI leadership positions...

PCPI Board Positions. 
For those involved in the cooperative model, you will see that the Board positions probably mirror the Board positions of your schools and centers. The Board sets agendas and goals for the organization and work with the committees and appointees to ensure that the business of PCPI remains on solid footing while extending the mission of the organization. There is room to grow and shape these goals. Currently our focus has been on messaging and branding as well as revitalizing our publications. Imagine a world in which you could mention "parent involvement model" and people would know exactly what you are talking about. Imagine early childhood textbooks featuring more than just a passing sentence about the parent involvement model! This is what we are working on. You know this is for you if this idea is intriguing and you are up for the challenge!
  • President
  • Vice President, Administration
  • Vice President, Finance
  • Vice President, Resources
  • Vice President, Membership
  • Recording Secretary
(A Past President also serves on the Board in order to provide continuity)

Standing Committee Chairs and Appointments
  • Awards Chair -- this chairperson advertises and coordinates Awards. She or he forms a committee to review Award nominations using a preexisting set of criteria. You know this is for you if you enjoy celebrating the rich history of PCPI and individuals (both teachers and parents) in the cooperative movement who make a difference in family's lives every day.
  • Cooperatively Speaking Editor -- this chairperson publishes a monthly newsletter shared via Constant Contact. You know this is for you if you are a person who is interested in collecting and creating content relevant to parent cooperative models. The content should be considered "short bursts", i.e. a short feature article of 1 to 2 paragraphs along with dates and links for PCPI business like grant cycles and meetings. This position has a lot of potential for a person who enjoys writing and sharing.
  • Digital Communications -- this appointee seeks and builds opportunities to increase digital communications and works in partnership with the Cooperatively Speaking Editor and VP Resources. You know this is for you if you are a creative thinker with web-base skills. We need your help to get the word out about PCPI.
  • Katharine Whiteside Taylor Bursary (Canadian) -- this chairperson manages The Katharine Whiteside Taylor Bursary which provides scholarships to help educate parents and teachers in Canada about cooperative preschools. You know this is for you if you are a person who wants to help make parent education possible for schools and centers.
  • Becky Allen Fund (United States) -- Similarly the chairperson manages The Becky Allen Fund was established in memory of Rebecca (Becky) Allen, a founding member of Parent Cooperative Preschools International (PCPI). Donations to the Becky Allen Fund help provide mini-grants to cooperative preschools for parent education projects. You know this is for you if you want to help make parent education possible for schools and centers.
  • Marika Townshend Travel Grants -- this chairperson works with the VP Finance and the VP Administration to advertise and process applications for The Marika Townshend Travel Grant program helps our members attend the PCPI annual meeting. You know this is for you if you value the idea of face-to-face meetings and networking. You make this possible.
  • Annual Meeting Liaison -- this appointee is usually a volunteer who lives in the city selected for the Annual meeting. She or he works in coordination with the VP Administration to coordinate hotel, meeting spaces, and local cooperative school tours. You know this is for you if you are interested in sharing the cooperative movement and your local resources with out -of-town visitors. 
  • NCBA-CLUSA Liaison -- this appointee works with the National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA (www.ncba.coop). This person works with VP Resources to ensure that mailings that are coordinated through NCBA are distributed to PCPI members and Board members. NCBA-CLUSA houses our collection of publications and they assist us in lobbying efforts to further the cooperative model. You know this is for you if you are interested in advocacy work to move cooperative education onto the national and international agendas.

Next month: Annual Meeting Report from Vancouver, Congratulations to Award Recipients
To submit an article on this topic, please email [email protected]
Parent Cooperative Preschools International
c/o National Cooperative Business Center
1401 New York Avenue NW, Suite 1100  Washington, DC 20005