Yesterday, the final edition of the Willes Lee Report was published. This monthly report has been MUST READING if you want to understand what must be fixed at the Hawaii GOP. And the Lee Report definitely went out with a bang. Just check out this excerpt below about party finances. Shocking!! You can click below to read both parts of the June 2017 edition of the Lee Report in their entirety.
-HRP FEC HRP end of April is RED. Receipts 9,527 + 0 RNC bailout + 0 state transfer. FEC Sustaining Donors: 0 Exec Cmte (no Rohlfing, Hellreich, Ward, Ostrov, Tupola, nor anyone), 0 district chair, only 3 members! When leaders don't buy in, don't expect others to do so. Disbursements $16,840 is ALL admin overhead & 0 for elections. CoH down from 58.8k to 51.5 means that CoH for operations = 16k with 35.4k in building account. They say CSC has 13k County funds in the total nearly 30k (which begs question of why none was transferred to the Fed account).
Pay outs= 3,010 James salary+1,683 payroll tax, 1,476 mortgage+2,591 building maintenance+288 utilities, 280 phone, 152 cable, 754 copier rent, 150 MailChimp, and a whopping 1,527 compliance consulting, 2,875 facility rental, and 1,777 General Liability insurance. ALL overhead, ZERO expended on elections and messaging. Deferred the accounting charge, cut out health insurance, and no office supplies.
Six+ years you've read it here: STOP. PUTTING. HARD. MONEY. IN. YOUR. SOFT. MONEY. ACCOUNT.
Rohlfing goes out as a bust. Even with the (canceled) LDD pre-sales, his final month is deeply in the RED. Right about now, Ostrov is fining out that the party is in worse shape than she thought. Rohlfing bought expensive Liability Insurance (which Smart had canceled) a month late - Ryan's lawsuit is a not covered 'pre-existing condition'.
Waiting to see Ostrov budget, whether to do LDD or return donors' $, how she'll cover Rohlfing/James losses, and most important, if she begins to message and build a victory fund. You'd think she'd have a budget, you know, the budget delegates should have asked to see before voting.
Mortgage account evaporating as now in addition to 1,476 mortgage, HQ pays building maintenance and utilities = 2880 this month. Mortgage due is reduced by only $1k to 66.5k, which becomes $100k+ as HQ uses the building fund for other expenses, plus any maintenance which may rise.
Assisted suicide, HRP-style. For 2017 Rohlfing, Hellreich, and Ward (R/H/W) FEC report shows 40k receipts with 63.8k disbursement i.e. 23.8k RED even with their big January event and LDD sales.
Lee Report - June 2017 (full version)
Mahalo to Willes Lee for years and years of dutifully chronicling and exposing the deep, deep, serious problems and problem leaders plaguing the Hawaii GOP. Good luck to Willes as the newest member of the NRA Board of Directors.
And Mahalo to all Republicans for caring enough about the future of Hawaii to stay informed about how RINO's have kept the Hawaii GOP on the sidelines, giving Democrats a free ride election after election and even more free rides at the Democrat-run legislature, county councils, and on our delegation to D.C.
Help HIRA keep the pressure on our mismanaged, corrupt, and bankrupt state GOP so that we can someday have a RINO-free party that enthusiatically takes the fight to the Democrats rather than rolling over and playing dead. Join us today and change Hawaii tomorrow!