What's Your Horsemanship IQ?

1. True or false? When putting on a blanket, one should always buckle the chest straps first.

2. How many feet are in a six-stride line?
a. 48
b. 59
c. 84
d. 95

3. A horse has __ lumbar vertebrae?

To find out the answers, scroll to the bottom of this eNews! If horsemanship knowledge is important to you, check out the Horsemanship Quiz Challenge, presented by  The Plaid Horse HQC is a fun online quiz members 21 and younger can take for a chance to attend HQC Nationals and win prizes and scholarships to Lake Erie College.  Register here

USHJA Stable Challenge Is HERE!

Right now, USHJA invites members of ALL AGES to team up and put their horsemanship knowledge to the test in the 30-day USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Stable Challenge . One winning barn in each Zone will be awarded a great prize pack!

Take the Challenge today!

1. Gather your entire barn (at least three people must participate)

2. Study the guide

4. Enter your trainer's name (trainer must be a USHJA member)

5. Repeat!

Participants under the age of 21 can give their barn an edge by earning bonus points when they take the Horsemanship Quiz Challenge. The winner from each zone will receive a fantastic prize pack for their trainer/barn thanks to USHJA sponsors  Charles OwenCWDEquestrian CoachProfessional's ChoicePerfect ProductsRood and Riddle Equine HospitalShapley'sStandlee and The Plaid Horse
Learn From Karen Healey June 24-25
June 24-25
William Clark Chamberlin Equestrian Center
Anchorage, Alaska
Auditing available $125 for both days or $75 for one day
Click here for the flyer
Zone 12 HOTY Championship Coming up!

The Zone 12 Horse of the Year Championship is coming up!

When: July 20-23

Where: 2017 Summer Festival and Zone Finals at France Equestrian Center Alaska State Fairgrounds in Palmer, Alaska.

Click here to view the prize list.

Click here to view specifications.

Zone 12 Team and Individual Championships are July 22!

The USHJA Zone 12 Team and Individual Championships for Hunters and Jumpers are coming up July 22 at  France Equestrian Center in Palmer, Alaska Good luck to all of the Zone 12 riders who are participating!
Nominate Someone Deserving Today!
USHJA Awards Trophies. Photo credit Tricia Booker/USHJA Archives

Do you know someone who is deserving of recognition? Check out our member-nominated awards, and fill out a nomination form to recognize someone for their contributions to our sport!

Award Description Deadline
Recognizes Amateur Owners and Adult Amateurs who exhibit excellence and integrity by supporting fellow competitors and volunteering their time. July 31 
Lifetime Achievement Award Honors members whose lifelong involvement in the sport and with USHJA has benefited the industry. July 31
Jane Marshall Dillon Award Recognizes an individual who has devoted his/her life to teaching and mentoring riders beginning their education in the sport.  July 31
Mrs. A.C. Randolph Owners Legacy Award Honors an owner who has created a legacy of giving back to the sport through continued dedication and support.  July 31
USHJA Youth Leadership Award Identifies potential future leaders in the equine industry, while recognizing youth for their achievements. Sept. 1
USEF Youth Sportsman's Award USHJA nominates one member for this award, which is presented annually to a USEF member under 18 who exemplifies sportsmanship. Sept. 1
Vital Horse Show Staff Award Recognizes two committed horse show staff members (one from each coast) who often work behind the scenes but are essential to the success of horse shows.  Oct. 5
Sport News
Important Dates and Deadlines
Don't miss out on exciting upcoming USHJA programs, events and opportunities: 

Date Event Additional Information
June 24-25 Karen Healey Clinic, William Clark Chamberlin Equestrian Center, Anchorage, Alaska Click for more info
July 18-23 Children's and Adult Amateur Hunter West Regional Championships, Bend, Ore.  Click for more info
July 20-23 Zone 12 Horse of the Year Championship, 2017 Summer Festival and Zone Finals, France Equestrian Center, Alaska State Fairgrounds, Palmer, Alaska Click for more info
July 22 USHJA Zone 12 Team and Individual Championships, Palmer, Alaska Click for more info
July 31 Deadline to nominate someone for the following awards
  • Amateur Sportsmanship Award
  • Jane Marshall Dillon Award
  • Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Mrs. A.C. Randolph Owners Legacy Award 
Click for more info

Click here  for the Zone 12 calendar of events.
Have an interesting story to share? Know a member who deserves to be recognized? Email stories  here for possible inclusion in a future Zone eNews Update!
Sponsors and Partners
The USHJA would like to thank the following sponsors and partners for their support of our many programs and endeavors. For more information, click the sponsor logo(s) below.

Official USHJA Sponsors

Additional USHJA Sponsors & Partners

HQC Answers:
1. True
2. c. 84 feet
3. Six

How did you do? Click here to register to take the Horsemanship Quiz Challenge, presented by The Plaid Horse!
United States Hunter Jumper Association 
3870 Cigar Lane
Lexington, KY 40511
P: 859.225.6700 
F: 859.258.9033