June 22, 2017
Vol 12, Issue 19

Market Updates
Vendor News
----------------------                                                                   Summer officially arrived and we're brining the heat this weekend at the Hollywood Farmers Market. Think of all the berries you can imagine and stone fruits to cool you down.  After a week(s) away we have several vendors back for market including Naked Acres Farm, Persephone Farm, Sun Fox Gardens, Dragonfly Forge, Cardamon Hills Trading Company, House Spirits Distillery, Ken & June's Hazelnuts, Leikam Brewing, More Bees and Lucky Rabbit Snacks. 
It's the last week for asparagus from ProFarm Produce , so get your bundles for grilling, pickling, sauteeing and just spear yourself until you're full. 

To cool down in the heat we'll have our water mister in action on Hancock Street, ice water at the Information Booth and Stellar Pop and Sacred Summit both offering dairy free frozen treats.  Summer time is market time, and we hope to see you!

Less than one month until we re-paint the Hollywood Garden Mural - Sunday July 16th!
Last summer, over 100 volunteers came out to paint the Hollywood Garden Mural on our block of NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th! Taking its inspiration from the bountiful produce on display at the farmers market, the mural takes the form of a garden, with a path of stepping stones winding its way around fruits, vegetables and vines. This is one of the largest street paintings in Portland, stretching curb-to-curb along 100 feet of Hancock Street. On market day, it serves as a beautiful carpet for the farmers market, and throughout the week it leaves a reminder of the market on the street.

Now that it's been a year (and a brutal winter), it's time to repaint the mural. Help us re-beautify this block of the Hollywood neighborhood, and come out on Sunday, July 16th! Please join the event's Facebook page here, where we will be posting updates over the next month.

See you Saturday at the market!
Recipe of the Week
Potato & Snap Pea Salad
Serves 4-6

1 lb potatoes
1/2 lb snap peas (about a pint and a half)
2 tsp. white wine vinegar
1 tsp. dijon mustard
1/2 tsp. sea salt (and 1 tsp. for blanching water)
1 Tbsp. minced shallot (or shallot scapes)
2 Tbsp. chopped parsley
(optional 1 Tbsp chopped tarragon and/or chives)
3 Tbsp olive oil
Finish with salt & black pepper to taste

potato pea salad
Wash potatoes and place in pot (whole with skins on). Cover with cold water and slowly bring it to the bubbly stage - not a boil, but a bare simmer. The more slowly you cook the potatoes, the more uniformly they will cook. Keep the water at a bare simmer and start to check the potatoes by poking them with a toothpick after about 20 minutes.

Depending on the size of the potatoes, it may take 30 or 40 minutes. While the potatoes are cooking oh-so-gently, prepare the other elements of the salad:

1. Snap the stem end from the snap peas and cut to desired size - you can keep them whole if you like, or cut them in half diagonally.
2. Mix together the white wine vinegar & mustard in a small bowl.
3. Mince the shallot & parsley. When the potatoes feel like they give evenly from the skin to the center, remove them from the water with a slotted spoon and set aside. Keep the water from the potatoes to blanch the peas.

Turn up the heat under the potato water until it's boiling, and add 1 tsp. of salt. Toss your prepared snap peas in the salted water and stir gently. Remove them just when they're uniformly bright green - it only takes about 30-40 seconds. If you go longer they end up a sad, tired green. Take them out and plunge them into cold water to cool. Drain them.

The potatoes should now be cool enough to handle but not cold.  Chop them into the size that you like - again, you could leave them whole if you've got wee baby potatoes, or you can cut them into bite sized pieces, whatever floats your boat. Put them into a bowl big enough for the entire salad. Sprinkle with 1/2 tsp. salt & the vinegar-mustard mixture. The flavors meld & penetrate into the potatoes better if you add them when the potatoes are warm...but adding the oil at the end is best because it prevents the 'soggy salad'.

Mix in the snap peas, shallot and parsley (or other herbs). Drizzle with olive oil and taste. If you like, finish with some more salt and black pepper.

Recipe by Ellen Laing
Entertainment and Events

Community Booths
Dear Bike: Free Bike Repair

Upcoming Events
July 1st: Cooking Demo with NW Culinary Institute, 9am - 1pm 
July 15th: Senior Day , all day
*Sunday*, July 16th: Street Mural Re-Painting!
Vendors at Market 
this Saturday
Lloyd Farmers Market
Looking for a market to pick up some midweek groceries?

Tuesdays 10am-2pm
Year Round!

www.lloydfarmersmarket.com for more information or to sign up for weekly updates

APR-SEP: Every Saturday, 8AM - 1PM
OCT - NOV: Every Saturday, 9AM - 1PM
DEC-MAR: 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 9AM - 1PM

NE Hancock Street between 44th and 45th Avenues (one block South of Sandy Blvd). In the Grocery Outlet parking lot.

For more information call (503) 709-7403, 
or  check us out online at www.hollywoodfarmersmarket.org .

You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

See you Saturday at the market!
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