Lesson 152
Symbol of God's Love
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2 Your task is not to make reality. It is here without your making, but not without you. You who have thrown your selves away and valued God so little, hear me speak for Him and for yourselves. You cannot understand how much your Father loves you, for there is no parallel in your experience of the world to help you understand it. There is nothing on earth with which it can compare and nothing you have ever felt, apart from Him, that resembles it ever so faintly. You cannot even give a blessing in perfect gentleness. Would you know of One Who gives forever and Who knows of nothing except giving?  
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SonShip Workbook
L e s s o n  152
The power of decision is my own. 
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

   No one can suffer loss unless it be
   his own decision. No one suffers pain
   except his choice elects this state for him.
   No-one can grieve nor fear nor think him sick
   unless these are the outcomes that he wants.
   And no-one dies without his own consent.
   Nothing occurs but represents your wish.
   And nothing is omitted that you choose.
   Here is your world, complete in all details.
   Here is its whole reality for you.
   And it is only here salvation is.
   You may believe that this position is
   extreme, and too inclusive to be true.
   Yet can truth have exceptions? If you have
   the gift of everything can loss be real?
   Can pain be part of peace, or grief of joy?
   Can fear and sickness enter in a mind
   where love and perfect holiness abide?
   Truth must be all-inclusive if it be
   the truth at all. Accept no opposite
   and no exceptions, for to do so is
   to contradict the truth entirely.
   Salvation is the recognition that
   the truth is true and nothing else is true.
   This you have heard before, but may not yet
   accept both parts of it. Without the first
   the second has no meaning, but without
   the second is the first no longer true.
   Truth cannot have an opposite. This can
   not be too often said and thought about.
   For if what is not true is true as well
   as what is true, then part of truth is false,
   and truth has lost its meaning. Nothing but
   the truth is true, and what is false is false.
   This is the simplest of distinctions, yet
   the most obscure. But not because it is
   a difficult distinction to perceive.
   It is concealed behind a vast array
   of choices which do not appear to be
   entirely your own. And thus the truth
   appears to have some aspects which belie
   consistency, but do not seem to be
   but contradictions introduced by you.
   As God created you, you must remain
   unchangeable with transitory states
   by definition false. And that includes
   all shifts in feeling, alterations in
   conditions of the body and the mind,
   in all awareness and in all response.
   This is the all-inclusiveness which sets
   the truth apart from falsehood, and the false
   kept separate from the truth as what it is.
   Is it not strange that you believe to think
   you made the world you see is arrogance?
   God made it not. Of this you can be sure.
   What does He know of the ephemeral,
   the sinful and the guilty, the afraid,
   the suffering and lonely, and the mind
   that lives within a body that must die?
   You but accuse Him of insanity
   to think He made a world where such things seem
   to have reality. He is not mad.
   Yet only madness makes a world like this.
   To think that God made chaos, contradicts
   His Will, invented opposites to truth,
   and suffers death to triumph over life,
   all this is arrogance. Humility
   would see at once these things are not of Him.
   And can you see what God created not?
   To think you can is merely to believe
   you can perceive what God willed not to be.
   And what could be more arrogant than this?
   Let us today be truly humble, and
   accept what we have made as what it is.
   The power of decision is your own.
   Decide but to accept your rightful place
   as co-creator of the universe,
   and all you think you made will disappear.
   What rises to awareness then will be
   all that there ever was, eternally
   as it is now. And it will take the place
   of self-deceptions made but to usurp
   the altar to the Father and the Son.|
   Today we practice true humility,
   abandoning the false pretense by which
   the ego seeks to prove it arrogant.
   Only the ego can be arrogant.
   But truth is humble in acknowledging
   its mightiness, its changelessness and its
   eternal wholeness, all-encompassing,
   God's perfect gift to His beloved Son.
   We lay aside the arrogance which says
   that we are sinners, guilty and afraid,
   ashamed of what we are. And lift our hearts
   in true humility instead to Him
   Who has created us immaculate,
   like to Himself in power and in love.|
   The power of decision is our own.
