This Sunday, February 11
Super U, Super UU
Service Leaders:  Rev. Margret A. O'Neall & Katie Resendiz
Sunday, February 11, 9:30 AM & 11:15 AM 
Join the children of our community and the children's ministry team to explore how Superheroes fit into our principles and values. Does Batman always defer to inherent worth and dignity? Are villains just pursing their independent search for truth and meaning? We'll tackle some really big questions, as the kids of UUCP always do, but this time we'll be wearing capes!
Starting Point Tour
Sunday, February 11, at 10:40 AM in the Foyer
Meet a member of Welcoming Ministries and a member of our Children's Ministry program in the front foyer at 10:40 AM for a brief tour of our campus. You will have a chance to learn about our programs and ask questions in this informal introduction to UUCP. No sign up. Just show up!
The Best Diet for Me: Benefits of Being Vegan
Sunday, February 11, 12:45 PM in the Sanctuary
Join UU Jerry Waters for a presentation and discussion on how diet impacts health and happiness. Jerry will speak about his journey to lower his cholesterol without using medication, as well as the environmental benefits of whole food, plant-based diets. 
Wake Now Our Vision Collaborative Campaign UUA Legacy Challenge
Sunday, February 11, 10:30 AM in Annex D & 12:15 PM in Annex B 
Through a challenge grant from a member UU congregation, UUCP (through our Foundation, UUFP) has an amazing opportunity to receive "FREE MONEY"!  To those who don't yet have wills, OR have not yet put UUFP or another UU entity in their wills (or have done so since 1/1/17), OR have not yet informed UUCP or UUA of your intentions, OR would like to re-examine your bequest-this is for you!  (Namely, all of us!)  For more information, come to an informational session on February 11, 18, or 25; contact any of us on the UUFP Board; or go to the "Wake Now Our Vision Collaborative Campaign UUA Legacy Challenge" website below.
Next Sunday, February 18
Perseverance and the Health of Our Souls
Service Leader:  Emrys Staton
Sunday, February 18, 9:30 AM & 11:15 AM
What are the impacts of being in a "never give up" society? A look at the ways we internalize the expectation and glorification of perseverance.
Orientation for Day at the Legislature
Sunday, February 18, 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM in the Sanctuary
Learn about the state legislative process and get updates on current bills to prepare for the annual UU Day at the Legislature (February 19). Presenters will talk about how bills work their way through the legislature, how bad bills are resisted, and how to build relationships with our state representatives. Please email Emrys below with questions.
Board Chat
Sunday, February 18 after each service in the Johnson Room
Join the Board of Trustees for our monthly chat about the upcoming happenings at UUCP. They happen the third Sunday of each month and this Sunday is a special one. Board Members will be in the Johnson Room after each service. We will be discussing the ministerial search process and anything else on your mind. Please drop by!
Upcoming Classes & Events
Join UUCP's new Justice Text Alert service
Text UUCP to 33222 to begin receiving timely alerts for justice actions and events in the community. We will send a few messages a month with reminders and basic information to keep you informed and plugged in! 
Apply to be a UUCP Delegate at General Assembly
UUCP warmly invites members to apply to be delegates at the annual General Assembly. We seek a diverse team of delegates, from all walks of UUCP life. Both new and experienced members are welcome to apply. Scholarships are available to help offset travel costs for those with financial need. Apply now so you can take advantage of early registration discounts. Application at the link below.
Traveling Second Fridays
Friday, February 9, 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary
Join us for a free one-hour presentation as Todd and Stephanie Haughton share their rafting through the Grand Canyon trip in the UUCP sanctuary from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM.  Known for its whitewater rapids, the river also affords calm moments to enjoy the canyon's spectacular scenery. They will share their experiences of a 225 mile float trip, and what it's like to paddle through whitewater rapids and survive. Please call Barbara Cawthorne with any questions at 480-994-1452.
Green Sanctuary Group
Tuesday, February 13, 6:30 PM in the Johnson Room
At our February meeting attendees will get updated about the work being done with our partner organizations. These are primarily the CHISPA electric school bus campaign and plans for an April environmental event with the Earth Care Commission of the AZ Faith Network. Come find out how you can help!
80's Babies Small Group 
Tuesday, February 13, 6:45 PM-8:15 PM in Annex C
Facilitators:  Sarah Moore and Amy McKlindon
The "80s Babies" (formerly the Young Adults Small Group) is a place for those of us born in the 80's (70's and 90's babies also welcome) to come together and talk about issues important to us.  We are an open group, providing a safe space to share ideas, challenge each other respectfully, and connect with one another. 
The group meets on the second Tuesday of the month and the fourth Sunday of the month. The fourth Sunday meets after the second service and then heads off-site for food and conversation. Contact Sarah Moore below  for more information and calendar reminders.
Sangha Buddhist Group
Tuesday, February 13, 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary
We will start the meeting with 30 minutes of meditation followed by a dharma reading and discussion. You need not be a Buddhist to attend, just interested in your spiritual growth. If you have questions, contact Donna Featherston at 602-997-7996.  
Open Small Group (Drop-In)
Thursday, February 15, at 7:00 PM in Annex B
Small Group Ministry is an ideal way to connect to others and tend to your heart and spirit at UUCP.  Life can feel like a frenzied struggle against a materialistic world, which leaves us feeling disconnected from our deepest selves and without the energy to reach out in love and service to others. They follow the monthly worship themes and offer a way to engage the themes in your daily life and grow and learn with a group while sharing your own story, insights and learnings.
Women's Ritual
Thursday, February 15, at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary
Join a group of women for earth-centered rituals that honor the season, the phases of the moon and personal spirituality. It's the New Moon and we will remember loves of past and present this ritual. Each month a different participant will plan a ritual for everyone to engage in. Contact Pat Reed for more information below.
3rd Friday Documentary
American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs
Friday, February 16, 7:00 PM, Johnson Room
This film captures the life of Grace Lee Boggs (1915-2015), a Chinese American woman in Detroit whose vision of revolution will surprise you. An influential and respected writer, activist and philosopher, rooted for more than 70 years in the African American movement, she has devoted her life to an evolving revolution that encompasses the contradictions of America's past and its potentially radical future. View the trailer and more info on the film below.
Campus Work Day with a Dumpster
Saturday, February 17, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Volunteers are needed to throw all bulk trash and lawn clippings located to the right of the trash and recycling enclosure into a large dumpster that will be rented for this purpose. There will be no "supervision" for this effort but please do let Heidi know if you will commit to helping. Bring thick work gloves and strong backs!
Push Students out of School?
Thursday, February 22, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM 
Location: Ability360 at 5025 E Washington St., Phoenix
Join Interfaith forces and "Demand2Learn" on February 22 say "NO!"

