E-Arkive The Electronic Newsletter for Ark and Dove 

All are invited to celebrate the Ascension of the Lord at both the 9:30 am Traditional and 11:00 am Contemporary Worship Services, and welcome New Members at the 9:30 am Service! 

Dear Friends and Members of Ark and Dove,

Last week several of us got to hear Carol Howard Merritt, a leader in the Presbyterian Church (USA), talk about Church for a new age. Towards the end of her talk, she asked us to close our eyes and picture what our church will look like in 10 years. As I closed my eyes, I pictured joyous people coming into our doors. But they were not coming into the lobby as it is now. My mind drifted to those images of a new lobby that you may have seen around the church.

Our Transformations: Capital Savings Campaign is asking that you do a little visioning. What will Ark and Dove look like in 10 years? What will our building look like? How will it serve the needs of the people? The letters and brochures you have received and are receiving are full of faithful imaginations of our future. The Minutes for Transformation have been powerful statements of what our leaders hope this place will be. Not only are we imagining a new lobby, but also a building that will better accommodate Christian education, worship, mission endeavors, music programs, group gatherings, and more. We are dreaming of a place that will draw people into community.

As the Christian Education team begins preparations for Vacation Bible School, I am already thinking of how we can prepare our property to be a welcoming, fun, and nurturing place for children in our surrounding community. (Don't forget! VBS is July 9-13 and we have an interest meeting June 4 after worship.)

In these next couple weeks, I ask that you would spend some time reflecting on what Ark and Dove could look like in 10 years. How will this place help us worship God? How could this place better serve those in need? As you imagine, consider making an investment in your dreams. Think of how 2% of your income could serve to transform this building into a place of God's dreams. It can do a lot! We will dedicate these pledges on June 11 in worship.

Thank you for engaging in faithful imagination. We look forward to how God continues to transform this place.

Pastor Jon   

Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and, lifting up his hands, he blessed them. While he was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy; and they were continually in the temple blessing God. --Luke 24:50-53
Most High God, we are witnesses to the life of Jesus Christ: written in the Law, promised by the prophets, sung by the psalmists; given in love for the world, risen from the dust of death, lifted up in heavenly glory. Let our lives proclaim Christ's life. Wrap us in your power and presence so that we may worship you always, continually blessing your name; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Transformations: The Capital Savings Fund Campaign
TRANSFORMATIONS  A different pledge, a different purpose. How does the Capital Savings Fund campaign relate to our annual stewardship efforts? That is a question we have heard several times these past few weeks. Our previous building fund had focused almost exclusively the last couple of years on major repairs and paying off/paying down our mortgage debts and therefore was combined with the Mission and Ministry fund last fall to reflect the ongoing nature of these tasks. That budget is set each year as part of our Stewardship drives in October/November. With Transformations we are seeking a three year pledge and a new level of commitment to expand the impact our church can provide to the congregation and the community. We hope you will agree this goal is worth your support with a pledge on dedication Sunday, June 11th.   Questions? Please contact Steve Debus, steven.debus89@gmail.com.


Wow! The Cantata was amazing! I am so proud of our choir and orchestra for putting together such a great program. It is such a privilege to direct such a talented and hard-working people.

If you are interested in singing with the choir for the summer, we will start our summer "pick-up" choir on Sunday, June 12th. We will meet at 8:45 pm Sunday mornings.

On June 12th, our youth will present their summer musical at the 11:00 service. You won't want to miss it!



Many opportunities await you!

Christian Education

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2017 The theme for this year's VBS is Renew! God is in the business of renewal and so are we! More on this to come. Join us July 9-13 for fun-filled week for children preK through 5th grade. Invite your friends and neighbors! Interest meeting June 4, following 11am worship. Contact, Pastor Jon (jgnelson1985@gmail.com).     

