St Winifred's School
    View from the Window
                                                                  Summer Term number 6
                                                                  2nd June 2017

Dear Parents, 

I hope you have all had a good half term break.  The last week of school passed quickly with successful and enjoyable trips to Roche Court and Manor Farm. Forms 5 and 6 presented an assembly to the whole school recounting their adventures at Thorness Bay, click here for their report. The last Friday was the Tudor House Charity Day in aid of The Red Cross and great fun was had whilst raising money for this excellent cause.  Thank you to Tudor House Captains and the staff for their support.
The last afternoon was spent in concert with Southampton Music Service with guest appearances from Miss Falvey on double bass and Miss Sharratt on bassoon!  The children then had the chance to play the instruments so if they have come home inspired to learn,  please contact the school office for details.  A huge thank you to Southampton Music Service for this most enjoyable opportunity.
A few quick reminders about the Summer Fete - see the latest requests for children's books, soft toys, jars and help on the day!  

The tickets for Wind in the Willows are available from Tuesday by email - there are only 70 seats per performance so first come first served with only two tickets per family to start with.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday.  

Best wishes 

Jan Caddy 

On the Thursday 25th May, Form 4 and 5 enjoyed a hot sunny day out at Roche Court, New Art Centre near Salisbury. 

Roche Court education team, Emma and Beth, guided the children around the many modern and contemporary sculptures that stand, lie and are suspended on the grounds of the large estate. Children discussed and interpreted the art, considering the meaning they had through analysing shapes, materials, positioning and how many of the sculptures where constructed. 

Much analysis was made and many sketches drawn as pupils looked at Laura Ford's wandering, sorrowful cat like figures, Richard Long's long strip of flint stones to represent a buzzard's flight path, David Nash's rusty lightening bolt and Anthony Caro's large 'Millbank Steps', to list a few of the art works viewed.

A fantastic day was had by all.
Report from Mr Papps.
Arrangements for the annual Summer Fete are under way! The PTA and Staff are busy putting together a range of exciting stalls and activities are being made. Do not miss your chance to win one of the amazing prizes in the raffle, have a go on the bouncy castle or enjoy a treat from the cake stall!

We would be most grateful for your assistance in making this year's Fete a great success. Donations would welcome for the following:
  • Children's books
  • Soft toys - clean and suitable as a gift
  • Jam jars (pre-filled with prizes such as sweets, bouncy balls, stickers etc)
  • On the day - cakes, muffins and bakes for the refreshment stall 
Empty jam jars, to be filled, for the Tombola will be available at the School gate on Monday afternoon, 5th June. All other donations are welcome to the School from Monday 5th June. We will be running a hot dog stall (vegetarian option available) from 12.30-13.00. To simplify things on the day, the hot dogs will be available by pre-order and paid for in advance by Wednesday 14th June. The cost will be £1.50, please visit the School Office after half term to place your order.

As in previous years all games and activities will be run using "Winnie" tokens (equivalent to 50p each) which will be available on the day or in advance at a special rate of £5 for 11 tokens. Tokens will go on sale from Monday 12th June . 

If any parents are willing to help with preparations ahead of the Fete and on the day itself please speak to Mrs Cooper who is coordinating the event.
Form 6 this week
As our final half term begins, we will be launching (pun intended) our new topic this week of 'The history of flight', beginning with a visit to Spitfire designer R.J Mitchell's former home just around the corner from the School in Russell Place.  We also have a visit to Solent Sky museum at the end of the week on Friday 9th June to give us further insight into the incredible development of flight over the 20th century.  
We will also be completing our persuasive writing unit in English, writing a short persuasive brochure for Thorness Bay on the Isle of Wight.  We will be using all the techniques we have learned about so far to make our brochures as engaging as possible for someone who has never visited before. 
In Maths, we will be covering number, place value and rounding, consolidating our learning about decimal numbers and also taking on 'code-breaker' style problems.  In Science, we will be finishing Living things and their habitats by looking at dichotomous keys to identify living things and creating our own classification key for common birds in our local habitat. 
And in R.S., we will be revising and evaluating all the topics we have covered this year and what we have learned through them.  
Form 5 this week

I can hardly believe that we are entering our last term here in form 5. Where has the time gone?

In English we begin the half term focusing on audience and the purpose of our writing. In grammar we will be looking at using fronted adverbials in our sentences and in our comprehension work we will be looking at how to take notes.
In Maths we will be completing our measurement unit by revising converting between different units of grammar. A short assessment will follow.
In Science we will be completing our forces unit by investigating the strange force that is friction before finding out about gears, pulleys and levers. A short assessment will follow.
In History we will be looking at the Beautiful Game as part of our Leisure & Entertainment Unit. Mr Pascoe can't wait!
Coming up in Form 1
Maths: This week the children will be focusing on understanding money. They will start the week by looking at identifying and understanding the value of a range of different coins and notes. Later on in the week they will be looking at the strategies they can use to help them to add together a range of coins totalling different amounts.

English: This week the children will be looking at a range of fantasy stories, their focus for this half term. They will be starting by beginning to understand some of the similarities and differences between a fantasy story and a fairytale story. They will also be looking at some of the main characters and settings from a range of fantasy stories.

Science: We will be looking at our new topic of materials. The children will be starting their studies by looking at naming and describing a range of different materials that we use to create different items and objects. They will continue on from this to consider why certain materials are used to make particular items thinking about their different properties.

Coming up for Form 3
In English Form 3 will be starting a new fiction topic on King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The class will concentrate on writing a collaborative story, an imaginative recount and a story in the style of a comic book. They will have an opportunity to do group reading, edit and extend sentences to make them more descriptive.
In Science this week, Form 3 will discuss how different things move, e.g. with simple pushes or pulls, or by wind, water, clockwork, electricity and radio control. Children will set up an enquiry about how far toy vehicles move on different surfaces & draw conclusions from their findings.
This week Form 3 will recite times tables and division facts (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x, 10x). We will also begin to use the grid method for written multiplication of 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and extend to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers
This Week:

Summer  menu week 1

Friday 9th June
Form 6 trip to 
Solent Sky Museum
Advance Dates:

Thursday 15th June
Stuart House Charity Day
Rainbow Centre

Friday 16th June
Forms 1 and 3 trip to Portchester Castle

Saturday 17th June
Summer Fete 12.30-2.30pm

Wednesday 21st June
Sports Day
1.30pm at The Gregg School

Wednesday 28th June
Wind in the Willows 4pm

Friday 30th June
Wind in the Willows 4pm

Friday 7th July
Speech Day

Saturday 8th July
The Gregg School 

Wednesday 12th July
12noon End of Term

In Form 2 this week

In English we will continue our block of work on information texts. We will use the story 'Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs' by Ian Whybrow as a starting point for creating a non-fiction fact sheet about a dinosaur. We will research our favourite dinosaur using information books and the internet and also use this research to write questions and design a quiz.

Our Maths topic this week will be multiplication and division. We will practise the mental recall of the division facts of the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times table and use these number facts to solve word problems in a real life context, including money. We will revisit division by sharing and grouping including some with remainders. We will learn how to work out halves of even 2 digit numbers up to 100 by partitioning.

In Science we will continue to look at different habitats and learn about how animals and plants are suited to the habitat in which they live. We will learn about the plants and animals that live in very hot or cold places and their special adaptations that mean they can survive in these habitats.

This week we will begin our new topic about the local area. We will use atlases, world maps and google earth to locate Southampton. We will brainstorm our knowledge about the local area and pose our own geographical questions using the appropriate geographical vocabulary. The children will make their own mini world books to show where we live in relation to world, continent, country, county, city and street.

Reception and Preschool in the coming week

Early Years will be finishing the term with the theme 'Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!'  We will starting this half term by listening to and discussing the story 'Rainbow Fish' by Marcus Pfister. We will be creating a clay fish and adding sequins to make a rainbow fish .

In Reception the children will be  visiting our school library and finding books about fish and sea to help them begin our theme.  Reception will  write a book review of the 'Rainbow Fish' story to tell others your opinion about it.   The children will be discussing and describing the Rainbow Fish's behaviour and feelings at different points in the story.   In Maths, we will be focusing on money, addition and subtraction.  The children will be recognising all coins. Taking part in simple mental addition and subtraction word problems involving money, counting up and counting back. 

In Preschool we will be talking about and discussing how unique each of us are. We will be thinking about feelings and appropriate behaviour. In Maths we will be working on sharing and counting.

Letter and Sound focus: Instrumental Sounds

Phonics of the Week: 'r' and 'h'
As Summer is approaching, please can you provide a sunhat and if required sun cream for your child. We will need you to complete a permission form and to label your child's sun cream and sunhat please. 
Form 4 this week

This half term Form 4 will immerse themselves in poetry and learn some poems by heart, inspired by 'Off By Heart - Poems for YOU to Remember' by Roger Stevens. From learning short poems, we will move on to a longer poem of their choice and explore prepositions and fronted adverbials.
Maths: Fractions will continue to be our focus after half term as we solve problems involving fractions of amounts, equivalent fractions plus adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators.
Science: To complete our studies this year form Four will be studying the work of famous scientists and their impact on understanding physics, biology and chemistry. The scientists they learn about will reinforce work already completed this academic year. In our first week we shall be learning about Madagascar. We will carry out a fun investigation to explore the effects of deforestation on Madagascar's plants and animals. We will also learn about Gerald Durrell and his conservation work on the island.
Topic: We begin our new Topic looking at European Cities and recognising where major cities and their countries are located on the map. To continue with last terms topic we will look at the weather conditions in chosen cities to compare and contrast with other European cities.
RS: Form Four will be studying Buddhism this half term. In our first lesson we will learn about the life of Buddha and use drama to act out his life story.
After School Clubs week beginning 5th June

Dance Club with Miss Cutler
Preschool and Reception 3.30-to 4pm
Form 1 and Form 2 from 4 to 4.30pm
Homework Club for Forms 3 to 6 3.30pm to 4.15pm

Spanish Class with Ruth Kibble for Forms 1,2 and 3 from 8.15-8.45am
Board Games Club for Form 1 and Form 2 with Miss Tunmore 3.30pm to 4.15pm
Outdoor Book Club for Form 1 and Form 2 with Mrs Carrett 3.30pm to 4.15pm
Drama Club for Forms 3 to 6 with Mrs Caddy and Miss Cutler 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Jewellery Club for Forms 3 to 6 with Mrs Jolley 3.30pm to 4.30pm

Spanish Class with Ruth Kibble for Forms 4,5 and 6 from 8.15-8.45am
JUDO with Judo Jill.
Form 1 and Form 2 from 3.30pm to 4.15pm
Forms 3 to 6 from 4.20pm to 5.10pm
Outdoor Art Club for Reception, Form 1 and 2 with Mrs Presland 3.30pm to 4.15pm
Recorder Club for Form 2 and Form 3 with Mrs Baldwin 3.30pm to 4.15pm
Set Design and Prop Club for Forms 3 to 6 with Mr Papps 3.30pm to 4.30pm
Homework/Music Practice Club for Forms 2 to 6 with Mrs Caddy 3.30pm to 4.15pm
NO Booster Clubs for Form 5 and 6 this week 

CHOIR for Reception to Form 6 with Mrs Caddy from 3.30pm to 4.15pm.
Multi Sports Club for Reception, Form 1 and 2 from 3.30pm to 4.15pm

Homework Club for Forms 2 to 6 3.30pm to 4.15pm