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Located in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Northern Vegans

Summer/Fall 2017 Quarterly Newsletter



Monthly Dinner at Temaki & Tea World Asian Kitchen

For July we meet on Wednesday, July 12th at Temaki & Tea at NMU campus

Join Northern Vegans for our monthly dinners every first Wednesday of the month. Everyone is welcome. 

NOTE: WE ARE MEETING THE 2ND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH FOR JULY!  There was an error in location in the June email.  We do meet at Temaki & Tea!

Please order vegan* options when joining us.
No RSVP is required. Everyone is welcome. 

Temaki is located at 1422 Presque Isle Ave. at NMU campus.  Their website: http://meet.nmu.edu/dining/?page_id=52 

Details on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/NorthernVegans 

*Vegan omits all animal products including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. Anything from the plant kingdom is vegan.


Northern Vegans Second Monday Potluck Will NOT be meeting in July. Stay tuned for August!


What's UP Locally Vegan!

Another vegan group up in Copper Country!

They get together regularly.  For more info check out their website:    http://coppercountryvegans.org  or go to their facebook group at:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/994051270705859/ 

New Local Resource for U.P. Vegans and Those Interested in Making the Transition
Natasha Lantz, one of the founding members of Northern Vegans, recently started  Plant Centered Living  (PCL).  PCL helps people to better understand the joys and challenges their transition to a plant centered lifestyle will bring and how to articulate what being plant centered truly means to those around them-family, friends, health care providers, co-workers, etc.  Having confidence in one's decision to lead a plant centered lifestyle is critical to the successful navigation of daily living in a world that is not designed to make the healthy and ethical choice, the easy choice.  PCL offers a range of resources from mentoring to  Natasha's Notes, a practical 75-page resource guide.  Plant Centered Living services and resources are available to those living in the U.P. and anywhere around the world, so please help Natasha get the word out by sharing the website with your personal networks.  Visit   www.plantcenteredliving.com , email   [email protected] or call 906.235-5430 to learn more.  

The First Vegan Grocery Store in the Entire Midwest!
Located at 331 Iron St. in downtown Negaunee

Owners Jeff and Carrie Plummer, also founding members of Northern Vegans, run an all vegan grocery store in the Old Bank Building in the oasis of downtown Negaunee called City Green Market.   The Old Bank has been an antique store since 1987 and continues to run as an antique store as well.  Customers have been saying that it has an old mercantile vibe to it with the mix of antiques and groceries all under one roof!
More info at   www.facebook.com/CityGreenMarket or call at 906-475-4777. 

The Vegan Scoop

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

You Tube Video of Founding Member Jeff Plummer on TV 6 Morning News
A founding member of Northern Vegans and a co-owner of an all vegan natural food store, City Green Market, Jeff Plummer talks about Meat Out Day on TV 6 Morning show.  4 Minute You Tube Video Here: Jeff Plummer of City Green Market on the TV6 Morning News

The Free Range Myth
On this page: http://www.peacefulprairie.org/freerange1.html Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary has several links on their website about the misconceptions of free range chickens- including their video "watch the faces of 'free range' farming."

The Zoochotic Report
Mentally Damaged Animals in Captivity
Video observations by the late Bill Travers, taken over 3 years in over 100 zoos in Europe, North America and the Far East, the Zoochotic.  10 minute video.
The Vegan Body Care Guide
Vegan products contain no animal ingredients and are not tested on animals.

The Official Animal Rights March on September 2nd, 2017 in London
The Official Animal Rights March on September 2nd, 2017 in London
"In 2016 Surge hosted the first Official Animal Rights March where 2,500 vegans marched through London demanding an end to all animal oppression. It is now with great excitement that we are announcing the 2017 Official Animal Rights March, in collaboration with The Save Movement and HeartCure Collective."

Why All of America's Circus Animals Could Soon be Free
After 146 years Ringling circus is putting on its final show. Lawmakers may unite to take all traveling exotic animals off the road.

