Dear Friends & Partners,
We are excited to announce to you the following new video messages recorded this past weekend.
The messages are as follows:
This message explains the amazing prophetic encounter which I had with the Lord on Thursday, May 18 in California.  Video length is one hour...YOU DON'T WANT MISS THIS!!!
2. WILL THE CHURCH RESPOND TO GOD TODAY?  This message is a prophetic update on what the Lord is saying to the church RIGHT NOW. Please watch! Length 45 minutes.
3. "CHRISTIANITY FOR DUMBIES" Here is the new series on understanding the 7 fundamental principles of Christianity. If we base our spiritual lives in the Lord on these 7 principles we will be successful in all we do!

This series consists of 7 messages...each one is 30 minutes long or less.  It is BASIC ELEMENTARY TEACHING...with plenty of truth, but no everyone, baby Christian or mature Christian, can learn from this and APPLY IT to their lives every day!

The first message recorded this past weekend entitled "GOD'S ANGER AGAINST SATAN" is available now on our website! 

Go to n the opening page you will find the heading "POWERFUL PROPHETIC MESSAGES FOR TODAY" on the gold button named "FEATURED VIDEO", and you will see the video listed.   T he other new messages entitled "WILL THE CHURCH RESPOND TO GOD" and "CHRISTIANITY FOR DUMBIES SERIES" will also be featured on this SAME PAGE. The message on the church responding to God will appear here next Monday, July 3rd; and the series on Christianity for Dumbies will appear on this same page the following Monday, July 10.
Please watch all these messages and pass them on to your friends; I know they will bless you mightily and change many lives to the glory of God!

God's got wonderful blessings in store for us...surely God is on the move.

God Bless, 
Dr. Gabriel & Shellie Heymans
PO Box 143
Isle of Palms, SC 29451

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