June 19, 2017

#GGUSDPRIDE E-newsletter
Read our #GGUSDPRIDE E-newsletter to learn about all of the great things happening in GGUSD.  
S end your photos to to highlight your school or students in the e-newsletter.
Our 2017 valedictorians and salutatorians are impressive. They have accomplished so much and have plans to do even more.   

Watch our video to see how much GGUSD students care about each other.  Click on the image to the left to play our Special Games video.

During the Special Games on June 9, GGUSD students went above and beyond to ensure students with special needs had a fantastic day competing in Olympic-style events.  
Flag Day at Eisenhower
Eisenhower Elementary School honored Flag Day with a 5K Race and relays. Board of Education members Walter Muneton and Teri Rocco joined in on the patriotic fun. 
College-Going Culture: Bolsa Grande High School's AVID graduates donned their caps and gowns during a visit to Cook Elementary School and were welcomed with cheers from the elementary students.  The visit was meant to help inspire a college-bound mindset at Cook. Bolsa students shared their college plans with students and helped them think about setting goals for the future.  The event was a wonderful collaboration between the two schools.
Ralston Runners
Last month, Ralston Intermediate School had a team of 95 students, staff, and parents participate in the Strawberry Stomp 5K as part of Garden Grove's Strawberry Festival weekend. The group trained for 12 weeks and several Ralston runners won medals.
Santiago Student Advocates
Board of Education Trustee Teri Rocco visited Santiago High School last week where a group of students are on a mission to prevent youth in their community from gaining access to tobacco products and e-cigarettes. It is part of the Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community (HSHC) campaign, which is a statewide initiative to improve the health of Californians!