As many of you know, I am a big proponent of Shameless Public Stretching. Anytime is a good time to create space in your joints and in turn, in your mind.

Some places you can stretch:
Your house
The grocery store
The library
Your car
Your friend's house
On a boat
The bank
At sporting events
In the airport
At church
On the trail get the idea

Now that the space has been allocated, here are 5 stretches that I do on a regular basis to prime my body and mind for the moment or task at hand!

This one is so easy and can be modified sitting or standing. What a great counter for the collapsed posture we might hold during the day. Big mood brightened, as well! (Cat is optional)

This most accessible forward bend is also a great relief for sciatica and improves posture and mental clarity. Be sure to keep your feet parallel! Caution: be careful where aiming your rear end when in public settings.

This is a piriformis and glute stretch which may leave you moaning in sweet agony, but is well worth it. This stretch reduces low back or hip pain and helps you stand up taller. TIP: hold onto a wall/counter/chair. Cross one ankle low over your shin, or high over your knee. Sit BACK into your hips to activate the stretch.

Oh mama. I love this stretch. This can be modified by putting your back knee on the floor for stability. With your hips facing forward, step back into a good lunge. Take the same side arm and reach it over your head. NOTE: if you side bend with the wrong arm, you won't feel anything. This is for your psoas (hip flexor), kidneys, lungs and spine. Yummy.

This one may not be for everyone IN PUBLIC, but it is for everyone in your own home. Soothing to the back and digestive system, you can start or end your day with ease. Practice regularly if you are experiencing gas/bloating. In yoga this is called Apanasana, "Wind relieving pose".
Let me know if you come to like these as much as I do. And trust me, you will inspire strangers and friends who will be amazed at how you take care of yourself.