   And we accept of Him that which we are,
   and humbly recognize the Son of God.
   To recognize God's Son implies as well
   that all self-concepts have been given up
   and recognized as false. Their arrogance
   has been perceived, and in humility
   the radiance of God's Son, his gentleness,
   his perfect sinlessness, his Father's Love,
   his right to Heaven and release from hell
   are joyously accepted as our own.|
   Now do we join in glad acknowledgment
   that lies are false and only truth is true.
   We think of truth alone as we arise,
   and spend five minutes practicing its ways,
   encouraging our frightened minds with this:
   " The power of decision is my own.
    This day I will accept myself as what
    my Father's Will created me to be ."
   Then will we wait in silence, giving up
   all self-deceptions as we humbly ask
   our Self that He reveal Himself to us.
   And He Who never left will come again
   to our awareness, grateful to restore
   His home to God as it was meant to be.|
   In patience wait for Him throughout the day,
   and hourly invite Him with the words
   with which the day began, concluding it
   with this same invitation to your Self.
   God's Voice will answer, for He speaks for you
   and for your Father. He will substitute
   the peace of God for all your frantic thoughts,
   the truth of God for self-deceptions, and
   God's Son for your illusions of yourself.

     ~ The Original Handscript Notes

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ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 
ACIM Edmonton, CA
The power of decision is my own.
Sarah's Commentary
This Lesson, like the one yesterday, offers us another opportunity to look more closely at the illusion and what we have made. It clearly tells us that this world of pain, grief, misery, fear, and sickness was not made by God. "God made it not. Of this you can be sure." (W.152.6.2-3) If we accept that God created only the changeless and brings us only joy, love, holiness, and peace, then we must accept that we are the ones who have made everything that is unlike what He created. God did not make this changing world. Nothing is outside of our own decision. We have that much power! And that is precisely the ego's fear---that we can change our minds anytime we want about the choice we have made to support its thought system of guilt and fear.
We all have a difficult time believing we are not at the mercy of the world and forces over which we have no control. It seems to us that the events and situations that show up in our lives happen to us without our choice, and indeed, that we are victims of the world that we see. But in this Lesson, we are told that nothing happens without our consent. At some level of the mind, we have chosen everything that seems to be happening, even when we are leaving our bodies.
This is the movie of our lives. We have no control over the world we made, but we have a choice as to how we respond to it. Observing our lives is similar to watching a movie. There is no point in trying to influence the characters on the screen and what they will do. It is all part of the prearranged script, but we can work with our minds and how we respond to the script. The Holy Spirit waits for us to offer our thoughts and beliefs to Him so that they can be purified by Him. He does not control, command, demand, or coerce. He must wait until we are ready to give Him our misperceptions for His Correction. As our thoughts shift, the events of the world become irrelevant to our peace of mind, even though they witness for what is in our mind. Think about what this means. It makes mind training very important to our state of mind. Thus, watching our responses to what seems to be happening to us is essential for healing.
