Preferred Option for Route 41/Route 926 Intersection Improvement 
S.A.V.E. Endorses Alternative 3 for the Intersection Improvement of Routes 41 and 926

Of the 4 intersection improvement options presented by PennDOT, only Alternative 3 will make the intersection of Routes 926 and 41 safe. The roundabout provides worry-free crossing of Route 41 for Route 926 traffic and a safe left turn movement for Route 41 traffic onto Route 926. The roundabout has the additional benefit of reducing excessive speeds on Route 41 near the intersection. Alternatives 1, 4, and 5 would force Route 926 traffic to travel some distance on Route 41 and to make left turns across Route 41, replacing an extremely dangerous intersection with one that is simply dangerous.

S.A.V.E. acknowledges that Alternative 3 is projected to impact 0.46 acres of wetlands, but believes that there are numerous opportunities to mitigate those impacts. Wetlands lie on both sides of the existing roadway and the topography suggests that the existing roadbed likely was built on wetlands. The historic wetland area under the existing roadbed could be restored when that section of roadbed is removed and the wetlands on either side of Route 41 could be enhanced. Additionally, replacing the roadside embankments that are projected to impact wetlands with retaining walls could reduce wetland loss. Moreover, Alternative 3 is the only one that will not seriously impact the Street Road Artists Space - a community cultural resource of growing importance.

Finally, S.A.V.E. believes that the Impact Matrix is seriously flawed. It should be revised to reflect that Alternative 5 does less to meet the project objective for safety than Alternative 3, it does not account for the role of mitigation to improve the environmental resource scoring associated with Alternative 3, and it does not account for impacts on cultural resources. 

PennDOT needs your feedback!
Click here 
to print and mail the PennDOT Route 41/926 Comment Card, or simply 
send your comments to Steve Fellin at [email protected] by June 30, 2017.

S.A.V.E.'s preferred design alternative is Alternative 3

Visit for complete details and project information