This five part series is supported through the generosity of the Monsignor Edward Ryle Fund and is in honor of his legacy of advocating for justice, civil rights and human dignity for all people. We will examine inclusion and equity in Arizona's K-12 education systems and how people of faith can stand together to eliminate practices that disproportionately push children out of school.

Sandy Weir, UUCP member is the lead Arizona Faith Network volunteer for this event. 
Outdoor Group Hike at Gateway Trailhead
Saturday, February 10 at 7:00 AM
We are well into a beautiful hiking season. Come join us Saturday, February 10, at the Gateway Trailhead at 7:00 AM to do the Bell Pass Trail. Everyone is welcome on this hike. The first part is gentle, the last part a bit more of a workout.  For more information contact Bonnie White via email below or call her at 562-889-9404.
Remember Arizona Tax Credit Donations!
Each year you have the opportunity to direct some of your state tax dollars to BOTH schools AND 501(c)3 or designated community action agencies.  For a list of Qualifying Charitable Organizations, click here.  For a link to a form for giving a donation to our partner Maryland School, see link below, or pick up a form at the Justice table on Sunday morning.  Look for Maryland School's address on the form.  You have until April 17, 2018 to make these contributions.  Your help makes a big difference to these groups!

Maryland School Form
Cabaret: The Spirit of Broadway
Saturday, March 3, Doors open at 6:00 PM and show starts at 7:00 PM
Tickets are $10-25 (suggested) per adult, no charge for youth under 18
UUCP's music program welcomes you to a Cabaret-style musical theater show of songs with a spiritual side. Come see your favorite UUCP singers onstage, with lights, sound, orchestra and more! Snacks and beverages will be available for purchase, and childcare will be provided for children unable to watch the show. All proceeds will benefit the Minister's Discretionary Fund, which is used to help members and visitors in financial need. Keep your eye out for an email going out next week directing you how to buy advanced tickets online. 
Donations Needed for Maryland School
Even if it weren't the middle of flu season (which it is), the need would be there - trying to help keep students healthy so they can learn.  This month when you're out shopping, please purchase a few of these items, so teachers don't have to spend their own money (those wonderful raises....) to stock up their classrooms.  Pick up a reminder at the Justice Table and bring things in on Sunday mornings in February.  Many thanks!
Ending Private Prisons, A presentation by John Dacey
Sunday, February 25, at 12:45 in the Sanctuary 
The United States and the majority of state governments have created a justice system that promotes incarceration to drive profit, disproportionately impacting the poor and communities of color. Prisoners are calculated as growth commodities on corporate balance sheets and shareholders are fiscally rewarded when private prison populations increase. This practice is inherently flawed and violates the "life and liberty" guarantees in the US Constitution. Incarceration-for-profit is the new slavery.
Opportunity for Enthusiastic and Dedicated Individuals
The UUCP Nominating Committee is currently selecting candidates for open positions for the UUCP Board of Trustees, UU Foundation, and Nominating Committee, for Fall 2018 and beyond. All three groups serve important roles in maintaining our congregation's vitality and advancing its mission of building religious community, growing in spirit, sharing journeys, and advancing justice. Primary qualifications include commitment to UUCP and its mission, creativity and energy, and the ability to communicate well with congregation members. We need people of all walks of life and perspectives.  To obtain more information, including detailed job descriptions for each of these positions, contact Jenny Jones at 480-206-2189 or by email below.
First Annual Community Dance at UUCP
Saturday, March 24, doors open at 6:00 PM and the dancing starts promptly at 6:30 PM
"Promenade" and "sashay" at our First Annual community dance!  Those are just fancy words for walking and moving to music! Learn and enjoy the finer points with your UUCP friends and family! Peg Hesley will teach and inspire us through traditional community dance patterns with the lively music of her fiddler, Jeff Thorn. Suggested optional contribution of $2 per dancer. Bring your water bottle and optionally, a plate of finger food to share for refueling midway through the evening. Toe tapping sideliners welcome. Suggested attire:  Comfortable clothes and closed-toed footwear.