This brings up fear because we enter into a realm of the unknown. Even if our lives are a nightmare, there is a familiarity with the known. Giving up control to the Holy Spirit and admitting we don't know and that we are wrong about everything we think brings up fear in us. Yet Jesus assures us that we are in control of the process. We choose when we are ready to give over our thoughts to be purified. Jesus recognizes that we see the ideas presented here as extreme, but he asks us to think about it. If we were created with everything, in a state of peace, joy, love, and perfect holiness, then who made loss, pain, fear, and sickness? Clearly, these states are opposite to the conditions of peace, joy, love, and holiness, which are our inheritance. Can truth have opposites? To accept opposites or exceptions to what we have been given is to contradict truth. If God did not give us loss, pain, fear, and sickness, who did? According to Jesus, it is our own contribution and our own choice. "No one can suffer loss unless it be his own decision. No one suffers pain except his choice elects this state for him. No one can grieve nor fear nor think him sick unless these are the outcomes that he wants." (W.152.1.1-3)
No wonder Jesus says that this is an extreme idea because we do experience these painful conditions as if they were the truth. We may accept that God is Love and only His truth is true, yet we still accept these painful conditions as also the truth, yet they are irreconcilable states. "To think that God made chaos, contradicts His Will, invented opposites to truth, and suffers death to triumph over life; all this is arrogance." (W.152.7.1) For God to bring about these conditions, He would have to be an unloving God. "For if what is not true is true as well as what is true, then part of truth is false. And truth has lost its meaning." (W.152.3.8) Now the false is included as part of the truth. It is futile to try to bring the truth to the illusion and to think that we could bring some light into the darkness---it is impossible. We must bring the darkness to the light. Healing is about bringing our thoughts and beliefs to the light of the Holy Spirit. It is to give up control over our own thoughts and is a positive use of control.
Jesus tells us that every time we experience: our shifting moods and changes in our feeling state, every alteration in the conditions of the body, all the shifting concepts we hold, and all of our changing perceptions, we are, by definition, not experiencing the truth. "As God created you, you must remain unchangeable, with transitory states by definition false." (W.152.5.1) These transitory states can't be true if God created the unchangeable. We are the ones that choose to suffer pain, to grieve loss, to fear attack, to experience sickness, and to die. God chose none of this for us. Thus, it is our wish, and not God's, that this is so, but we readily dismiss the idea that we chose it all. Our experience of this world seems to include both what is true as well as what is false. In fact, we hold that the false is true, which is how we experience our reality here as a body living in the world. If there is anything here that we see as true, there is a part of truth we determine must be false. Again, Jesus tells us, if we see it this way, then ". . .truth has lost its meaning," (W.152.3.8) and seems entirely inconsistent. While we blame this state on God, wondering how He could have created this world of suffering and grief, these contradictions were introduced entirely by us.
Jesus says we must learn to recognize and to accept that we choose our own suffering. This is important to get because it is the source of our salvation. Why does he say this? Because the only way out of the illusion is to accept the power of our minds to choose again. It is about accepting responsibility for our choice for separation. "In this world the only remaining freedom is the freedom of choice; always between two choices or two voices." (Clarification of Terms.1.7.1) He knows that we are going to have a strong reaction to this when he says, "You may believe that this position is extreme, and too inclusive to be true." (W.152.2.1) We do think this, but in asking us to acknowledge the power of our minds and to accept the truth, he assures us that this is the way to become liberated from pain and suffering. Thus, everything about the illusion, including the body and the world, cannot be real. We have great difficulty and resistance to this because to accept this thought is to question our own reality.
There is a lot in this Lesson about arrogance and humility. Jesus is basically saying that for us to believe we are victims of the world is to be arrogant and to accept our greatness and our magnitude is to be humble. This has come up before and is always kind of mind-blowing. God did not make this world of suffering and chaos, and if we believe He did, we are being arrogant, even though it seems like humility. Why would a loving God create a sinful, guilty, fearful, and suffering self, living in a body that will decay and die? It seems like we are being humble if we give God the credit for our condition. Yet we are insisting on our own weakness when we do and demanding that God take responsibility for this mess. This is arrogant because it contradicts who God is. To accept our power, given us by God, is to be humble by acknowledging who our Creator is. It is to surrender our idea of what is true and real and accept His. Jesus tells us it is arrogant and asks us, "And can you see what God created not." (W.152.7.3) Why would we think we can see what was not created by God and therefore does not even exist? If we do see what is not there, we must be hallucinating. We are simply imagining this outside picture as real when it is all a projection of an inward condition of sin and guilt in the mind. In our arrogance, we are accusing God of being responsible for our unholy condition. This is the god the ego has made. It is a god that is jealous, angry, and retaliative, smiting his enemies. He is basically just a projection of our own ego, only a bigger more powerful ego.
