Philanthropy Magnified Impact Report
June 2017
2017 Spring Grants, A Special Honorary Fund
and 2017 Fall Grant Cycle

 Spring 2017 Grant Cycle Award Celebration

Learn about the initiatives and collaborations awarded grants from Howland Foundation assets and additional grants from Community Foundation donor advised such as the Sandy and Jay True and the  Lynnette Molesky Scofield Fund as well as from field of interest funds such as the Children & Youth Fund and the Collective Impact Fund.

These grants are for outstanding work in the priority areas of elders, youth, animal welfare and environmental preservation.

Review the grantees, programs and funds by seeing a special PowerPoint from the event.

 Honoring Dr. Marguerite Uphoff

Dr. Marguerite Uphoff Endowment Fund to support Community Foundation's Children & Youth Fund grantmaking

On June 12th, 2017 the community came together to celebrate and honor Dr. Marguerite Uphoff for her the tireless dedication and support for children and families throughout our community and beyond. She made it very clear that even though she is stepping down as Medical Director for ICSD, Lansing and TST BOCES, she plans to continue serving children and youth in our community, but in a new capacity.
Dr. Marguerite Uphoff has been working hard to support children throughout Tompkins County, including working as a pediatrician for over 45 years. Her dedication to children and their families has gone way beyond her practice. She has served as medical director for Ithaca, Lansing and BOCES schools for over 20 years. Dr. Uphoff has provided support for children wherever needed including; school classrooms, meeting with educators, helping school nurses, homes, and even school bus accidents. Her passion, wisdom and tireless spirit have had a huge impact on the children and families in our community. 

Make a Gift to honor Dr. Uphoff.

Announcing Fall 2017 Grant Cycle
Thriving Through Collective Impact


Community Foundation is offering a two-year grant cycle to continue and to expand local collective impact initiatives. This grant cycle maintains Community Foundation's commitment to foster collaborative and strategic approaches to improve the quality of life for all in Tompkins County.

Eligible applicants are a nonprofit or government that is a stakeholder in at least one of the following collective impact initiatives:
  • Cradle to Career
  • Nutrition Security
  • Community Re-Entry after Incarceration
  • 2017 Fall Grant Cycle application will be available online on CommunityForce by August 24, 2017.
  • All are welcome to attend a community information session on August 31, 2017 (location TBD) to learn more.
  • The application deadline is October 11, 2017
Attend Community Foundation Events
Looking for a way to connect with others who care about our community?
Consider attending a special event

Let's Talk Philanthropy: Place Based on June 27, 2017

Let's Talk Philanthropy: Environment & Sustainability on July 13, 2017


Grantee Site Visits: Coming Later this Summer!

Contact Amy LeViere for more information

Read Impact Stories
Learn more about grant successes and ways donors have partnered with Community Foundation to help solve specific problems in our community.