We hope these tips for caring for those with dementia prove helpful.

When Is the Right Time to Seek Assistance?
In life, timing can make all the difference in the world. But when is the best time to act? A difficult question that will be different for everyone. In this issue of the newsletters, we wanted to provide options and information to help with your forward planning.  
In this newsletter you will find this helpful information:
  • The different stages of Alzheimer's and what to expect.
  • When is the right time for the caregiver to seek help?
  • Life hacks: Time saving tips for the caregiver. (You will LOVE these.)
  • Plus, some fun trivia about our home state that you might not know.
Read on.
Happy Father's Day
June: The Start of Summer Fun

June at ActivCare at Rolling Hills Ranch offers some fabulous activities that are popular with residents and families alike. Click the button below for the full activity calendar.

Next Caregiver Support Group  meetings are  June 6 and June 20 at 10:30 am.
The 7 Stages of Alzheimer's

Understanding a loved one's behavior can be challenging with a progressive disease such as Alzheimer's. Although there is no manual, sometimes understanding where one is within the span of the disease can be beneficial to providing the right care.

Dan Sewell, MD, Professor of Clinical Psychology at UCSD and member of the ActivCare Medical Advisory Board, recently presented a talk that included the seven stages of Alzheimer's Disease and what to expect at each stage. This summary helps outlines what happens as the disease progresses and the approximate period of each stage.

We have extracted that section of Dr. Sewell's presentation in the link below.

When Is The Right Time To Reach Out for Help? 

Every caregiver approaches their caregiver journey with optimism and  a can-do attitude. However along the way, everyday demands can make care-giving challenging. Even though they start with the best intentions, sometimes caregivers need to investigate other options for providing care.

At a recent Town Hall Forum, Todd Shetter, ActivCare Living's Chief Operating Officer provided an overview of care options both in and out of the home. In addition, he discussed approximate costs and provided resources to investigate more options.

Attached is a copy of that presentation.

Life Hacks: Time Saving Tips for the Caregiver

Got 4 minutes? Review this video from AARP with some ingenious tips to assist in caring for older Americans.

These simple solutions can make your life and your loved one's life much simpler while maintaining independence for as long as possible. Who knew buttoning a shirt could be so easy.

Did You Know...?

Here's a little trivia about the great state of California.

California is the first state ever to become a trillion dollar economy in gross state product.

If California were a country, it would be the sixth-largest economy in the world.

Apple computer, Barbie doll, theme park (Disneyland), Frisbee, blue jeans and Fortune cookie are only a few of many things invented in California.

San Bernardino county is the largest county in the U.S. in terms of land area. Its area is larger than the combined area of the states of New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware and Rhode Island!

California has more national parks than any other state in USA. Of the 59 parks, California has nine, followed by Alaska (eight), Utah (five), and Colorado (four).

California has a larger population than all of Canada.

One out of every eight music festivals in the United States is held in California.

By value, California is the world's fifth-largest supplier of food.
  • California is the largest grape and wine producing state in the United States.
  • California accounts for about half of fruit acreage in USA. It is the largest producer of grapes, strawberries, peaches, nectarines, kiwifruit, prunes, plums, dates, avocados, lemons, tangerines, garlic and onion.
  • California is the largest producer of almonds in the world, producing over 80% of the global production of almonds!
  • California grows 99% of all dates grown in the United States.
  • California is the biggest milk producing state in the nation.
ActivCare at Rolling Hills Ranch  |  850 Duncan Ranch Rd  |  Chula Vista, CA  91914
619-569-1504  |   ActivCareLiving.com