Then Jesus goes on to ask, "Is it not strange that you believe to think you made the world you see is arrogance?" (W.152.6.1) We do wonder how it is possible we made this world. Jesus is asking us to see these things are not of God. He says it takes humility to accept this. What we are accepting is that God is right, and we are wrong. To accept that nothing we think we know is true, does take humility. It requires that we surrender our concepts and beliefs, because right now we do believe what we see is true. "Let us today be truly humble, and accept what we have made as what it is." (W.152.8.1) It is to recognize and accept our minds have power because they are part of God's Mind. As One with Him in reality, we created only the beautiful and eternal. In our humble acceptance of the truth of our reality, we will no longer see this world. It will simply disappear in our recognition that opposites can't be real. "Decide but to accept your rightful place as co-creator of the universe, and all you think you made will disappear. What rises to awareness then will be all that there ever was, eternally as it is now." (W.152.8.3-4) And then we will acknowledge our grandeur and know the truth about ourselves when all that obscures it is released.
God created us as powerful beings of light and love. Thus, the power of decision is our own, meaning it is up to us to choose to do our part in the healing process. This requires that we lay aside all our self-concepts, all our false perceptions, all our roles, and all our beliefs, and see them as false. They are all a lie, constantly informing us we are something we are not. If we are feeling sad, we can make another choice. If we are angry about something someone has done, we can give this thought over for healing and choose forgiveness. If we are grieving or suffering, we can recognize that God did not bring us this condition. If our bodies are sick, we can choose peace for our minds. If we tell ourselves we must be guilty because of what we believe we have done, we can know there is no need for guilt but only for correction. We are not victims and these changing states are not our reality! They are all self-imposed! We have immense power, and to accept this power is to be humble in our greatness. Yes, we seem to have changed from how we knew ourselves at different stages in our lives, but can such transitory states be the truth about us? What hasn't changed is the constancy of our soul/spirit. The essence of what we are is the same as it has always been. Our radiance, our gentleness, and our perfect sinlessness is constant. The truth in you is and always has been constant, just waiting for your acceptance.
This Lesson is a powerhouse of amazing wisdom. Prior to being introduced to the Course, I had never read anything anywhere that has brought such consistency and clarity to what is offered through the Course. Getting this one Lesson can really change the way we see God, truth, the world, and our perceived reality, but it requires that "Today we practice true humility, abandoning the false pretense by which the ego seeks to prove it arrogant." (W.152.9.1) In other words, the ego would have us maintain our victimhood and diminish the power of our minds, arrogantly claiming we are sinful and weak, when God tells us instead that we are co-creators of the universe. This is not about anything physical, as Jesus is only talking about the universe of spirit.
In humility, we surrender everything we thought we knew and simply ask our Father to reveal Himself to us. This requires we give up our self-deceptions and wait in quiet. Jesus reminds us that we are the ones who made fear and thus we must be the ones who choose to undo it. "It has already been said that you believe you cannot control fear because you yourself made it, and your belief in it seems to render it out of your control. Yet any attempt to resolve the error through attempting the mastery of fear is useless. In fact, it asserts the power of fear by the very assumption that it need be mastered. The true resolution rests entirely on mastery through love. In the interim, however, the sense of conflict is inevitable, since you have placed yourself in a position where you believe in the power of what does not exist." (T.2.VII.4.1-5) (ACIM OE T.2.V.98)
We exercise patience today in waiting to hear His Voice, and to do so, we must give up all the frantic thoughts and concerns and allow peace to come. "The memory of God comes to the quiet mind." (T.23.I.1.1) (ACIM OE T.23.II.7) It takes effort and discipline of the mind and a willingness to look at how we have deceived ourselves with our own thoughts that have obscured the Thought of God. Today, we bring our self-deceptions and our illusions about ourselves to the truth so space can be made for the miracle. Each time we release our judgments of our brothers, we make the choice to see their innocence, and thus know our own. This is the power of our minds---to choose and decide against the ego so we can know ourselves as God's Son, together with every brother we meet.
