February 2018

MSU Food Security Group produces quarterly updates. In addition to news from the Group's activity, the Updates list all latest publications and presentations.
Relatively ‘hidden’ from mainstream debate are the middle segments (processing, logistics, wholesale) of agrifood value chains in developing countries—and yet this ‘midstream’ forms 30–40 per cent of the value added and costs in food value chains.

Veronique Theriault  and  Steven Haggblade explained food security policy and agricultural development issues to a group of eighth graders.

David Tschirley was asked by IFAD, a UN-affiliated organization based in Rome, to serve as Lead External Author for its Rural Development Report 2019

Nigerian scholars from ALL states of Nigeria are invited to apply to study at Michigan State University in the 2018–19 academic year. Submission deadline extended to February 28, 2018.

Dr. Koné brings extensive knowledge and experience in agricultural economics research in Mali. He has particular expertise in rural development, decentralized micro-finance system, ex-ante/ex-post impact assessment of policy and technologies effects on farmers’ welfare.

The Food Security Group is revamping its web site. A new navigation structure, news and featured articles, and, as always, our publications and presentations. The work is still in progress, and we look forward to your comments.
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