CNS News & Views:
May 2017
Vienna Diplomatic Workshop Looks to Future Challenges
Lord Desmond Browne
The workshop, titled "A World in Disarray: Implications for Vienna," was attended by IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano, Austrian Vice-Minister for Political Affairs Alexander Marschik, UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu, and NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller. Also attending were
Vienna-based ambassadors, s
enior officials from international organizations in Vienna, as well as non-governmental experts from think tanks and academia.
The workshop focused on topics such as "Brexit," the global rise of nationalism, and the future of multilateralism, and it sought strategies to combat these and other challenges. Lord Desmond Browne, Chair of the European Leadership Network and Vice Chairman of the Nuclear Threat Initiative, delivered the keynote speech.
VCDNP Hosts Nato Officials
Rose Gottemoeller |
VCDNP hosted a seminar by NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller and William Alberque, head of NATO's Arms Control and Coordination Section, on May 5.
Gottemoeller focused on NATO's longtime commitment to nonproliferation efforts and working to support the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). Alberque presented his recent report, "The NPT and the Origins of NATO's Nuclear Sharing Arrangements," in which he traced the history of US and USSR negotiations over NATO's nuclear sharing.
CTBTO Youth Group Impresses at PrepCom
At a side event of the
2017 Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in Vienna, Austria,
organized by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) Youth Group, CNS members of the Group Joseph Rodgers, Margaret Rowland, Raymond Wang, Paul Warnke, Sylvia Mishra, and Sarah Bidgood spoke on "Enhancing the Role of the CTBT in the NPT Review Process."
The members presented their
research paper
that highlighted the close relationship between the CTBT and the NPT. The paper recommends that the CTBT be given special emphasis at the 2020 NPT Review Conference.
Visiting Fellows from Burkina Faso and India Train at CNS
Urvashi Rathore and Regis Bakyono
This semester, CNS hosted two visiting fellows from Africa and South Asia.
In addition to participating in specialized lectures, seminars, and courses, Regis Bakyono, first counselor at the Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso in Vienna, Austria, and Urvashi Rathore, a nuclear security expert from India, completed individual research projects, culminating in presentations to CNS and MIIS staff and facility.
Bakyono focused his research on
"Challenges and Issues in Implementing the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 in Africa,"
and Rathmore focused on "Assessment of Techniques for Tracing Orphan Radioisotopes in India: A Footstep towards Radiological Security."
New Analysis
New articles by CNS experts explore NPT and nuclear disarmament controversies, North Korean black markets in Malaysia, and the complexities of signalling with military assets. As in the previous several months, CNS North Korea experts continue to provide interviews and commentary on the DPRK's missile and nuclear developments. Keep up with the prolific publications of CNS staff in Monterey, Washington, and Vienna by following us on