FoA to homeowners: 'The perfect lawn is not worth the lives of people, pets or pollinators'

..." Aesthetically pleasing and no longer cost prohibitive, organic lawn care is the only choice as evidence of the health risks of pesticides-to human and non-human animals-piles up.   One of the more recent studies, published in the journal Environmental Research, reveals that the use of professionally applied pesticides was associated with a significant 70 percent higher risk of canine malignant lymphoma. Risk was also higher in those reporting use of self-applied insect growth regulators..."  Full Article Here

The Dandelion Prerogative By founding Northern Vegans member Carrie Plummer

..."Dandelions are very high in vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A and have as much Vitamin C by weight as grapefruits... You can make a coffee substitute, wine, and jelly out of them.  They stimulate and aid the liver in the elimination of toxins from the blood and are used for breast tumors, cysts, fevers, kidney and gall stones, P.M.S., menopause, hypoglycemia, recent onset diabetes, high blood pressure, digestive disturbances, and hepatitis. They are also used as a skin cleanser and help increase production of mother's milk!  Oh, and best of all - they're free!... Unfortunately, many of the inheritors of this potent flower are unappreciative and, frankly, at war with it.   A large green carpet with little to no diversity has become the convention.  People are spending time and money routinely spraying poisons on their lawns. Many of the commonly used pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides) are suspected human carcinogens.  Air, water, and soil are being contaminated and in the process, wildlife is disappearing and the friendly beneficial bacteria in the soil are dying.  What's most disturbing is that children are up to 6 times more likely to get childhood leukemia or brain cancer when living in or near homes where the lawns are treated with these indiscriminate chemicals..."  Full Article (5 down) Here

I'm sick of hearing lies about vegan diets - I'm raising my child vegan because I have her best interests at heart
By Jimmy Pierson

..." Eating animal products is the leading cause of climate change, and processed meat is a recognised carcinogen. So how exactly am I harming my daughter by helping her avoid meat and dairy?..."  More Here 

Vegans Since Birth

Henry Plummer (who is now 9) is the son of founding Northern Vegans members Jeff and Carrie Plummer. He was highlighted in the Vegans Since Birth blog when he was 4 1/2.  He is 8 down.  Read his and other inspiring stories here:  http://thevegantruth.blogspot.com/2012/12/vegans-since-birth.html 

Ex-Breeding Cow Gives Birth to the Very First Calf She Will Keep Forever

...." A Murray Grey cow named Granny, who came to live at Signal Hill just a few months ago, spent 15 years of her life as a breeding cow....  Unlike thousands of others in the meat industry, she was treated quite well at her cattle farm, which is known for the high quality, health, and condition of their animals.   Despite this better environment and the fact that Granny was known by a name instead of a number, Granny was still forced to be separated from the 12 calves she birthed - all of whom eventually were destined to be sold for meat... About a week or so ago, Kris and sanctuary partner, Lyndel, discovered that Granny was pregnant..."  Full Article and Photos Here

The world's first 24-hour vegan drive-thru opens in Canada
Canada-based vegan fast-food restaurant  Globally Local are set to open a second location in London Ontario this June and will feature the world's first vegan 24-hour drive-thru. 

Watch Earthlings for Free
Narrated by actor and vegan Joaquin Phoenix.  This is a film that exposes the realities of all kinds of animal exploitation. A very important film.  Watch free here: http://documentary-movie.com/earthlings/ . Warning: graphic footage.  "Then I watched the video Earthlings and my path was clear." Helen Atthowe, veganic farmer/gardener
Check out Northern Vegans' Vegan Recipe Facebook Album
Beautiful photos and some awesome recipes. Yum yum!  More Here
Going vegan is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Check out: www.vegankit.com
Free Why Veganism? Leaflets, slips, and tear offs here: www.whyveganism.com 
You can check out our Newsletter Archives here:

GMO News:
9 GMO Ingredients to Avoid
Remember, when you buy organic foods they CAN NOT BE GMO.  
GM since:  2005
How widespread:  95 percent of the US sugar-beet crop was genetically modified in 2009, according to the USDA. Around half of the sugar produced in the US comes from sugar beets.
What to watch for:  If a non-organic bag of sugar or a product containing conventional sugar as an ingredient does not specify "pure cane sugar," the sugar is likely a combination of cane sugar and GM sugar beets.