WORSHIP EQUIPPING TEAM Do you have 30 minutes available once every month or two?  That's all it takes to be a member of the Worship Equipping Team!  Team members prepare the Bible, Banners, and Bulletins before worship (at a time of your choosing, usually Friday evening or Saturday) to help make sure that we are prepared for worship on Sunday morning.  A brief training/team meeting will be held on Monday, 6/5 at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary.  If you are interested, or if you are interested in helping to make worship happen in other ways (lay reading, communion preparation, etc), please contact Ryan Stavely (ryan@stavely.org, 410-980-2307). 
Stephen Minister Training


You are invited to an information meeting, Sunday, June 4th after each service in the Marshall Room. Unable to attend, but still interested in learning more? Please reach out to one of your Stephen Leaders to set up a time to meet one-on-one. In God's love, Stephen Leaders, Laurie Barrow, barrowfl@aol.com, 443-306-1149 and Kelly Burnett, kellyb327@aol.com, 410-320-7845. 

...show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels...
-Hebrews 13:1-2

Do you know how someone becomes a refugee? According to the UN Refugee Office (UNHCR), "a refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group." In 2015 there were 21.3 million refugees worldwide, with half of them being children. Most flee to a neighboring country, where they often live in camps in pretty miserable conditions for many years. We will be showing a movie this summer called Salam Neighbor that focuses on one of these camps.
Refugees are a vulnerable population. After UNHCR accepts their application and they receive refugee status, the UNHCR office works with refugees to end their displaced existence by voluntary repatriation, local integration, or resettlement in a third country. Only the most vulnerable individuals are approved to go to a third country. These can include women and children, victims of torture or violence, religious minorities, LGBT refugees, or people who need medical care that they cannot receive in their country of origin or the country to which they fled. Then, of course, they must be vetted by that country.  Refugees are the most vetted people entering the U.S. 
We are looking for leaders and participants in our refugee welcoming ministry. If you want to get involved, please contact Mission Elder Christine Caufield-Noll at ccnmission@outlook.com or 410-960-2479. 

Outreach and Connections

VOYAGERS MEN'S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST You are invited to a hearty breakfast for the next Men's Group meeting at the Crofton Nautilus Diner at 8 a.m. on June 3rd.  Ed Barrett will give a short talk about his involvement (and fortunate survival) in the War in Afghanistan, which has become America's longest war in history. Ed and I got together last week and floated some ideas on activities for the Voyagers in the future. We'd like to share some of those ideas at the meeting and get your input. And if anyone wants to join us as a co-leader, we would welcome you! Looking forward to seeing you on the 3rd! R.S.V.P. Paul Doughty (padough@verizon.net)   
Prayer Concerns

PRAYER CONCERNS Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:  

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Vaughn Brown; Hillary and Paul Ferrell's daughter, Lila; Bob Johns; Josh Ederheimer's father, Stanley; John Boswell; Frances Keyes; Joan Berry's son, Brian Flom; Doug Walcutt's aunt, Vicky Goodnough; Donna Anderson's mother, Martha; Joshua Anthis; Christy Yeager's mother, Linda Jordan; Barbara Reynolds mother, Ruth Campbell; Chip Burnett; Dot Forloines and her brother Jack; Henry Duncan; Helene Marchand-Stancil's mother, Mimi; Judy Cooper's sister, Barb Eardley; Mary Benson; Mary Stum's sister, Barbara Kendig; Ellen Makar's father, Don Erickson; Scott Howe's father, Ron; Laura Willoughby's father, Norman; Cindy and Dave Oquist's son, Chris; Pat Stanton's Aunt Evelyn; the Solano family; Amy Stavely's aunt; the Hoxie family; Catherine Chambers' sister-in-law, Tonia McLendon; the Howe family; Ann Hirschy's friend; Dot Forloines daughter, Patty Tucker; and Dick and Carol Baily.
PRAYERS OF PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING from the Dewey family who officially adopted William on May 11th!
If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Sue Hanburger at avongypsygal@gmail.com, and she will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.    
8424 Piney Orchard Parkway  
Odenton, MD  21113
Phone: (410) 674-6400 
Fax: (410) 674-6481 
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