June 9, 2017

15 Sivan 5777

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    Parshat Beha'alotcha
Candle Lighting at 7:54 PM
There's still time to give to our Charidy campaign.  Every dollar counts and will help support scholarships for our students.  
Appreciating Sinai
This past Wednesday evening we celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2017. We are so proud of our students and I thought it would be appropriate to share words of Torah based on the remarks of Jonah Rose, who was selected by his peers to speak at graduation. Jonah described the perplexing complaints of Bnei Yisrael in this week's parsha: why can't we go back to the good ol' days in Egypt where we had lots of great food instead of the miraculous manna that we now have in the desert?
What was it that caused them to fret so trivially? This complaint of Bnei Yisrael takes place right after they first leave Har Sinai following having encamped there for one year; they now enter the desert wilderness for the first time.  Perhaps the anxiety of leaving the shelter of Sinai caused Bnei Yisrael to not see their blessings as clearly as they should have. Jonah took the opportunity to reflect on his class's departure from KYHS, their figurative Har Sinai, as they enter the broader world, the figurative desert wilderness. Jonah delivered a beautiful message of appreciation for what he had gained at his Sinai.
I too would like to express appreciation as we enter the desert wilderness of summer vacation and leave the shelter of our precious school, our Har Sinai. I want to thank our students and staff for creating an environment of learning and growth, and I want to thank our parents for their partnership in the education of their children. Working in KYHS is an exciting endeavor filled with rich opportunities for personal, professional, and religious growth for me personally and for that I thank the entire school community.
Best wishes to everyone for an extraordinary summer!
Shabbat Shalom.

Rabbi Jonathan Kroll
Head of School
Upcoming Events
  Wed. August 23  
Good and Welfare 

Dr. Mordechai ('06) and Rebecca Siev on the birth of a baby girl, Rina Esther.

Rabbi Tuvia ('06) and Miriam Brander on the birth of a baby girl.

Maya Saketkhou ('13) to J.J. Kimche from London, England

Andrea Marder ('07) to Jordan Desnick
Atara Aroll ('05)

Dr. Gary Lieber on the passing of his beloved mother, Mrs. Goldie Lieber.

Dr. Gary Hopen on the passing of his beloved mother, Mrs. Selma Hopen.

Mrs. Bracha Weberman on the passing of her beloved father, Rabbi Joseph P. Rischall PhD.
2nd Annual Senior Dinner 
Night Ends with Dessert and Yearbooks at New Campus
Graphic by Highlites Staff

New York State of Mind
Seniors Bond at Camp Kaylie, Tour New York and March in Salute to Israel Parade
Graphic by Highlites Staff
Article by Matthew A. Samilow ('17)

The senior trip is designed to serve as the culmination of the high school experience and it is difficult to think of a more fitting capstone to our four years at WYHS, YHS, and KYHS than the trip to New York the senior class recently took.

We departed early Friday morning and after a brief stop for lunch in Teaneck, New Jersey, arrived at Camp Kaylie, where we would be spending Shabbat. After settling in, boating, and playing a variety of sports, we prepared to welcome the Sabbath.

Over Shabbat, we talked, recollected, played board games, engaged one another in cerebral conversations, and appreciated each other's company. For many of us, it dawned that this was truly our class's final opportunity to bond.

On Sunday, we drove down to the city to participate in the Salute to Israel Parade, a mesmerizing assembly of thousands of Jews and gentiles in support of the Jewish state. Outfitted in uniform light blue t-shirts, we marched twenty blocks up Fifth Avenue singing, dancing and fervently waving flags. It was an appropriate way to conclude four years of Israel education at KYHS. After a bit of free time in NYC following the parade, we gathered in the Times Square area for a enjoyable scavenger hunt. We then returned to our hotel in New Jersey for some shut-eye. After all, we had a big day ahead of us.

We awoke early Monday and immediately proceeded to an emotional visit at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum. After that, we took the ferry to Liberty and Ellis Islands, where we visited the Statue of Liberty and National Immigration Museum. At this point, our trip was almost over, but we had one final stop: an improv club. There, students participated in a variety of funny improv sketches. We then headed to the airport and said farewell to a fantastic trip.

On behalf of the Class of 2017, I'd like to extend my appreciation to the Director of Student Programming Shira Englander and the Assistant Director of Student Programming Rabbi Daniel M. Kroll. Both put in countless hours planning this trip and we are grateful for their efforts. I would also like to thank all the faculty who took the time to accompany us on the trip. And finally, I'd like to thank the entire class for making the trip as great as it was. The memories we've made will not soon be forgotten.

Congrats Grads!
Graphic by Ariel Schneider ('17)
Article by Matthew A. Samilow ('17)

On Wednesday, June 9th, the 17th class of KYHS held its graduation at B'nai Torah Congregation in Boca Raton, Florida. Hundreds of family and friends were present to celebrate the graduates' milestone. Following introductory remarks from School President Lisa Baratz, Rabbi Jonathan Y. Kroll and Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner both addressed the students with their parting messages for the future. After that, Student Representative Jonah Rose delivered remarks highlighting the value of a Jewish education and the impact it has had all of us.

In the weeks before graduation each student chose a teacher to speak on their behalf. The reflections that these teachers recorded were the most personal and enduring aspect of graduation. After the teacher reflections, each student received a diploma and personal siddur. The ceremony concluded with a moving slideshow, featuring the Class of 2017 throughout its four years at the school.

Oh The Places They Will Go!
Congratulations to our recent graduates in the Class of 2017 who have been admitted to these colleges:
Bar Ilan University
Baruch College
Binghamton University
Boston University
Brandeis University
Brooklyn College
Concordia College
Cornell University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida International University
Florida State University
Goucher College
Hunter College
Huron University
Johns Hopkins University
Lander/Touro College
New York University
Northwestern University
Pace University
Palm Beach State University
Queens College
Rutgers University
Stetson University
SUNY Albany
Syracuse University
The New School
University of Central Florida
University of Denver
University of Florida
University of Maryland
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
University of Miami
University of Pennsylvania
University of South Florida
University of Tampa
University of Toronto
Washington University in St. Louis
Western University
Yeshiva University
Class of 2007 Reunion
Graphic by Highlites Staff
Article by Jordana (Kaminetsky) Bernstein ('07)

This past Sunday night,  the class of 2007 had the pleasure of celebrating our ten year class reunion at Mr. Broadway in midtown Manhattan. Along with Shimmie  Kaminetsky , Mrs. Ora Lee & Dr. Michael Kanner, Rabbi Ben Sugerman, and Rabbi Perry & Mrs. Miriam Tirschwell, many members of our class enjoyed dinner as we recounted memories from our time at (W)YHS. Rabbi Tirschwell shared with the class how Ilana (Weberman) Bendel really was the driving force behind the name RPT (and how the name has stuck to this day!) and his memories of the impact our class made on the school. It was wonderful to get together, catch up on what we've all been up to over the past 10 years, and reconnect over our shared memories during our high school years.  Thank you to KYHS Alumni Coordinator Mrs. Chava Epstein for coordinating the reunion.  We're already looking forward to our 15 year!
Yom Yerushalayim
KYHS Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of Yerushalayim's Reunification with Shiurim, Guest Speaker Rabbi Edward Davis and a Year End Chagigah
Graphic by Ariel Schneider ('17)

End of Year Assembly With Mysterious Acronym Pays Tribute to KYHS Clubs and Outgoing Teachers

Graphic by Ariel Schneider ('17)