Recommended Media:

About The Kind Mama:
When did making babies get to be so hard? Infertility is on the rise globally, affecting as many as one in six couples. But instead of considering diet and lifestyle factors, doctors pump their patients full of expensive and invasive fertility treatments. Once pregnant, women just accept that carrying a baby will be the gassy, swollen, irritable, sleepless nightmare that has become the new normal-and then assume that new motherhood will be just as challenging, from breastfeeding woes to screaming fits.
It doesn't have to be that way. In The Kind Mama, Alicia Silverstone has created a comprehensive and practical guide empowering women to take charge of their fertility, pregnancy, and first 6 months with baby. Drawing on her own experience, as well as that of obstetricians, midwives, nutritionists, holistic health counselors, and others, Silverstone offers advice on getting one's "baby house" in order through nutrient-rocking foods that heal and nourish, and, once pregnant, gentle ways to boost comfort, energy, and health during each trimester. She helps readers navigate everything from prenatal testing and birth plans to successful breastfeeding and creating a supportive "baby nest." The result is an authoritative, one-stop guide that empowers women to trust their instincts during this vital milestone, while helping them embark on a healthy and more vibrant path to motherhood.  More at:  http://thekindlife.com/the-kind-mama/ 

Health Resource for this issue  
(finding ways to heal or to live naturally using animal-free/cruelty-free methods ): 
Retired heart surgeon from the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, has for years promoted a plant-based diet to his patients to reverse even the most advance stages of heart disease. Wonderful doctor.  Great presentation.
Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof - Caldwell Esselstyn MD
Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof - Caldwell Esselstyn MD

Quote of the month:
"I can't think of anything better in the world to be but a vegan." -Alicia Silverstone

Get the Cowspiracy Facts:
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change. 
By Cowspiracy: The Most Shocking 1.5 Min Video the World Must See!
By Cowspiracy: The Most Shocking 1.5 Min Video the World Must See!


Join Northern Vegans on Facebook
And "Like" us.

Stay informed of upcoming events here locally as well as nationally and internationally.  Keep yourself apprised of veganism on so many levels.  Get the latest vegan recipes and so much more!


Northern Vegans is always in need of donations to continue our great work in the community.  As most of you know, not only are we a not for profit group with no paid employees, but we also often fund our group with our personal funds as board members.  Northern Vegans has existed since 2006 and a short list of our accomplishments in the community include: library donations of vegan related books and media numbering in the hundreds; dozens of movie/documentary showings; over a hundred restaurant meet ups and other socials; numerous vegan presentations; countless tabling events; immense amount of vegan literature dispersed; and the list really goes on and on.  
Help us continue spreading the message and consider donating to us today.  No amount is too small and we use every bit of it to our fullest extent.  In fact it is not outlandish to say that for every $1.00 that is donated we put at least 50 cents more into that $1.00 simply because we work on a 100% volunteer basis, no salaries, and several of us continuously put our own personal money into the necessary expenses for the group. 

Please send donations to:
Northern Vegans
P.O. Box 126
Negaunee, MI 49866


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Highlight of the Month

Support Northern Vegans Member Joshua Brown for Project Walk

"I was in a near fatal car accident in May 2010 , leaving me with a broken neck and paralyzed from the chest downward.    This fundraiser is about my goal to attend the physical neuro regeneration therapy center known as Project walk."  Joshua Brown
The therapy requires several hours of intensive physical work each day, five days a week.   As you can imagine this is very costly.
Would you please donate?   Please DONATE here: https://www.gofundme.com/walktheearth 

Project Walk is the world's largest spinal cord injury recovery center:

Project Walk is the world's largest spinal cord injury recovery center

Meet Josh Brown
Meet Josh Brown


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