Board Meeting Summary for Monday, February 5, 2018
The Board of Education provides a "Board Meeting Summary" after each Board meeting. The summary includes a brief description of the main topics and action items. These summaries are not meant to replace minutes. The minutes for each meeting are approved and posted after the next regularly scheduled meeting. We hope these summaries provide some basic information and context around the reports, presentations and action items. For the full packet of information including presentations and reports, Click Here.
Meetings are video streamed live online and the videos are archived on the District website, Click Here. Please note the time markers throughout the document below for your convenience.
Roll Call President Stephanie Clark, Vice President Kurt Buchholz, Secretary Jason Loebach, Robert Bruno (by phone), Bruce Currie, Linda D'Ambrosio, Erica Nelson
Superintendent Reports | watch Shared that there are a number of students out last week and this week due to the flu. Dr. Gordon asked parents to keep children home who are showing signs of the flu.
Board Reports | watch
Public Participation | watch
Presentations | watch
Program Reviews Pre-K and Early Childhood Services Superintendent Gordon introduced the pre-k and early childhood program review presentation. Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning Katie McCluskey, Assistant Superintendent for Finance, Facilities and Operations Eric DePorter and Director of Student Services Laurel O'Brien presented information about the program and answered Board member questions.
Discussion Items | watch
2018-2019 Student Fees: Annually, the administration reviews student fees for the coming school year. Assistant Superintendent of Finance, Facilities and Operations Eric DePorter presented the information and answered Board member questions.
Administration will present a report for action at the February 20, 2018 Board meeting.
Consent Agenda
Personnel Report
Employment Recommendations
Finance, Facilities & Operations
School District Payment Order - January 17, 2018 - January 29, 2018
Other Matters
Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
January 22, 2018- Regular Meeting Minutes
January 22, 2018 - Regular Meeting Minutes - Closed
January 29, 2018 - Special Meeting Minutes
(Voted Yes: Clark, Buchholz, Bruno, Currie, D'Ambrosio, Loebach, Nelson)
Superintendent Recommendations
Data Analysis Contract |
Approval of contract with Advantage Analytics for benchmarking and predictive analytics. After a detailed discussion the Board voted to table the motion.
(Voted Yes to table the motion: Clark, Loebach, Bruno, Currie, D'Ambrosio, Nelson Voted No: Buchholz)
Approve Procurement Bid for Referendum and Summer Capital Projects |
(Voted Yes:
Clark, Buchholz, Bruno, Currie, D'Ambrosio, Loebach, Nelson)
Approve Summer 2018 Capital Project Bids |
(Voted Yes: Clark, Buchholz, Bruno, Currie, D'Ambrosio, Loebach, Nelson)
Approve Classroom Projectors Replacement |
(Voted Yes:
Clark, Buchholz, Bruno, Currie, D'Ambrosio, Loebach, Nelson)
Items for Consideration for Future Agenda | watch
Other | watch
Adjourn to Closed Session
Upcoming Meetings
- Tuesday, February 20, 2018, Regular Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Central Services Office - Monday, March 5, 2018, Regular Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Central Services Office |