You'll never know the true value of an hour until you
understand the impact made by our ReadingPals volunteers. ReadingPals are volunteer readers that spend one hour each week mentoring a second- or third-grade student. Many students in our community struggle with
reading. As a result, they
become discouraged learners and shy away from books. With
the help of ReadingPals volunteers spending one hour a week throughout the school year reading with young students, student's feelings about reading are changing for the better.
This year, our ReadingPal
s students
said the consistent time and attention from their ReadingPal, made
them feel more confident, less shy to read in front of their peers, and excited about reading. The impact does not stop there
. ReadingPals parents notice positive changes in their child as well.
Their children read more at home, sometimes to their siblings and are now enthusiastic about family trips to the public library.
Often we assume we have to do something big and heroic to make a big impact.
ReadingPals proves just one hour a week makes a huge impact in the life of a child and their family. We want to change the lives of more
children in our community.
To do that, we need more
ReadingPals volunteers. Will you help us change the lives
of students in our community?
To become a ReadingPal, complete the application here. If you want more information, click this video: