Thursday, June 8, 2017
8:00 am - 9:30 am

All are welcome! Bring a friend!

St. Mark's Lutheran Church  
Heritage Hall  
(1111 O'Farrell St. at Franklin, San Francisco)

Please do not park in the St. Mark's parking lot as those
spaces are rented to others. Parking is available
across the street at St. Mary's Cathedral.



John A. McKnight
Director, Emergency and Disaster Services


Doniece Sandoval
Founder and CEO

Driven by a fierce belief that everyone has a right to dignity and the knowledge that access to showers and sanitation are in serious short supply for those experiencing homelessness, Doniece was compelled to start Lava Mae. Her background includes orchestrating marketing and design in the private and nonprofit sectors, for organizations including ZERO1: The Art & Technology Network and the San Jose Museum of Art. Doniece's passion is finding unique solutions to problems that matter to her. Homelessness has been on her radar for quite some time but she was at a loss as to how to truly help - until she passed a young woman on the street crying over and over that she'd never be clean. Lava Mae is Doniece's answer.

Founded by Doniece in 2013, Lava Mae began by converting public transportation buses into showers and toilets on wheels to deliver hygiene and rekindle dignity for our homeless guests in San Francisco. Today, they're talking Radical Hospitality to the street by bringing humanity, innovation, and collaboration to the way services are delivered to those moving through homelessness. To date, Lava Mae has served more than 4,000 individuals who have taken 20,000+ showers on their mobile units, dramatically raised awareness about the lack of access to showers and basic hygiene across the U.S., and inspired new mobile hygiene programs across the U.S. and abroad. Now they're amplifying their impact globally by creating free online toolkits to make it as easy as possible to replicate their mobile hygiene services and other programs in cities everywhere.

2016-2017 Interfaith Winter Shelter
Recognition Observance

Congregation Host Sites and Meal Providers
Episcopal Community Services
Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing
San Francisco Night Ministry

In 1988, the City of San Francisco pleaded for more involvement from religious organizations to help with the growing problem of homelessness. The faith community responded and in doing so created the San Francisco Interfaith Council (SFIC). For over 29 years the SFIC has hosted the San Francisco Interfaith Winter Shelter. Our partners in this signature program are Episcopal Community Services, the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, San Francisco Night Ministry, four congregation host sites and over 45 congregations/organizations providing meals. This collaborative effort has worked to augment existing shelter opportunities during the coldest months of the year (November through March). The San Francisco Interfaith Winter Shelter provides dinner, breakfast and a safe, warm overnight rest for up to 100 homeless men each night. The shelter has become a leading example of interfaith cooperation within the United States and has intentionally encouraged and challenged our growing network of local congregations to open their spaces and their hearts.