Farmington Valley American Muslim Center
FRIDAY- June 9, 2017

Please join us for community Iftar this evening (Friday 6/9). We will serve Arab (Syrian) food.

Please consider being a sponsor of these community iftars.  Sign-up -up here to sponsor.  
FVAMC Ramadan fundraiser will held June 17th 6:30-8:00 at FVAMC (35 Harris Road, Avon). Please join us to help pay off the cost of the facility. We will accept your Zakah donations for this cause. If you are unable to attend and would like to contribute, you can donate online (by visiting and clicking the Donate button on the Home page) or mail in your donation to FVAMC, 35 Harris Road, Avon, CT 06001.

Interfaith Coalition Rallies in Support of Connecticut Muslims. Group to Respond to March Planned by Islamophobic ACT for America. Please do your best to attend. 

Community leaders, interfaith groups, and residents will be gathering Saturday, June 10, in front of Waterbury’s Silas Bronson Library (267 Grand St) at 10 a.m. in a show of solidarity with Connecticut’s Muslim communities.

The protest is in response to a march scheduled by national hate group, ACT for America, the largest, anti-Muslim group in the United States, taking place simultaneously outside Waterbury City Hall. 

For more information about the solidarity demonstration, please contact Farhan Memon at 203-517-6526 or