Lethbridge Sport Council E-News
June 22, 2017
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Canada Day
Canada Day in Lethbridge is celebrated annually with festivities at Henderson Lake Park, Galt Gardens, and throughout town at a variety of venues. It is the biggest annual celebration in Lethbridge with something for everyone!  Come see us at Henderson Lake Park, we'll have lots of great activities to try out!  This year will be even bigger and better as we celebrate Canada's sesquicentennial! 
Volunteers Needed
Lethbridge will host the Football Canada U16 Western Challenge July 1-8, 2017. To make this event a success, volunteers are needed to fill the following roles: 
For more information and to sign up online
Southern Alberta Summer Games
This year the Southern Alberta Summer Games in 2017 will take place in Brooks from July 5-8.  Local athletes will compete in categories like Athletics, Baseball, Swimming, Photography, Badminton, Soccer, 3/5/10 Km Run, Bowling, Cribbage, Equestrian, Golf and more.
Lethbridge 2017: Get Active Through Sport 
Help us celebrate Canada's 150th by joining Lethbridge 2017: Get Active Through Sport.  Choose to participate in 52 sports in 52 weeks, #YQLChallenge or register as a volunteer!  We invite you to register online - recruit a friend, involve your family, teammates or co-workers or on your own! 
A Celebration!
Come celebrate both Canada's 150th anniversary and Nikka Yuko's 50th anniversary at the Nikka Yuko Japanese Gardens on July 15th, 2017. Events that will take place during the day include a pancake breakfast with the Lethbridge Bulls, come try Judo, Karate and Iaido Sword, a blacksmith demonstration and more!
SportFest Registration 
SportFest 2017 will be held Saturday August 19th at the Servus Sports Centre. Vendor/exhibitor registration is now open. 
Spaces are limited, so don't delay register today.
Recreation Volunteer Recognition Award
Put our community on the provincial stage by nominating an individual or individuals for a Recreation Volunteer Recognition Award! Help us say thank you to those who donate their time and energy to help us stay active and engaged in recreation!
The Recreation Volunteer Recognition Awards have honored the legacy of recreation volunteer service since 1977. Deadline is June 30th.
ATB Financial Lethbridge Dragon boat Festival
The 16th annual ATB Financial Lethbridge Rotary Dragon Boat Festival will be held on June 23-25, 2017. The Lethbridge Dragon Boat Festival is an annual festival that attracts over 60 teams with over 1600 participants. This three-day festival is the largest dragon boat festival in Alberta that includes not only dragon boat races, but entertainment, vendors, and beer gardens. 
Sport for Life Resources
The S4L website has a diverse collection of resources on topics such as Aboriginal, Athletes with a disability, Best practices, Coaches, Parents, Physical Literacy, Women and Girls and more.

Marketing to Children
Health Canada launched a public consultation on restricting the marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages to children. The proposed approach aims to protect children from marketing tactics that encourage them to eat unhealthy foods. The participation of Canada's sport sector is essential to this  consultation process , and your contributions to this dialogue are welcome. Health Canada wants to hear from the sport sector.  The deadline for feedback is July 25, 2017.
World Masters Games
The World Masters' Games is the largest multi-sporting event in the world. There are over 28,000 participants, 117 countries represented in 28 different sports and 45 disciplines. 
Two teams represented Lethbridge: an all female 50+ crew (22 paddlers) and a male/female 40+ crew (12 paddlers) representing a wide cross section of paddling.
Battle of the Badges
Bring the family out for a fun evening at the Spitz Stadium, support a great cause and watch the police team beat the fire team (or maybe the other way around :-)at a friendly game of ball! The event will include face painting, prizes, draws, and Lethbridge Bulls autographs.
FREE Outdoor Gym Classes
Hosted by the Lethbridge College Be Fit for Life Centre, the City of Lethbridge and Active Lethbridge at the Nicholas Sheran Outdoor Gym (W of picnic shelter and playground)
Thursdays - 6:00 - 7:00 PM
June 15, 22, July 6, 13, Aug 17
Susan Eymann
Executive Director
Phone: 403-320-5412
Tanya Whipple
Program and Communication Coordinator
Phone:  403-320-9371
[email protected]
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