We now release What's on the MOVES on Friday. We will continue to share information received about upcoming events, agency news and announcements with the DC MOVES mailing list. If you have information to share through this bulletin, please contact the DC MOVES Coordinator  Carol Good.
And the work continues!

Even through summer has arrived, work continues on the DC MOVES initiative. Using the feedback received from the users' survey, we are moving ahead with our website upgrades. Anyone who has done a similar project knows it will probably take longer than we hope and more complex than we expect. We are grateful for the support we receive from our webmaster - Valerie  Jones, . We also appreciate a shared student  resource from the Dufferin Board of Trade available this summer. 
At the June Forum, we were asked to provide access to the Reducing Poverty in Dufferin County: A Proposed Strategic Framework report. This document is the key reference for the Dufferin County Poverty Reduction Task Force workplan.
One more thing - please remember to mark your calendar for the next DC MOVES Forum on September 15.

Resource Sharing
Ontario Renovates Program
The County of Dufferin Ontario Renovates Program is designed to provide financial grant assistance for low to moderate income, homeowner or renter households, to increase accessibility of their unit through repairs/modifications and adaptations .
The maximum grant available is $5,000.

Eligible repairs/modifications for an Ontario Renovates Accessibility Grant may include modifications to increase accessibility related to housing and reasonably related to the occupant's disability including:
  • Ramps
  • Handrails
  • Chair and Bath Lifts
  • Height Adjustments to Countertops
  • Cues for doorbells/fire alarms
For further details on the County of Dufferin Ontario Renovates Program, please contact Juli Griffin 519-941-6991 ext. 2106, or visit:

Volunteer Dufferin is Developing!
Volunteer Dufferin is developing, compiling, adapting and creating resources to benefit your organization in the "3 R's": recruitment, retention and reward of volunteers. We are also sourcing other resources to benefit your non-profit or charitable organization. Some of the topics you've indicated interest in include:
  • Volunteer Screening
  • Board Governance
  • Volunteer Policies and Procedures
  • Recruiting Board Members
  • And so much more!
Do you have a topic you would like addressed? Please contact me at and I'll add it.


Community Wellbeing
Home Ownership Program

The County of Dufferin Homeownership Program is designed to provide moderate income individuals and families, with an interest free down payment assistance loan, to help them in purchasing their own home.

The County can provide up to five percent (5%) in down payment assistance to eligible applicants to assist them in purchasing a home to a maximum of $22,750.

For further details on the County of Dufferin Home Ownership Program please contact 519-941-6991 ext. 2010, or visit:

Inspiring Peter Kenyon delivered engaging
Community Development Workshop

Over 50 people were on hand at Monora Park on Monday June 26 to participate in a community development workshop led by Bank Of Ideas founder Peter Kenyon.

Thanks to a past relationship with Peter and the partnership with the Rural Ontario Institute , HCIA was invited to host him for a session in Dufferin as part of his cross-Canada vacation and working road trip.

The feedback after the event was thumbs up and everyone enjoyed the day. Peter is a wonderful and entertaining storyteller. He outlined initiatives around community successes in the face of economic collapse while providing many inspirational quotes and examples. He is thrilled to share his presentations and invites anyone to use what they can to make their community a better place. Check out his website and watch his video.

Poverty Reduction
As we continue to plan for a large-scale build in Dufferin, we look to our community for support. At Habitat for Humanity, support comes in many forms. 
  • Volunteer with us! Learn more about our volunteer opportunities in Dufferin here.
  • Shop at the Orangeville ReStore, or donate your gently-used furniture, appliances and more. Learn more here.
  •  #PartyHardforHabitat: This September, we're hosting our first ever Ultimate Habitat House Party in Dufferin! Find out more about tickets, sponsorships and more by emailing 
We're building homes and building the future of community - our community.