Happy Summer!
Information on PTO Meeting dates will be posted In August
Any Questions please contact us at
SpiritWear Available
Purchase for your incoming 5th Grader!
Visit our Spiritwear store online anytime.
or you can find the link on our TEMS PTO
6th Grade
Green Initiative
is collecting used Household batteries:
single use as well as rechargeable
A Recycling bin will be located at the front entrance of school
Collection ends June 16th
I'm a Bulldog!
For direct money donations to the
Thank you for supporting our PTO!
Visit the
to learn of what's happening around the Tredyffrin & Easttown Townships
Join Conestoga Sailing
TE/VF Middle School Squash
Sign up to be Teen Helper at Easttown Library this Summer
June 17
Rep. Duane Milne's Kidsfest
Pioneers Basketball Camp
FLITE Staff Tributes Excellent End of Year gift for Teachers
From the PTO President
Thank you, thank you, thank yo
u to all who volunteered with the PTO this y
The back to school sale, picture day, school store, h
ealth screenings, staff breakfasts, school directory, Ice Cream Social, Book fair, Spiritwear, Handel's Spirit Day, Box Tops, Cultural Arts, I'm A Bulldog Campaign, Bulldog Luau, MLK Day Casserole Drive, The Blast, the website, 5/6 Social, dance chaperones, 8th grade recognition, beautification, Welcome Committee, Diversity Committee and PTO meetings-all of these things would not have been possible without you. A special thank you to the members of the PTO board for their leadership and support this year.
Best wishes for a safe and happy summer!
Amy Susanin
PTO President
The 8th Grade Recognition Ceremony
 Committee Needs Your Help!
It's Not Too Late ....
Thank you to all who volunteered to contribute and/or help with breakfast the morning of the recognition ceremony. We are still in need of some volunteers.
Click here to help!
TEMS School Store Information-
Attention parents of 8th graders-If your student has money left on their school store debit account, please use it soon or contact
to transfer it to a sibling, cash out or make a donation to the PTO. AND for returning parents...If you're looking for a way to volunteer at school and interact with the kids- Join the School Store staff! Only a 2 hour commitment, once a month. We're putting the schedule together now for next year. Please contact temsstore@gmail.com for more information. Volunteer clearances are a requirement to work at the store. More info
Don't Forget...
Amazon.com is a great place to shop for your summer reading! If you shop Amazon.com for any purchases, please use this
link found on our
TEMSPTO.org website. Amazon.com will give TEMS PTO a percentage back! It's that EASY!! Summer Reading lists can be found on
TEMS website front page or under "
Library" tab on TEMS website.
Friendly Parents and Multilingual Speakers Needed...
Join us on the Welcoming Committee for the 2017-2018 school year! Our goal is to reach out to families who are new to the district, answer their questions, and ease their transition to the school and community. We connect new families with committee members who have children of similar ages, and we hold New Family Coffees once per month for those who are able to come. In addition, multilingual committee members are available to assist new families in their native language. We are preparing now for the new families who will be arriving this summer and fall. For more info or to join the committee, contact Jen Marsala at
What's Happening in School...
News from the Nurse for Next Year-
Medication in School: End of Year Procedure
Does your child have any medication in the nurse's office?
The District Medication Policy (School Board Policy 5143) prohibits students from carrying prescription or nonprescription medications to and from school.
A parent or guardian must pick up any remaining medication from the nurse's office by the last student day. The policy specifies that any medications which remain after the last day of school must be destroyed.
NOTE: Epinephrine auto injectors, asthma medications and diabetic supplies may be sent home with your child with parent permission as per district medication policy.
The medication policy also requires that a new doctor's order be written each year in order for a child to receive prescription medications in school. A copy of the medication form can be downloaded from the district's web page, found under "
Student Health Services"
Don't forget to stop at the Nurse's Office to pick up any remaining medications by Wednesday June 14.
Look for Summer Assignments on Schoology-
All students can access their Math and Summer assignments under the Groups Menu on Schoology. All Current 5th-7th grade students can find them under the group "Middle School Summer Assignments." 8th Grade Students can find theirs under the "CHS Summer Assignments & Review Materials" Group!
Lost and Found is OVERFLOWING!
If you are missing a sweatshirt, jacket, lunch box or even a textbook, please check the Lost and Found located in the hallway to the Large Gym. Valuables such as phones and jewelry are in the Main Office. Items not claimed by the end of the school year will be donated to local charities.
Yearbooks Available-
If you haven't purchased your yearbook yet, now is the time! Copies are limited and will be available for purchase until supplies run out. The cost is $30.00 Checks MUST be made payable to TEMS for in-school orders. See Mrs. Matilla in Room 204 with any questions.
We are starting to gear up for the 2017 School Supply Drive. This is the big opportunity we have to help all local kids start school on a level playing field. For more details go to our main
School Supply Drive page.
July 6-23: Specific needs will be posted on our website. July 27: Sorting day at CHS
If you know you'll be gone and still want to participate,
we can always use gift cards
to include with the supplies. Gift cards to Walmart or Target are best as they can be used for extra supplies, back-to-school clothes (even new underwear or socks!), some special snacks for the students, or whatever! Gift cards can be mailed to us at:
T&E Care, PO Box 2111, Southeastern, PA 19399
. Just mark "SSD" on the outside of the envelope. $25 or $50 increments preferred.
Important Dates at TEMS...
June 12 Gr. 8 to Hershey Park
June 13
Gr. 7/8 Battle of the Bulldogs, Gr. 5