"Saying 'Yes' to 'No'"
Third Sunday in Lent
Psalm 84 and John 2:13-22
The Rev. Robert W. Ater preaching

Worship with us this Sunday at 10:00 as we continue to journey through the season of Lent.  Following worship, plan to stay for conversation and coffee in the Parlor.

March 7, 14, 21
Soup at 6:00 in the Upper Room, followed by table worship and the Lord's Supper and t hree options for small group study at 7:00 on spiritual practices, responding to racism, and getting through grief!
Click here for more information; sign-up and get books on Sunday morning in the Parlor.

Join the Board of Deacons and Parish Life Council
for a matinee performance of
The Outgoing Tide  at "In Tandem Theatre"
NEXT Sunday, March 11 at 2:00 p.m.
A touching family drama sprinkled with surprising humor that explores one family's struggle with aging and dementia.
Sign-up in the Parlor for tickets
($27/adults, $25/students/seniors).
For more information about the play go to:  www.intandemtheatre.org.

Palm Sunday, March 25 + 11:15 a.m.  
At the conclusion of Palm Sunday worship, follow the procession of palm waving children to the Upper Room to hear the story of the first "Palm Sunday" and share a first-century meal of bread, fish, olives, dates, figs, eggs, and goat cheese.  People who knew Jesus will tell stories while we eat, and we will all learn about the origins of the Lord's Supper as we share this holy meal.  Sign-up in the Parlor during Coffee Hour.

Before heading home, please double check that you have the right coat! Two long black coats (woman's down jacket on January 28; man's wool coat on February 4) have gone missing from the coat room. Did you take the wrong coat? The coats left behind (Land's End woman's coat and Ralph Laurn man's coat) have been labeled with a small sign in the coat room!
" Word of the Week" 
Building a vocabulary of faith
One of our learning goals for all ages is to develop a more meaningful religious language to shape and express our understanding of God and the life of faith.    This week's word is "disciple" -- a word that means pupil or apprentice.  We refer to those who followed Jesus during his lifetime - especially "the twelve" - as disciples, but it is a term that also applies to all who seek to follow Jesus today in every time and place.
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For more information about worship, congregational events, learning opportunities, mission outreach and programs check out our website, send us an email or contact the church office at 414-276-4757.

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1100 N. Astor Street
Offices: 1105 N. Waverly Place
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202

414-276-0310 fax