June 23, 2017
Happy Birthday! 
Happy birthday to Olivia W., Aliza G., Ariel K., Yossi S., Esther L., Emma J., Daniel L., Israel O., Oliver B!
Click here for Calendar

June 26 - July7
Office Open
Thank You!
We have seen incredible growth and progress and wish everyone a restful, enjoyable and relaxing summer. It takes a village to raise a child and we see that so clearly at Akiva where they are so many people involved in the success of the school.
Thank you to all the dedicated teachers who have spent countless hours preparing lessons, projects and special events to make this such an amazing year.
Special thanks to Morah Dianne for taking care of everything from boo boos to late notes, the newsletters each week and the yearbooks, and the countless other very important tasks she does with a smile so calmly every day.
Muchos Gracias to Enrique for keeping the building in order, taking care of the lunch tables each day and for helping out wherever it is needed.
Thank you so much to Mrs. Mashiah for putting her heart and soul into the hot lunch program catering delicious lunches from a tiny kitchen.
Thank you to Sami and Angela for keeping the building clean each day.
We greatly appreciate all the hours that our board members have dedicated to ensuring the smooth operation of Akiva from a governance perspective.
Thank you so much to all the volunteers who have added so much to our school. From fundraiser projects to field trips to helping out in the classrooms to organizing events, our parent and family volunteers are critical to the success of Akiva.
Special thanks to Ms. Rachel Cole for volunteering in Grade 1-3 classes countless hours over the past several months, Mrs. Ortega for volunteering to supervise girls' tefillah and Mrs. Hilary Cornberg for volunteering each week in pre-school again this year.
Thank you to our after school club volunteers and to Mrs. Anna Lourie, our after school club coordinator.
Thank you to Dr. Larry Katz for once again bringing ABN to our school this year in collaboration with Morah Alexandra and Rabbi Goldenberg.
Thank you to Mrs. Linetsky for volunteering to pick up the challahs from the Carriage House each week.
It has been a great year and we look forward to another exciting year in the fall.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom and a great summer!

Mr. Hadden and Rabbi Greenwald
Mazel Tov!
Mazel Tov to Olivia (Sarah) Wilms upon becoming a Bat Mitzvah!

Mazel tov and Yasher Koach to Yannai Segal upon his appointment to the position of President of Calgary Jewish Federation!

Mazel Tov to Hanit Jacobs upon receiving the Shem Tov award at the Calgary Jewish Federation AGM!

Year End Celebration
Thank you so much to Morah Orly and Morah Traci for organizing an amazing year end celebration. Thank you to Mrs. Mashiah for catering a beautiful BBQ supper. The students in Kindergarten through Grade 9 had a fantastic time swimming at the Olympic sized JCC pool, doing crafts as a group and participating in the fun activities such as tug of war, bean toss, big feet, and racing on inflatable ponies. The fun was capped off with an incredible BBQ. Thank you to all the teachers and volunteers who helped make it possible. Special thanks to the JCC for accommodating us and allowing us to swim.

Thank you so much to Mrs. Bassin for coming to give a yoga lesson to the Grade 4 and 5 girls. They had a wonderful time and look forward to continuing next year!
All students have received a beautiful yearbook filled with memories of a wonderful year. Our yearbook team of Nina, Chaya Esther and Elisheva did a masterful job putting it together. Thank you for your many hours of effort put into it.
Beit Halochem Project
Thank you to Morah Marina for once again coordinating a beautiful and meaningful appreciation gift for the veteran soldiers from the Israeli Army. Akiva students presented the gifts to the veterans at the concert  Sunday  night.

Summer Office Hours
The school office will be open June 26 - July 7. Hours of operation are as follows:
  • Mondays-Thursdays: 8 AM - 2 PM
  • Fridays: 8 AM - 12 noon
Synagogue Membership

Kosher Stampede Breakfast

Chabad Events
Celebrating the Canadian Jewish Experience