"The power of decision is my own. This day I will accept myself as what my Father's Will created me to be." (W.152.11.3-4) 

Love and blessings, Sarah
A Course in Miracles
ACIM Original Edition
Chapter Fourteen

Bringing Illusions to Truth    

   Voice and Music by Martin Weber, CIMS SonShip Radio

I. Introduction                        
1 Unless you are guiltless, you cannot know God, Whose Will is that you know Him. Therefore, you must be guiltless. Yet if you do not accept the necessary conditions for knowing Him, you have denied Him and do not recognize Him, though He is all around you. He cannot be known without His Son, whose guiltlessness is the condition for knowing Him. Accepting His Son as guilty is denial of the Father so complete that knowledge is swept away from recognition in the very mind where God Himself has placed it. If you would but listen and learn how impossible this is! Do not endow Him with attributes you understand. You made Him not, and anything you understand is not of Him.
2 Your task is not to make reality. It is here without your making, but not without you. You who have thrown your selves away and valued God so little, hear me speak for Him and for yourselves. You cannot understand how much your Father loves you, for there is no parallel in your experience of the world to help you understand it. There is nothing on earth with which it can compare and nothing you have ever felt, apart from Him, that resembles it ever so faintly. You cannot even give a blessing in perfect gentleness. Would you know of One Who gives forever and Who knows of nothing except giving?
3 The Children of Heaven live in the light of the blessing of their Father because they know that they are sinless. The Atonement was established as the means of restoring guiltlessness to the mind which has denied it and thus denied Heaven to itself. Atonement teaches you the true condition of the Son of God. It does not teach you what you are or what your Father is. The Holy Spirit, Who remembers this for you, merely teaches you how to remove the blocks that stand between you and what you know. His memory is yours. If you remember what you have made, you are remembering nothing. Remembrance of reality is in Him and therefore in you.

II. Guilt and Guiltlessness    

The guiltless and the guilty are totally incapable of understanding one another. Each perceives the other as like himself, making them unable to communicate because each sees the other unlike the way he sees himself. God can communicate only to the Holy Spirit in your mind because only He shares the knowledge of what you are with God. And only the Holy Spirit can answer God for you, for only He knows what God is. Everything else that you have placed within your mind cannot exist, for what is not in communication with the Mind of God has never been. Communication with God is life. Nothing without it is at all.
5 The only part of your mind that has reality is the part which links you still with God. Would you have all of it transformed into a radiant message of God's Love, to share with all the lonely ones who denied Him with you? God makes this possible. Would you deny His yearning to be known? You yearn for Him, as He for you. This is forever changeless. Accept, then, the immutable. Leave the world of death behind, and return quietly to Heaven. There is nothing of value here and everything of value there. Listen to the Holy Spirit and to God through Him. He speaks of you to you. There is no guilt in you, for God is blessed in His Son as the Son is blessed in Him.
6 Each one of you has a special part to play in the Atonement, but the message given to each to share is always the same- God's Son is guiltless. Each one teaches the message differently and learns it differently. Yet until he teaches it and learns it, he will suffer the pain of dim awareness that his true function remains unfulfilled in him. The burden of guilt is heavy, but God would not have you bound by it. His plan for your awaking is as perfect as yours is fallible. You know not what you do, but He Who knows is with you. His gentleness is yours, and all the love you share with God He holds in trust for you. He would teach you nothing except how to be happy.
7 Blessed Son of a wholly blessing Father, joy was created for you. Who can condemn whom God has blessed? There is nothing in the Mind of God that does not share His shining innocence. Creation is the natural extension of perfect purity. Your only calling here is to devote yourself with active willingness to the denial of guilt in all its forms. To accuse is not to understand. The happy learners of the Atonement become the teachers of the innocence that is the right of all that God created. Deny them not what is their due, for you will not withhold it from them alone.
