Check out the new and improved
Sampling Made Easy program
March 13, 2018

Check out the updates to the Sampling Made Easy program. You can now access it through the Sampling Made Easy button available on your Business Tab in the Business Center.

Or, you can get started right away using this link:
You can now choose up to 10 samples in any combination - every available L'BRI sample can be ordered using this form. You can also choose to include a catalog as one of the selected samples.

The cost for each sample is the same as individually ordering through your Consultant shopping cart with a flat $2.00 Shipping & Handling fee per mailing.

Once the sample order ships, you will receive an email with tracking information so you can connect with your customer to provide directions and guidance.
The fortune is in the follow-up
Remember to stay in contact with your customers during the period that they are sampling a product to make sure they're following the product directions consistently and are experiencing positive changes in their skin. You'll want to be in touch to help them order the full-size products!  


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