8 The inheritance of the Kingdom is the right of God's Son, given him in his creation. Do not try to steal it from him, or you will ask for guilt and will experience it. Protect his purity from every thought that would steal it away and keep it from his sight. Bring innocence to light in answer to the call of the Atonement. Never allow purity to remain hidden, but shine away the heavy veils of guilt within which the Son of God has hidden himself from his own sight. We are all joined in the Atonement here, and nothing else can unite us in this world. So will the world of separation slip away and full communication be restored between the Father and the Son.
9 The miracle acknowledges the guiltlessness which must have been denied to produce need of healing. Do not withhold this glad acknowledgment, for hope of happiness and release from suffering of every kind lie in it. Who is there but wishes to be free of pain? He may not yet have learned how to exchange his guilt for innocence nor realize that only in this exchange can freedom from pain be his. Yet those who have failed to learn need teaching, not attack. To attack those who have need of teaching is to fail to learn from them.
10 Teachers of innocence, each in his own way, have joined together, taking their part in the unified curriculum of the Atonement. There is no unity of learning goals apart from this. There is no conflict in this curriculum, which has one aim however it is taught. Each effort made on its behalf is offered for the single purpose of release from guilt to the eternal glory of God and His creation. And every teaching that points to this points straight to Heaven and to the peace of God. There is no pain, no trial, no fear that teaching this can fail to overcome. The power of God Himself supports this teaching and guarantees its limitless results.
11 Join your own efforts to the power that cannot fail and must result in peace. No one can be untouched by teaching such as this. You will not see yourself beyond the power of God if you teach only this. You will not be exempt from the effects of this most holy lesson, which seeks but to restore what is the right of God's creation. From everyone whom you accord release from guilt, you will inevitably learn your innocence. The circle of Atonement has no end. And you will find ever-increasing confidence in your safe inclusion in what is for all in everyone you bring within its safety and its perfect peace.
12 Peace, then, be unto everyone who becomes a teacher of peace. For peace is the acknowledgment of perfect purity from which no one is excluded. Within its holy circle is everyone whom God created as His Son. Joy is its unifying attribute, with no one left outside to suffer guilt alone. The power of God draws everyone to its safe embrace of love and union. Stand quietly within this circle and attract all tortured minds to join with you in the safety of its peace and holiness. Abide with me within it as teachers of Atonement, not of guilt.
13 Blessed are you who teach with me. Our power comes not of us but of our Father. In guiltlessness we know Him, as He knows us guiltless. I stand within the circle, calling you to peace. Teach peace with me and stand with me on holy ground. Remember for everyone your Father's power that He has given him. Believe not that you cannot teach His perfect peace. Stand not outside but join with me within. Fail not the only purpose to which my teaching calls you. Restore to God His Son as He created him by teaching him his innocence.
14 The crucifixion has no part in the Atonement. Only the resurrection became my part in it. That is the symbol of the release from guilt by guiltlessness. Whom you perceive as guilty, you would crucify. Yet you restore guiltlessness to whomever you see as guiltless. Crucifixion is always the ego's aim. It sees as guilty, and by its condemnation, it would kill. The Holy Spirit sees only guiltlessness, and in His gentleness, He would release from fear and reestablish the reign of love. The power of love is in His gentleness, which is of God and therefore cannot crucify nor suffer crucifixion. The temple you restore becomes your altar, for it was rebuilt through you. And everything you give to God is yours. Thus He creates, and thus must you restore.
15 Each one you see you place within the holy circle of Atonement or leave outside, judging him fit for crucifixion or for redemption. If you bring him into the circle of purity, you will rest there with him. If you leave him without, you join him there. Judge not except in quietness which is not of you. Refuse to accept anyone as without the blessing of Atonement, and bring him into it by blessing him. Holiness must be shared, for therein lies everything that makes it holy. Come gladly to the holy circle, and look out in peace on all who think they are outside. Cast no one out, for this is what he seeks, along with you. Come, let us join him in the holy place of peace, which is for all of us, united as one within the cause of peace.
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